DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA, CHIRURGIA E ODONTOIATRIA (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 26/04/2012)
Degenerative amnesia for past public events: an attempt to measure storage and retrieval.
2018 F. Lucchelli, M.C. Saetti, H. Spinnler
Autobiographical memory in amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment
2012 I. Bizzozero, F. Lucchelli, M.C. Saetti, H.R. Spinnler
Mild Cognitive Impairment does entail retrograde amnesia for pubblic events
2009 I. Bizzozero, F. Lucchelli, M.C. Saetti, H. Spinnler
Recollection of public events in healthy people : A latent-variable stochastic approach to disentangling retrieval and storage
2008 I. Bizzozzero, E. Capitani, P. Faglioni, F. Lucchelli, M.C. Saetti, H. Spinnler
Whose face is this? Italian norms of naming celebrities
2007 I. Bizzozero, F. Lucchelli, M.C. Saetti, H. Spinnler
Are hallucinations and extrapyramidal signs associated with a steeper cognitive decline in degenerative dementia patients?
2007 E. Capitani, A. Francescani, H. Spinnler
"What do you know about Ho Chi Minh?" Italian norms of proper names comprehension
2007 I. Bizzozero, F.Lucchelli, S. Pozzoli, M.C. Saetti, H. Spinnler
Person recognition and identification: names and faces compared through time of fame
2006 F. Lucchelli, I. Bizzozero, M.C. Saetti, H. Spinnler
Who is who : Italian norms for visual recognition and identification of celebrities
2005 M.C. Saetti, S. Pozzoli, F. Ferrari, I. Bizzozero, H. Spinnler
Temporal gradients for media-mediated memory : Italian norms
2005 I. Bizzozzero, E. Capitani, F. Lucchelli, M.C. Saetti, H. Spinnler
Cognitive deterioration in Alzheimer's disease: Is early course predictive of later stages?
2004 E. Capitani, R. Cazzaniga, A. Fancescani, H. Spinnler
"What do you remember about Chernobyl?" A new test of memory for media-mediated events
2004 I. Bizzozero, F. Lucchelli, A. Prigione, M.C. Saetti, H. Spinnler
How to calculate an MMSE score from a MODA score (and vice versa) in patients with Alzheimer?s disease
2003 R. Cazzaniga, A. Francescani, C. Saetti, H. Spinnler