Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Abscess of the clivus in an adolescent with complicated acute rhinosinusitis: A case report
2020 L. Solimeno, S. Torretta, P. Marchisio, E. Iofrida, S. Bosis, C. Tagliabue, G.M. Di Pietro, L. Pignataro, C. Guastella
Multidisciplinary management of congenital giant head and neck masses: Our experience and review of the literature
2019 M. Gaffuri, S. Torretta, E. Iofrida, G. Cantarella, I.M. Borzani, F. Ciralli, E. Calderini, E. Leva, E. Iurlaro, F. Mosca, L. Pignataro
Early Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Patients With Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss in an Emergency Setting
2019 G. Conte, F. Di Bernardino, D. Zanetti, E.F. Iofrida, E. Scola, S. Sbaraini, E. Filipponi, C. Cinnante, L.M. Gaini, U. Ambrosetti, F. Triulzi, L. Pignataro, P. Capaccio
The 'full-blown' MRI of sudden hearing loss: 3D FLAIR in a patient with bilateral metastases in the internal auditory canals
2018 G. Conte, F. Di Berardino, D. Zanetti, S. Avignone, C. Sina, E. Iofrida, F. Triulzi
Structural Fat Grafting to Improve Outcomes of Vocal Folds' Fat Augmentation: Long-term Results.
2018 G. Cantarella, R. Mazzola, M. Gaffuri, E. Iofrida, P. Biondetti, L. Forzenigo, L. Pignataro, S. Torretta
Chondroid Differentiation in Thyroid Nodular Hyperplasia: An Innocent Bystander?
2018 A. Pittaro, A. Del Gobbo, E. Iofrida, N. Fusco
Impact of adenotonsillectomy on pediatric quality of life: review of the literature
2017 S. Torretta, C. Rosazza, M.E. Pace, E. Iofrida, P. Marchisio
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in children with recurrent tonsillitis living in Milan
2015 S. Torretta, P. Marchisio, E. Iofrida, P. Capaccio, L. Pignataro
Ambulatory phonation monitoring in a sample of 92 call center operators
2014 G. Cantarella, E. Iofrida, P. Boria, S. Giordano, O. Binatti, L. Pignataro, C. Manfredi, S. Forti, P. Dejonckere
Head-to-head comparison of single-breath and tidal-breath exhaled nitric oxide measurements
2013 S. Torretta, A. Bossi, A. Brevi, W. Garavello, E. Iofrida, R. Lorusso, L. Pignataro