Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
The occlusion tests and end-expiratory esophageal pressure : measurements and comparison in controlled and assisted ventilation
2016 D. Chiumello, D. Consonni, S. Coppola, S. Froio, F. Crimella, A. Colombo
Respiratory mechanics and lung stress/strain in children with acute respiratory distress syndrome
2016 D. Chiumello, G. Chidini, E. Calderini, A. Colombo, F. Crimella, M. Brioni
Lung inhomogeneities, inflation and [18F]2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake rate in acute respiratory distress syndrome
2016 M. Cressoni, D. Chiumello, C. Chiurazzi, M. Brioni, I. Algieri, M. Gotti, K. Nikolla, D. Massari, A. Cammaroto, A. Colombo, P. Cadringher, E. Carlesso, R. Benti, R. Casati, F. Zito, L. Gattinoni
Lung Recruitment Assessed by Respiratory Mechanics and by CT Scan: What is the Relationship?
2015 D. Chiumello, A. Marino, M. Brioni, I. Cigada, F. Menga, A. Colombo, F. Crimella, I. Algieri, M. Cressoni, E. Carlesso, L. Gattinoni
Extracorporeal life support as bridge to lung transplantation : a systematic review
2015 D. Chiumello, S. Coppola, S. Froio, A. Colombo, L. Del Sorbo
Cycling-off criteria during pressure support ventilation : what do we have to monitor?
2014 D. Chiumello, A. Colombo, I. Algieri
Conformational Analysis and Dynamics of Mannobiosides and Mannotriosides Using Monte Carlo / Stochastic Dynamics Simulations
2004 A. Bernardi, A. Colombo, I. Sánchez-Medina