Emergency department reorganisation to cope with COVID-19 outbreak in Milan university hospital: a time-sensitive challenge
2021 A. Jachetti, G. Colombo, B. Brignolo-Ottolini, J. Franchi, M. Solbiati, M. Pecorino Meli, P. Bosco, G. Costantino
Quality of dying in hospital general wards : a cross-sectional study about the end-of-life care
2021 F. Binda, M. Clari, G. Nicolò, S. Gambazza, B. Sappa, P. Bosco, D. Laquintana
Pattern of visits in a metropolitan emergency department in lombardia (Italy): January 2019–december 2020
2021 S. Gambazza, A. Galazzi, F. Binda, O. Passeri, P. Bosco, G. Costantino, D. Laquintana
Prospective comparison of AMB, GAP AND START scores and triage nurse clinical judgement for predicting admission from an ED : a single-centre prospective study
2021 M. Salvato, M. Solbiati, P. Bosco, G. Casazza, F. Binda, M. Iotti, J. Calegari, D. Laquintana, G. Costantino
Convergent genetic and expression data implicate immunity in Alzheimer's disease
2015 L. Jones, J. Lambert, L. Wang, S. Choi, D. Harold, A. Vedernikov, V. Escott Price, T. Stone, A. Richards, C. Bellenguez, C.A. Ibrahim Verbaas, A.C. Naj, R. Sims, A. Gerrish, G. Jun, A.L. Destefano, J.C. Bis, G.W. Beecham, B. Grenier Boley, G. Russo, T.A. Thornton Wells, N. Jones, A.V. Smith, V. Chouraki, C. Thomas, M..A. Ikram, D. Zelenika, B.N. Vardarajan, Y. Kamatani, C. Lin, H. Schmidt, B.W. Kunkle, M.L. Dunstan, A. Ruiz, M. Bihoreau, C. Reitz, F. Pasquier, P. Hollingworth, O. Hanon, A.L. Fitzpatrick, J.D. Buxbaum, D. Campion, P.K. Crane, T. Becker, V. Gudnason, C. Cruchaga, D. Craig, N. Amin, C. Berr, O.L. Lopez, P.L. De Jager, V. Deramecourt, J.A. Johnston, D. Evans, S. Lovestone, L. Letteneur, J. Kornhuber, L. Tárraga, D.C. Rubinsztein, G. Eiriksdottir, K. Sleegers, A.M. Goate, N. Fiévet, M.J. Huentelman, M. Gill, V. Emilsson, K. Brown, M..I. Kamboh, L. Keller, P. Barberger Gateau, B. Mcguinness, E.B. Larson, A.J. Myers, C. Dufouil, S. Todd, D. Wallon, S. Love, P. Kehoe, E. Rogaeva, J. Gallacher, P. St George Hyslop, J. Clarimon, A. Lleò, A. Bayer, D.W. Tsuang, L. Yu, M. Tsolaki, P. Bossù, G. Spalletta, P. Proitsi, J. Collinge, S. Sorbi, F. Sanchez Garcia, N. Fox, J. Hardy, M.C. Deniz Naranjo, C. Razquin, P. Bosco, R. Clarke, C. Brayne, D. Galimberti, M. Mancuso, S. Moebus, P. Mecocci, M. Del Zompo, W. Maier, H. Hampel, A. Pilotto, M. Bullido, F. Panza, P. Caffarra, B. Nacmias, J.R. Gilbert, M. Mayhaus, F. Jessen, M. Dichgans, L. Lannfelt, H. Hakonarson, S. Pichler, M.M. Carrasquillo, M. Ingelsson, D. Beekly, V. Alavarez, F. Zou, O. Valladares, S.G. Younkin, E. Coto, K.L. Hamilton Nelson, I. Mateo, M.J. Owen, K.M. Faber, P.V. Jonsson, O. Combarros, M.C. O'Donovan, L.B. Cantwell, H. Soininen, D. Blacker, S. Mead, T.H. Mosley, D.A. Bennett, T.B. Harris, L. Fratiglioni, C. Holmes, R.F.A.G. De Bruijn, P. Passmore, T.J. Montine, K. Bettens, J.I. Rotter, A. Brice, K. Morgan, T.M. Foroud, W.A. Kukull, D. Hannequin, J.F. Powell, M.A. Nalls, K. Ritchie, K.L. Lunetta, J.S.K. Kauwe, E. Boerwinkle, M. Riemenschneider, M. Boada, M. Hiltunen, E.R. Martin, P. Pastor, R. Schmidt, D. Rujescu, J. Dartigues, R. Mayeux, C. Tzourio, A. Hofman, M.M. Nöthen, C. Graff, B.M. Psaty, J.L. Haines, M. Lathrop, M.A. Pericak Vance, L.J. Launer, L.A. Farrer, C.M. Van Duijn, C. Van Broeckhoven, A. Ramirez, G.D. Schellenberg, S. Seshadri, P. Amouyel, J. Williams, P.A. Holmans, I. Genomics of Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium