Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
Tailored graphene nanoparticles for biomedical application: preliminary in vitro characterization of the functionality in model cell lines
2024 C. Moscheni, P. Sartori, K. Hu, S. Zecchini, L. Brambilla, A. Arcari, A. Napoli, E. Mocciaro, M. Uboldi, L. Zema, C. Perrotta, C. Castiglioni
Oral administration of plumbagin is beneficial in in vivo models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy through control of redox signaling
2024 D. Cervia, S. Zecchini, L. Pincigher, P. Roux-Biejat, C. Zalambani, E. Catalani, A. Arcari, S. Del Quondam, K. Brunetti, R. Ottria, S. Casati, C. Vanetti, M.C. Barbalace, C. Prata, M. Malaguti, S.R. Casati, L. Lociuro, M. Giovarelli, E. Mocciaro, S. Falcone, C. Fenizia, C. Moscheni, S. Hrelia, C. De Palma, E. Clementi, C. Perrotta
Long non-coding RNAs and their role in muscle regeneration
2024 B. Biferali, E. Mocciaro, V. Runfola, D. Gabellini
Report and Abstracts of the 20th Meeting of IIM, the Interuniversity Institute of Myology: Assisi, October 12-15, 2023
2024 F. Riuzzi, E. Mocciaro
WDR5 is required for DUX4 expression and its pathological effects in FSHD muscular dystrophy
2023 E. Mocciaro, R. Giambruno, S. Micheloni, F.M. Cernilogar, A. Andolfo, C. Consonni, M. Pannese, G. Ferri, V. Runfola, G. Schotta, D. Gabellini
DUX4 role in normal physiology and in FSHD muscular dystrophy
2021 E. Mocciaro, V. Runfola, P. Ghezzi, M. Pannese, D. Gabellini
Curcumin affects HSP60 folding activity and levels in neuroblastoma cells
2020 C.C. Bavisotto, A.M. Gammazza, F.L. Cascio, E. Mocciaro, A.M. Vitale, G. Vergilio, A. Pace, F. Cappello, C. Campanella, A.P. Piccionello
Non-Invasive Transcranial Nano-Pulsed Laser Therapy Ameliorates Cognitive Function and Prevents Aberrant Migration of Neural Progenitor Cells in the Hippocampus of Rats Subjected to Traumatic Brain Injury
2020 E. Mocciaro, A. Grant, R.O. Esenaliev, I.Y. Petrov, Y. Petrov, S.L. Sell, N.L. Hausser, J. Guptarak, E. Bishop, M.A. Parsley, I.J. Bolding, K.M. Johnson, M. Lidstone, D.S. Prough, M.-. Micci
Nano-Pulsed Laser Therapy Is Neuroprotective in a Rat Model of Blast-Induced Neurotrauma
2018 R.O. Esenaliev, I.Y. Petrov, Y. Petrov, J. Guptarak, D.R. Boone, E. Mocciaro, H. Weisz, M.A. Parsley, S.L. Sell, H. Hellmich, J.M. Ford, C. Pogue, D. Dewitt, D.S. Prough, M.-. Micci
The dissociation of the Hsp60/pro-Caspase-3 complex by bis(pyridyl)oxadiazole copper complex (CubipyOXA) leads to cell death in NCI-H292 cancer cells
2017 C. Caruso Bavisotto, D. Nikolic, A. Marino Gammazza, R. Barone, F. Lo Cascio, E. Mocciaro, G. Zummo, E. Conway de Macario, A.J. Macario, F. Cappello, V. Giacalone, A. Pace, G. Barone, A. Palumbo Piccionello, C. Campanella
The histone deacetylase inhibitor SAHA induces HSP60 nitration and its extracellular release by exosomal vesicles in human lung-derived carcinoma cells
2016 C. Campanella, A. D'Anneo, A.M. Gammazza, C.C. Bavisotto, R. Barone, S. Emanuele, F. Lo Cascio, E. Mocciaro, S. Fais, E.C. De Macario, A.J.L. Macario, F. Cappello, M. Lauricella
Quantitative patterns of Hsps in tubular adenoma compared with normal and tumor tissues reveal the value of Hsp10 and Hsp60 in early diagnosis of large bowel cancer
2016 F. Rappa, A. Pitruzzella, A. Marino Gammazza, R. Barone, E. Mocciaro, G. Tomasello, F. Carini, F. Farina, G. Zummo, E. Conway de Macario, A.J. Macario, F. Cappello
Post-translational modifications of Hsp60 and its extracellular release via exosomes are induced by the histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) SAHA in the mucoepidermoid tumor H292 cells
2015 C. Campanella D'Anneo, A. Marino Gammazza, C. Caruso Bavisotto, R. Barone, S. Emanuele, F. Lo Cascio, E. Mocciaro, F. Bucchieri, F. Farina, G. Zummo, S. Fais, E. Conway De Macario, A.J.L. Macario, F. Cappello, M. Lauricella
2015 C. Campanella, A. Marino Gammazza, R. Barone, F. Macaluso, F. Rappa, D. Nikolic, F. Lo Cascio, E. Mocciaro, C. Caruso Bavisotto