Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Respiratory Mechanics, Lung Recruitability, and Gas Exchange in Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
2019 S. Coppola, S. Froio, A. Marino, M. Brioni, B.M. Cesana, M. Cressoni, L. Gattinoni, D. Chiumello
ARDS onset time and prognosis : Is it a turtle and rabbit race?
2017 D. Chiumello, A. Marino
Tidal volume in acute respiratory distress syndrome : how best to select it
2017 M. Umbrello, A. Marino, D. Chiumello
Effects of position and open chest on lung and chest wall resistance during thoracic surgery
2017 M. Umbrello, P. Formenti, G. Mistraletti, F. Vetrone, A. Marino, G. Vergani, A. Baisi, D. Chiumello
Lung Recruitment Assessed by Respiratory Mechanics and by CT Scan: What is the Relationship?
2015 D. Chiumello, A. Marino, M. Brioni, I. Cigada, F. Menga, A. Colombo, F. Crimella, I. Algieri, M. Cressoni, E. Carlesso, L. Gattinoni
Bedside selection of positive end-expiratory pressure in mild, moderate, and severe acute respiratory distress syndrome
2014 D. Chiumello, M. Cressoni, E. Carlesso, M.L. Caspani, A. Marino, E. Gallazzi, P. Caironi, M. Lazzerini, O. Moerer, M. Quintel, L. Gattinoni
Lung inhomogeneity in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
2014 M. Cressoni, P. Cadringher, C. Chiurazzi, M. Amini, E. Gallazzi, A. Marino, M. Brioni, E. Carlesso, D. Chiumello, M. Quintel, G. Bugedo, L. Gattinoni
Pleural effusion in patients with acute lung injury : a CT scan study
2013 D. Chiumello, A. Marino, M.T. Cressoni Mainoni, C.M. Mietto, V. Berto, E. Gallazzi, C. Chiurazzi, M. Lazzerini, P. Cadringher, M. Quintel, L. Gattinoni
Visual anatomical lung CT scan assessment of lung recruitability
2013 D. Chiumello, A. Marino, M. Brioni, F. Menga, I. Cigada, M. Lazzerini, M.C. Andrisani, P. Biondetti, B. Cesana, L. Gattinoni
Limits of normality of quantitative thoracic computed tomography analysis
2013 M.T. Cressoni Mainoni, E. Gallazzi, C. Chiurazzi, A. Marino, M. Brioni, F. Menga, I. Cigada, M. Amini, A. Lemos, M. Lazzerini, E. Carlesso, P. Cadringher, D. Chiumello, L. Gattinoni
Transferrin Receptor 1 protein expression and localization in human IntraUterine Growth Restriction placentas
2010 C. Mandò, S. Tabano, P. Colapietro, A. Marino, P. Pileri, F. Parisi, L. Avagliano, G. Bulfamante, M. Miozzo, I. Cetin