Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Increased frequency and vasculogenic potential of endothelial colony-forming cells in patients with Kaposi's sarcoma
2017 F. Calcaterra, L. Brambilla, E. Colombo, A. Tourlaki, S. Veraldi, C. Carenza, D. Mavilio, S. Della Bella
Reduction of maternal circulating endothelial progenitor cells in human pregnancies with intrauterine growth restriction
2014 F. Calcaterra, A. Taddeo, E. Colombo, M. Cappelletti, A. Martinelli, S. Calabrese, D. Mavilio, I. Cetin, S. Della Bella
Comparison of fibronectin and collagen in supporting the isolation and expansion of endothelial progenitor cells from human adult peripheral blood
2013 E. Colombo, F. Calcaterra, M. Cappelletti, D. Mavilio, S. Della Bella
Lack of activation of peripheral blood dendritic cells in human pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth restriction
2013 M. Cappelletti, S. Giannelli, A. Martinelli, I. Cetin, E. Colombo, F. Calcaterra, D. Mavilio, S. Della Bella
Influence of fibronectin and collagen as substrates for the isolation and expansion of endothelial progenitor cells from human peripheral blood
2012 F. Calcaterra, E. Colombo, M. Borsani, M. Cappelletti, D. Mavilio, S. Della Bella
2012 E. Colombo
Fast reduction of peripheral blood endothelial progenitor cells in healthy humans exposed to acute systemic hypoxia
2012 E. Colombo, C. Marconi, A. Taddeo, M. Cappelletti, M.L. Villa, M. Marzorati, S. Porcelli, A. Vezzoli, S.A.M. Della Bella
Immunogenicity and safety of seasonal influenza vaccination in patients with classic Kaposi’s sarcoma
2012 M. Cappelletti, A. Taddeo, E. Colombo, L. Brambilla, M. Bellinvia, F. Pregliasco, M.L. Villa, S. Della Bella
Increased ex vivo expansion of late-endothelial progenitor cells in patients with Kaposi’s sarcoma
2011 E. Colombo, F. Calcaterra, L. Brambilla, M. Cappelletti, M. Bellinvia, S. Della Bella
Antibody responses and protective efficacy of influenza vaccination in patients with chronic HHV-8 infection and classic Kaposi’s sarcoma
2011 M. Cappelletti, A. Taddeo, E. Colombo, M. Bellinvia, F. Pregliasco, G. Anselmi, L. Brambilla, M.L. Villa, S. Della Bella
Characterization of peripheral blood myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells in pregnancy complicated by intrauterine growth restriction
2010 M. Cappelletti, S. Giannelli, A. Martinelli, F. Parisi, E. Colombo, I. Cetin, S.A.M. Della Bella
Human Late-Endothelial Progenitor Cells As Putative Precursors Of Kaposi Sarcoma Spindle Cells: They Support Persistent In Vitro Infection With Human Herpesvirus-8 And Acquire Virus-Induced Morphologic And Functional Features Similar To Spindle Cells
2010 E. Colombo, S. Zanini, E. Bergamo, A. Taddeo, L. Brambilla, G. Chiapolino, M. Bellinvia, A. Tourlaki, M.L. Calabrò, S.A.M. Della Bella
Exposure of healthy resting young men to normoxic hypoxia induces rapid reversible reduction of circulating endothelial progenitor cells
2010 A. Taddeo, E. Colombo, S. Porcelli, M. Marzorati, M. Cappelletti, M.L. Villa, C. Marconi, S. Della Bella
Human herpesvirus-8 in vitro infection of endothelial progenitor cells: effects on cell proliferation, immunophenotype and functions
2010 E. Colombo, S. Zanini, L. Brambilla, M. Bellinvia, A. Taddeo, A. Tourlaki, M. Cappelletti, S.A.M. Della Bella
Variable levels of CD91 expression identifies two subsets of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells
2010 M. Cappelletti, S. Giannelli, P.A. Presicce, E. Colombo, M.L. Villa, S.A.M. Della Bella
Human herpesvirus-8 infection leads to expansion of the preimmune/natural effector B cell compartment
2010 S. Della Bella, A. Taddeo, E. Colombo, L. Brambilla, M. Bellinvia, F. Pregliasco, M. Cappelletti, L. Calabrò, M.L. Villa
Ciclosporina e Sirolimus : effetti del trattamento in vitro su progenitori endoteliali di pazienti con Sarcoma di Kaposi classico
2009 E. Colombo, S. Della Bella, M.L. Villa, L. Brambilla, F. Gaiani, E. Bergamo, L. Calabrò, A. Taddeo
Cellule dendritiche nell'invecchiamento umano
2009 S. Della Bella, S. Giannelli, A. Taddeo, M. Cappelletti, E. Colombo, M.L. Villa
Expansion of transitional B cells in patients with chronic Human Herpesvirus-8 infection and Kaposi’s sarcoma
2009 A. Taddeo, P. Romeo, M. Bellinvia, E. Colombo, B. Scoppio, A. Tourlaki, L. Brambilla, M.L. Villa, S. Della Bella
Six-color flow analisys of circulating dendritic cells
2009 S. Della Bella, S. Giannelli, M. Cappelletti, A. Taddeo, E. Colombo, M.L. Villa