Dipartimento di Chimica
A Malaria Transmission-Blocking (+)-Usnic Acid Derivative Prevents Plasmodium Zygote-to-Ookinete Maturation in the Mosquito Midgut
2016 R. Pastrana Mena, D.K. Mathias, M. Delves, K. Rajaram, J.G. King, R. Yee, B. Trucchi, L. Verotta, R.R. Dinglasan
Dibenzofuran derivatives with antibacterial and wound-healing activity
2013 L. Verotta, M. Bruno, B. Trucchi, E. Ranzato, S. Martinotti, S. Bonetta, S. Bonetta, E. Carraro, B. Burlando, E.K. Akkol, I. Süntar, H. Keleş
Synthesis of a potent antimalarial agent through natural products conjugation
2013 M. Bruno, B. Trucchi, D. Monti, S. Romeo, M. Kaiser, L. Verotta
Derivati dibenzofuranici ad attivita' antibatterica e cicatrizzante
2013 S. Bonetta, S. Bonetta, M. Bruno, B. Burlando, E. Carraro, H. Keles, E. Kupeli Akkol, S. Martinotti, E. Ranzato, I. Suntar, B. Trucchi, L. Verotta
(+)-Usnic acid enamines with remarkable cicatrizing properties
2013 M. Bruno, B. Trucchi, B. Burlando, E. Ranzato, S. Martinotti, E.K. Akkol, I. Süntar, H. Keleş, L. Verotta
Revisitation of (+)-usnic acid reactivity, an interesting natural β-triketone
2012 B. Trucchi, L. Mesiano, L. Verotta
Characterization of the activity of (+)-usnic acid and its new derivatives against M. tuberculosis and selected non-tuberculous mycobacterium strains
2012 I. Festoso, E. Borroni, L. Verotta, B. Trucchi, E. Tortoli, D.M. Cirillo
New potent antimalarial agents through natural products assembly
2012 B. Trucchi, L. Verotta, D. Monti, M. Kaiser
Addition of TMSCN to chiral ketimines derived from isatin : Synthesis of an oxindole-based peptidomimetic and a bioactive spirohydantoin
2011 A. Sacchetti, A. Silvani, F. Gatti, G. Lesma, T. Pilati, B. Trucchi
(+)-Usnic acid is a suitable scaffold to anti-infective leads
2011 M. Bruno, B. Trucchi, L. Verotta