Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Developing approaches to control SARS-CoV-2 in a public hospital
2020 E. Crespi, S. Velocci, F. Masci, S. Mandic-Rajcevic, I. Bollina, S. Franchetti, A. Longo, C. Colosio
Carpal tunnel syndrome among milking parlor workers in Northern Italy : a comparison of screening approaches
2019 F. Masci, E. Crespi, E. Pernigotti, M. Tassoni, J. Rosecrance, C. Colosio
Aging and work in Italy : Under the project Epsilon - European Partnership for preventions and Social Innovation through training and science, founded under the operational program Human Resources Development
2018 I. Bollina, C.B.L. Marsili, E. Crespi, C. Colosio
Current classification of Occupational diseases
2018 E. Crespi, I. Bollina, C.B.L. Marsili, C. Colosio
Emerging Zoonoses : the One Health Approach
2012 G. Rabozzi, L. Bonizzi, E. Crespi, C. Somaruga, M. Sokooti, R. Tabibi, F. Vellere, G. Brambilla, C. Colosio
Toenail onychomycosis due to Trichophyton violaceum complex (An unusual, emerging localization of this anthropophilic dermatophile)
2012 E.T.M. Mapelli, L. Colombo, E. Crespi, S. Menni
La dieta come elemento cardine della promozione della salute nei luoghi di lavoro nella ricerca scientifica e nella pratica : primi risultati del progetto EU FAHRE
2011 G. Rabozzi, C. Colosio, E. Crespi, C. Somaruga, M. Sokooti, R. Tabibi, F. Vellere, G. Brambilla