Dipartimento di Oncologia ed Emato-Oncologia
Artificial intelligence for differentiating COVID-19 from other viral pneumonias on CT: comparative analysis of different models based on quantitative and radiomic approaches
2023 G. Zorzi, L. Berta, F. Rizzetto, C. De Mattia, M.M.J. Felisi, S. Carrazza, S. Nerini Molteni, C. Vismara, F. Scaglione, A. Vanzulli, A. Torresin, P.E. Colombo
Automatic lung segmentation in COVID-19 patients: Impact on quantitative computed tomography analysis
2021 L. Berta, F. Rizzetto, C. De Mattia, D. Lizio, M. Felisi, P.E. Colombo, S. Carrazza, S. Gelmini, L. Bianchi, D. Artioli, F. Travaglini, A. Vanzulli, A. Torresin
Correlation between lung ultrasound and chest CT patterns with estimation of pulmonary burden in COVID-19 patients
2021 F. Rizzetto, N. Perillo, D. Artioli, F. Travaglini, A. Cuccia, S. Zannoni, V. Tombini, S.L. Di Domenico, V. Albertini, M. Bergamaschi, M. Cazzaniga, C. De Mattia, A. Torresin, A. Vanzulli
Radiomics predicts response of individual HER2-amplified colorectal cancer liver metastases in patients treated with HER2-targeted therapy
2020 V. Giannini, S. Rosati, A. Defeudis, G. Balestra, L. Vassallo, G. Cappello, S. Mazzetti, C. De Mattia, F. Rizzetto, A. Torresin, A. Sartore-Bianchi, S. Siena, A. Vanzulli, F. Leone, V. Zagonel, S. Marsoni, D. Regge
Sensitivity of CE-MRI in detecting local recurrence after radical prostatectomy
2020 A. Coppola, G. Platania, C. Ticca, C. De Mattia, B. Bortolato, M.F. Palazzi, A. Vanzulli
Patient organ and effective dose estimation in CT: comparison of four software applications
2020 C. De Mattia, F. Campanaro, F. Rottoli, P.E. Colombo, A. Pola, A. Vanzulli, A. Torresin
Impact of inter-reader contouring variability on textural radiomics of colorectal liver metastases
2020 F. Rizzetto, F. Calderoni, C. De Mattia, A. Defeudis, V. Giannini, S. Mazzetti, L. Vassallo, S. Ghezzi, A. Sartore-Bianchi, S. Marsoni, S. Siena, D. Regge, A. Torresin, A. Vanzulli
Analysis of a multicentre cloud-based CT dosimetric database: preliminary results
2019 F. Calderoni, F. Campanaro, P.E. Colombo, M. Campoleoni, C. De Mattia, F. Rottoli, G. Galetta, F. Zucconi, A. Pola, A. Righini, F. Triulzi, A. Vanzulli, A. Torresin
Recent Advances in Scintillating Optical Fibre Dosimeters
2018 I. Veronese, M.C. Cantone, S. Gallo, C. DE MATTIA, E. D'Ippolito, N.G. Ludwig, M. Gargano, S. Cialdi, S. Latorre, N. Chiodini, M. Fasoli, F. Moretti, E. Mones, G. Loi, A. Vedda
Ionizing radiation detection by Yb-doped silica optical fibers
2015 C. De Mattia, I. Veronese, M. Fasoli, N. Chiodini, E. Mones, M. Cantone, S. Cialdi, M. Gargano, N. Ludwig, L. Bonizzoni, A. Vedda
Role of optical fiber drawing in radioluminescence hysteresis of Yb-Doped silica
2015 I. Veronese, C. De Mattia, M. Fasoli, N. Chiodini, M.C. Cantone, F. Moretti, C. Dujardin, A. Vedda
Infrared luminescence for real time ionizing radiation detection
2014 I. Veronese, C. De Mattia, M. Fasoli, N. Chiodini, E. Mones, M.C. Cantone, A. Vedda
Le sfide aperte nel campo della dosimetria con fibre ottiche radioluminescenti
2013 I. Veronese, M.C. Cantone, N. Chiodini, C. De Mattia, M. Fasoli, E. Mones, A. Vedda