Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità
Integrating clinical, morphological, and molecular data to assess prognosis in patients with primary myelofibrosis at diagnosis : a practical approach
2019 A. Iurlo, E.M. Elli, F. Palandri, D. Cattaneo, A. Bossi, I. Cortinovis, C. Bucelli, N. Orofino, F. Brioschi, G. Auteri, P. Bianchi, S. Fabris, G. Isimbaldi, E. Sabattini, L. Baldini, U. Gianelli
Combined interventional sialendoscopy and intraductal steroid therapy for recurrent sialadenitis in Sjögren's syndrome : results of a pilot monocentric trial
2018 P. Capaccio, P. Canzi, S. Torretta, V. Rossi, M. Benazzo, A. Bossi, C. Vitali, L. Cavagna, L. Pignataro
Estimating the real incidence of invasive listeriosis through an integrated surveillance model in use in Lombardy (Italy, 2006-2014)
2017 A. Zolin, E. Amato, M. D'Auria, M. Gori, P. Huedo, A. Bossi, M. Pontello
Effect of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis on FEV1 in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis : a European Cystic Fibrosis Society Patient Registry analysis
2017 A.G. Kaditis, M. Miligkos, A. Bossi, C. Colombo, E. Hatziagorou, N. Kashirskaya, I. de Monestrol, M. Thomas, M. Mei Zahav, G. Chrousos, A. Zolin
Salmonella enterica Serotype Napoli is the first cause of invasive nontyphoidal salmonellosis in Lombardy, Italy (2010-2014), and belongs to typhi subclade
2017 P. Huedo, M. Gori, A. Zolin, E. Amato, G. Ciceri, A. Bossi, M. Pontello
Prognostic significance of a comprehensive histologic evaluation of reticulin fibrosis, collagen deposition and osteosclerosis in primary myelofibrosis patients.
2017 U. Gianelli, S. Fiori, D. Cattaneo, A. Bossi, I. Cortinovis, A. Bonometti, G. Ercoli, C. Bucelli, N. Orofino, G.P. Bulfamante, A. Iurlo
Effect of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis on FEV1 in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis : an ECFS patient registry analysis
2016 A. Kaditis, M. Miligkos, A. Bossi, C. Colombo, E. Hatziagorou, N. Kashirskaya, I. de Monestrol, M. Thomas, M. Mei Zahav, G. Chrousos, A. Zolin
Introducing the harmonic mean solving a tourist’s problem
2015 A. Bossi, A. Zolin
Big data for a rare disease: complexity and usefulness
2015 A. Zolin, L. Viviani, A. Bossi, A. Mehta, H. Olesen
Risk factors for reduced pulmonary function in European cystic fibrosis patients
2015 A. Zolin, A. Bossi, K. De Boeck
Discrepancies between bone marrow histopathology and clinical phenotype in BCR-ABL1-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms associated with splanchnic vein thrombosis
2015 U. Gianelli, A. Iurlo, D. Cattaneo, A. Bossi, I. Cortinovis, C. Augello, A. Moro, F. Savi, R. Castelli, C. Brambilla, P. Bianchi, M. Primignani, A. Cortelezzi, S. Bosari
Description of lung function of the european cystic fibrosis patients
2014 A. Zolin, A. Bossi
Restoration of CFTR function in patients with cystic fibrosis carrying the F508del-CFTR mutation
2014 D.D. Stefano, V.R. Villella, S. Esposito, A. Tosco, A. Sepe, F..D. Gregorio, L. Salvadori, R. Grassia, C.A. Leone, G.D. Rosa, M.C. Maiuri, M. Pettoello-Mantovani, S. Guido, A. Bossi, A. Zolin, A. Venerando, L.A. Pinna, A. Mehta, G. Bona, G.G. Kroemer, L. Maiuri, V. Raia
Reproducibility of the WHO histological criteria for the diagnosis of Philadelphia chromosome-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms
2014 U. Gianelli, A. Bossi, I. Cortinovis, E. Sabattini, C. Tripodo, E. Boveri, A. Moro, R. Valli, M. Ponzoni, A.M. Florena, G.F. Orcioni, S. Ascani, E. Bonoldi, A. Iurlo, L. Gugliotta, V. Franco
Head-to-head comparison of single-breath and tidal-breath exhaled nitric oxide measurements
2013 S. Torretta, A. Bossi, A. Brevi, W. Garavello, E. Iofrida, R. Lorusso, L. Pignataro
The European consensus on grading of bone marrow fibrosis allows a better prognostication of patients with primary myelofibrosis
2012 U. Gianelli, C. Vener, A. Bossi, I. Cortinovis, A. Iurlo, N.S. Fracchiolla, F. Savi, A. Moro, F. Grifoni, C. De Philippis, T. Radice, S. Bosari, G. Lambertenghi, A. Cortelezzi
The European cystic fibrosis society patient registry: a useful tool to improve patient care in CF centres
2012 A. Zolin, L. Viviani, A. Bossi
Absence of a gender gap in survival : An analysis of the Italian registry for cystic fibrosis in the paediatric age
2011 L. Viviani, A. Bossi, B.M. Assael
Transoral removal of hiloparenchymal submandibular calculi : a long-term clinical experience
2011 P. Capaccio, I.A. Clemente, M. McGurk, A. Bossi, L. Pignataro
Evaluation of a home telemonitoring service for adult patients with cystic fibrosis : a pilot study
2010 G. Grzincich, R. Gagliardini, A. Bossi, S. Bella, G. Cimino, N. Cirilli, L. Viviani, E. Iacinti, S. Quattrucci