Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Hypofractionated whole-breast radiotherapy in large breast size patients : is it really a resolved issue?
2021 R.R. Colciago, A. Cavallo, M.C. Magri, A. Vitullo, E. La Rocca, C. Giandini, F. Bonfantini, S. Di Cosimo, P. Baili, M. Sant, E. Pignoli, R. Valdagni, L. Lozza, M.C. De Santis
Older age and comorbidity in breast cancer : is RT alone the new therapeutic frontier?
2020 E. La Rocca, E. Meneghini, L. Lozza, A. Fiorentino, A. Vitullo, C. Giandini, F. Bonfantini, S. Di Cosimo, M. Gennaro, M. Sant, E. Pignoli, R. Valdagni, M. De Santis
Interobserver variability (between radiation oncologist and radiation therapist) in tumor bed contouring after breast-conserving surgery
2019 E. La Rocca, V. Lici, T. Giandini, F. Bonfantini, S. Frasca, M. Dispinzieri, M. Gennaro, S. Di Cosimo, L. Lozza, E. Pignoli, R. Valdagni, M.C. De Santis
Application of failure mode and effects analysis to optimization of linac quality controls protocol
2019 F. Bonfantini, T. Giandini, S. Meroni, A. Cavallo, C. Stucchi, M. Carrara, V. Mongioj, I. Veronese, E. Pignoli
Hypofractionated Whole-Breast Irradiation With or Without Boost in Elderly Patients : Clinical Evaluation of an Italian Experience
2018 M.C. De Santis, F. Bonfantini, F. Di Salvo, A. Fiorentino, M. Dispinzieri, M. Caputo, S. Di Cosimo, G. Mariani, M. Gennaro, V. Cosentino, M. Sant, E. Pignoli, R. Valdagni, L. Lozza
Discontinuation of hormone therapy for elderly breast cancer patients after hypofractionated whole-breast radiotherapy
2018 M. Dispinzieri, E. La Rocca, E. Meneghini, A. Fiorentino, L. Lozza, S. Di Cosimo, M. Gennaro, V. Cosentino, M. Sant, E. Pignoli, R. Valdagni, F. Bonfantini, M.C. De Santis
Trastuzumab and Hypofractionated Whole Breast Radiotherapy: A Victorious Combination?
2018 M.C. De Santis, F. Bonfantini, F. Di Salvo, A. Fiorentino, V.M. Riboldi, S. Di Cosimo, G.V. Bianchi, M. Gennaro, V. Cosentino, M. Sant, E. Pignoli, R. Valdagni, L. Lozza