Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute
Language disturbances associated to insular and entorhinal damage: study of a patient affected by herpetic encephalitis
2015 E. Baratelli, M. Laiacona, E. Capitani
Perceptual and response-related components of unilateral neglect may evolve independently from one another : evidence from 5 single-case studies
2014 A. Toraldo, M. Laiacona, R. Pagani, A. Mandelli, E. Capitani
On which abilities are category- and letter-fluency grounded? A confirmatory factor analysis of 53 Alzheimer's patients
2013 I. Bizzozero, S. Scotti, F. Clerici, S. Pomati, M. Laiacona, E. Capitani
Phonological similarity between target and semantic errors in picture naming : are aphasic patients a homogeneous group?
2013 E. Capitani, M. Laiacona, C. Rosci, M. Costanzo, R. Capasso, N. Allamano, L. Lorenzi, G. Miceli
The double dissociation between the knowledge of gestures and the actual object use. A study of two patients
2012 E. Baratelli, M.C. Saetti, C.E. Rosci, M. Laiacona, E.G. Capitani
Across-section consistency of performance and stability of error constraints in aphasic naming
2012 E. Capitani, M. Laiacona, R. Capasso, M. Costanzo, C. Rosci, N. Allamano, L. Lorenzi, G. Miceli
The assessment of colour perception, naming and knowledge : a new test device with a case study
2012 R. Pagani, G. Bosco, E. Dalla Valle, E. Capitani, M. Laiacona
A new neuropsychological battery for testing structural description system and visual semantics : norms and a pilot study on right stroke patients
2011 C. Rassiga, S. Magno, F. Furia, M..C. Saetti, M. Laiacona, E. Capitani
Facts and hypotheses relevant for contrasting animal and plant life semantics. A comment to Gainotti (2010)
2011 E.G. Capitani, M. Laiacona
Exploring the semantic category of animals: Some useful indices for a qualitative study of name production and their validation in a patient
2011 M. Laiacona, S. Scotti, N. Allamano, L. Lorenzi, E. Capitani
Associated impairment of the categories of conspecifics and biological entities. Cognitive and neuroanatomical aspects of a new case
2010 E.G. Capitani, F. Chieppa, M. Laiacona
Brain damage and semantic category dissociations: is the animals category easier for males?
2010 S. Scotti, M. Laiacona, E. Capitani
What type of visual information is contained in the Structural Description System? The contrast between categorical and analogical representations among patients with focal hemisphere lesions
2009 M.C. Saetti, F. Chieppa, E. Capitani, M. Laiacona
Mirror asymmetry of category and letter fluency in traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer's patients
2009 E.G. Capitani, C. Rosci, M.C. Saetti, M. Laiacona
Integration of lexical and sublexical processing in the spelling of regular words: a multiple single-case study in Italian patients
2009 M. Laiacona, E. Capitani, G.Z onca, I. Scola, P. Saletta, C. Luzzatti
Posterior cerebral artery infarcts and semantic categgory dissociations
2009 E.G. Capitani, M. Laiacona, R. Pagani, R. Capasso, P. Zampetti, G. Miceli
Recollection of public events in healthy people : A latent-variable stochastic approach to disentangling retrieval and storage
2008 I. Bizzozzero, E. Capitani, P. Faglioni, F. Lucchelli, M.C. Saetti, H. Spinnler
Mirror asymmetry of category and letter fluency in TBI and Alzheimer's patients
2008 E. Capitani, C. Rosci, M.C. Saetti, M. Laiacona
Colour knowledge and semantic dissociations: a new battery and a case study
2008 R. Pagani, G. Bosco, E. Dalla Valle, M. Laiacona, E. Capitani
Different variables predict anomia in different subjects : a longitudinal study of two Alzheimer's patients
2008 F. Cuetos, C. Rosci, M. Laiacona, E.G. Capitani