DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA, CHIRURGIA E ODONTOIATRIA (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 26/04/2012)
Early Clinical Outcomes and Advantages of a Novel-Size Adjustable Second-Generation Cryoballoon: A Proof-of-Concept Study
2024 M. Schiavone, G. Fassini, M. Moltrasio, B. Majocchi, F. Tundo, F. Casati, C. Tondo
Pre-procedural imaging with cardiac computed tomography for endo-epicardial ventricular tachycardia ablation
2024 C. Carbucicchio, F. Guarracini, M. Schiavone, A. Gasperetti, E. Conte, A. Preda, S. Cellucci, P. De Iuliis, V. Catto, S. Mushtaq, M.E. Mancini, F. Marchetti, L. Bianchini, F. Tundo, M. Moltrasio, D. Andreini, G. Pontone, C. Tondo
Sex differences in leadless pacemaker implantation: a propensity matched analysis from i-LEAPER registry
2023 G. Mitacchione, M. Schiavone, A. Gasperetti, G. Arabia, F. Tundo, A. Breitenstein, E. Montemerlo, C. Monaco, S. Gulletta, P. Palmisano, D. Hofer, G. Rovaris, A.D. Russo, M. Biffi, E.C.L. Pisano, P. Della Bella, L. Di Biase, G.B. Chierchia, A.M. Saguner, C. Tondo, A. Curnis, G.B. Forleo
Omics Analyses of Stromal Cells from ACM Patients Reveal Alterations in Chromatin Organization and Mitochondrial Homeostasis
2023 M. Lippi, A.S. Maione, M. Chiesa, G.L. Perrucci, L. Iengo, T. Sattin, C. Cencioni, M. Savoia, A.M. Zeiher, F. Tundo, C. Tondo, G. Pompilio, E. Sommariva
Anomalous origin of left circumflex artery from the right sinus of Valsalva: Clinical outcomes in a consecutive series of master athletes
2023 A. Ratti, B. Prestini, E. Conte, D. Marchetti, M. Schillaci, E. Melotti, M. Belmonte, S. Mushtaq, M.A. Dessani, F. Pizzamiglio, F. Tundo, P. Zeppilli, A. Bartorelli, D. Andreini
Cryoballoon atrial fibrillation ablation: Single-center safety and efficacy data using a novel cryoballoon technology compared to a historical balloon platform
2021 A.N. Kochi, M. Moltrasio, F. Tundo, S. Riva, C. Ascione, M.A. Dessanai, F. Pizzamiglio, G. Vettor, S. Cellucci, A. Gasperetti, C. Tondo, G. Fassini
A new leadless pacemaker with atrioventricular synchronous pacing replacing a still working VVI leadless pacemaker : a case report
2021 M. Moltrasio, R. Sicuso, F. Tundo, C. Tondo
Key characteristics for effective acute pulmonary vein isolation when using a novel cryoballoon technology : insights from the CHARISMA registry
2021 S. Iacopino, G. Stabile, G. Fassini, A. De Simone, A. Petretta, M. Moltrasio, V. La Rocca, F. Placentino, S. Riva, F. Pesce, P. Rossi, G. Pelargonio, A. Iuliano, F. Tundo, J. Colella, C. Tondo
Negative Effect of Biventricular Pacing on Right Ventricular Function: A Case Report
2020 R. Maragna, A. Scoccia, F. Tundo, L. Fusini, P. Agostoni, C. Vignati
High-density mapping validation of antral pulmonary vein isolation and posterior wall isolation created with a new cryoballoon ablation system: The first reported case
2020 M. Moltrasio, A.N. Kochi, G. Fassini, S. Riva, F. Tundo, C. Tondo
STRA-MI-VT (STereotactic RadioAblation by Multimodal Imaging for Ventricular Tachycardia) : rationale and design of an Italian experimental prospective study
2020 C. Carbucicchio, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa, D. Andreini, V. Catto, G. Piperno, E. Conte, F. Cattani, E. Rondi, S. Vigorito, C. Piccolo, A. Bonomi, A. Gorini, M. Pepa, S. Mushtaq, G. Fassini, M. Moltrasio, F. Tundo, G. Marvaso, F. Veglia, R. Orecchia, E. Tremoli, C. Tondo
Diagnostic Yield of Electroanatomic Voltage Mapping in Guiding Endomyocardial Biopsies
2020 M. Casella, A. Dello Russo, M. Bergonti, V. Catto, E. Conte, E. Sommariva, A. Gasperetti, G. Vettor, F. Tundo, R. Sicuso, S. Rizzo, S. Mushtaq, D. Della Rocca, G. Pompilio, L. Di Biase, D. Andreini, A. Natale, C. Basso, C. Tondo
Cryoablation of atrial fibrillation with the fourth-generation balloon : the first reported case
2019 M. Moltrasio, F. Tundo, G. Fassini, R. Sicuso, S. Cellucci, C. Tondo
A Left Atrial Appendage Closure Combined Procedure Review: past, present and future perspectives
2019 A. Gasperetti, G. Fassini, F. Tundo, M. Zucchetti, M. Dessanai, C. Tondo
Cryoballoon pulmonary vein ablation and left atrialappendage closure combined procedure: A long-termfollow-up analysis
2019 G. Fassini, A. Gasperetti, G. Italiano, S. Riva, M. Moltrasio, A.D. Russo, M. Casella, A. Maltagliati, F. Tundo, B. Majocchi, L. Arioli, G. Al-Mohani, G. Pontone, M. Pepi, C. Tondo
Ultra-high-definition mapping in biatrial macro-reentrant tachycardia: a case study
2019 F. Tundo, A. Dello Russo, M. Casella, G. Fassini, M. Moltrasio, C. Tondo
Acute outcome after a single cryoballoon ablation: Comparison between Arctic Front Advance and Arctic Front Advance PRO
2019 M. Moltrasio, R. Sicuso, G.M. Fassini, S.I. Riva, F. Tundo, A. Dello Russo, M. Casella, B. Majocchi, M. Zucchetti, S. Cellucci, C. Tondo
Lesion index: a novel guide in the path of successful pulmonary vein isolation
2018 A. Dello Russo, G. Fassini, M. Casella, E. Romanelli, S. Pala, S. Riva, V. Catto, M. Moltrasio, F. Tundo, M. Zucchetti, B. Majocchi, M.A. Dessanai, F. Pizzamiglio, G. Vettor, V. Ribatti, A. Gasperetti, S. Cellucci, G. Negro, R. Sicuso, C. Carbucicchio, C. Tondo
Isolation and characterization of cardiac mesenchymal stromal cells from endomyocardial bioptic samples of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy patients
2018 C.A. Pilato, I. Stadiotti, A.S. Maione, V. Saverio, V. Catto, F. Tundo, A.D. Russo, C. Tondo, G. Pompilio, M. Casella, E. Sommariva
X-ray exposure in cardiac electrophysiology: A retrospective analysis in 8150 patients over 7 years of activity in a modern, large-volume laboratory
2018 M. Casella, A. DELLO RUSSO, E. Russo, V. Catto, F. Pizzamiglio, M. Zucchetti, B. Majocchi, S. Riva, G. Vettor, M.A. Dessanai, G. Fassini, M. Moltrasio, F. Tundo, C. Vignati, S. Conti, A. Bonomi, C. Carbucicchio, L. Di Biase, A. Natale, C. Tondo