Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
ResPOnsE COVID-19. Cumulative file: Wave 1 to Wave 6 (English version)
2024 C. Vezzoni, A.M. Chiesi, F. Biolcati, G.M. Dotti Sani, S. Guglielmi, R. Ladini, N. Maggini, M. Maraffi, F. Molteni, M. Moroni, A. Pedrazzani, F. Piacentini, S. Sarti, P. Segatti
ResPOnsE COVID-19. Cumulative file: Wave 1 to Wave 6 (Italian version)
2024 C. Vezzoni, A.M. Chiesi, F. Biolcati, G.M. Dotti Sani, S. Guglielmi, R. Ladini, N. Maggini, M. Maraffi, F. Molteni, M. Moroni, A. Pedrazzani, F. Piacentini, S. Sarti, P. Segatti
Do “environmental losers” pay the price? The role of individual and country vulnerabilities in the relationship between environmental concern and willingness to pay to protect the environment
2024 M. Moroni, G.M. DOTTI SANI
ResPOnsE COVID-19. Cumulative file: Wave 1 to Wave 4 (English version)
2023 C. Vezzoni, A.M. Chiesi, F. BIOLCATI RINALDI, G.M. Dotti-Sani, S. Guglielmi, R. Ladini, N. Maggini, M. Maraffi, F.B. Molteni, A. Pedrazzani, P. Segatti, M. Moroni, F. Piacentini
ResPOnsE COVID-19. Cumulative file: Wave 1 to Wave 4 (Italian version)
2022 C. Vezzoni, A.M. Chiesi, F. BIOLCATI RINALDI, G.M. DOTTI SANI, S. Guglielmi, R. Ladini, N. Maggini, M. Maraffi, F.B. Molteni, A. Pedrazzani, P. Segatti, M. Moroni, F. Piacentini
Boys Do Cry: Age and Gender Differences in Psycho-Physiological Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy
2022 G.M. DOTTI SANI, F.B. Molteni, S. Sarti
Unpacking the link between gender and injunctive norms on corruption using survey data: a multilevel analysis of 30 European countries
2022 G.M. dotti sani, S. Guglielmi
Perceptions of Deservingness: Civil and Social Rights for Same-Sex Families
2022 D. Giulia, S. Cristina, Y. Mara
Where does the Coronavirus come from? On the mechanisms underlying the endorsement of conspiracy theories on the origin of SARS-CoV-2
2022 C. Vezzoni, G.M. Dotti Sani, A.M. Chiesi, R. Ladini, F. BIOLCATI RINALDI, S. Guglielmi, N. Maggini, M. Maraffi, F.B. Molteni, A. Pedrazzani, P. Segatti
Come monitorare la risposta dell’opinione pubblica a eventi imprevisti? Il progetto ResPOnsECOVID-19
2021 F. Biolcati, C. Vezzoni, R. Ladini, A.M. Chiesi, G.M. Dotti Sani, S. Guglielmi, N. Maggini, M. Maraffi, F. Molteni, A. Pedrazzani, P. Segatti
L’emergenza sanitaria da COVID-19 e la divisione del lavoro domestico e di cura
Is Democracy Effective against Coronavirus? An Analysis of Citizens' Opinions in Italy
2021 A. Pedrazzani, M. Maraffi, S. Guglielmi, F. Biolcati Rinaldi, A.M. Chiesi, G.M. Dotti Sani, R. Ladini, F. Molteni, P. Segatti, C. Vezzoni
Mapping Changes in Attitudes towards Gays and Lesbians in Europe: An Application of Diffusion Theory
2021 G.M. Dotti Sani, M. Quaranta
The Intrinsic Value of Childcare: Positive Returns of Childcare Time on Parents’ Well-Being and Life Satisfaction in Italy
2021 G.M. Dotti Sani
Public acceptability of containment measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: how institutional confidence and specific political support matter
2020 S. Guglielmi, G.M. Dotti Sani, F. Molteni, F. Biolcati, A.M. Chiesi, R. Ladini, M. Maraffi, A. Pedrazzani, C. Vezzoni
Within-couple distribution of economic resources : A critical review of extant studies and avenues for future research
2020 N. Kulic, G.M. Dotti Sani
Cittadini «onesti» in uno Stato «corrotto»?
2020 G.M. Dotti Sani
ResPOnsE Covid-19. Risposta dell’Opinione Pubblica all’Emergenza Covid-19 in Italia. Rapporto n. 1
2020 F. BIOLCATI RINALDI, A. Chiesi, G.M. DOTTI SANI, S. Guglielmi, R. Ladini, M. Maraffi, F. Molteni, A. Pedrazzani, P. Segatti, C. Vezzoni
Investigating the social, economic and political consequences of Covid-19: A rolling cross-section approach
2020 C. Vezzoni, R. Ladini, F.B. Molteni, G.M. Dotti Sani, F. BIOLCATI RINALDI, A.M. Chiesi, M. Maraffi, S. Guglielmi, A. Pedrazzani, P. Segatti
Let them be, not adopt: General attitudes towards gays and lesbians and specific attitudes towards adoption by same-sex couples in 22 European countries.
2020 G.M. Dotti Sani, M. Quaranta