Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Percutaneous cutting balloon angioplasty for the treatment of renovascular hypertension in children and adolescents
2022 P. Salice, L. Mircoli, G. Butera, L. Burdick, I. Borzani, A. Mastrangelo, G. Ardissino, C. Beretta, M. Ferraresso, L. Ughi, G. Montini, S. Carugo, A. Morganti
A successful treatment of a lobar atelectasis in a patient with cystic fibrosis
2022 V. Daccò, C.S. Sciarrabba, F. Corti, C. Rosazza, A. Malfitano, I. Borzani, C. Colombo
Family history is key to the interpretation of exome sequencing in the prenatal context: unexpected diagnosis of Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome
2022 B. Rinaldi, C. Cesaretti, S. Boito, R. Villa, S. Guerneri, I. Borzani, T. Rizzuti, D. Marchetti, G. Conte, C. Cinnante, F. Triulzi, N. Persico, M. Iascone, F. Natacci
Panton-valentine leukocidin Staphylococcus aureus severe infection in an infant: a case report and a review of the literature
2021 M.L. Castellazzi, S. Bosis, I. Borzani, C. Tagliabue, R. Pinzani, P. Marchisio, G.M. di Pietro
NeoAPACHE II. Relationship Between Radiographic Pulmonary Area and Pulmonary Hypertension, Mortality, and Hernia Recurrence in Newborns With CDH
2021 I. Amodeo, N. Pesenti, G. Raffaeli, F. Macchini, V. Condò, I. Borzani, N. Persico, I. Fabietti, G. Bischetti, A.M. Colli, S. Ghirardello, S. Gangi, M. Colnaghi, F. Mosca, G. Cavallaro
Fetal MRI mediastinal shift angle and respiratory and cardiovascular pharmacological support in newborns with congenital diaphragmatic hernia
2021 I. Amodeo, I. Borzani, G. Corsani, N. Pesenti, G. Raffaeli, F. Macchini, V. Condò, N. Persico, S. Ghirardello, M. Colnaghi, F. Mosca, G. Cavallaro
Thoracoscopic Resection of Congenital Lung Malformation : Looking for the Right Preoperative Assessment
2020 F. Macchini, I. Borzani, S. Cavalli, A. Morandi, I.D. D'Angelo, A. Zanini, C. Ferrari, M. Ichino, E. Leva
Longitudinal assessment of patients with cystic fibrosis lung disease with multivolume noncontrast MRI and spirometry
2020 F. Pennati, I. Borzani, L. Moroni, M.C. Russo, N. Faelli, A. Aliverti, C. Colombo
Multidisciplinary management of congenital giant head and neck masses: Our experience and review of the literature
2019 M. Gaffuri, S. Torretta, E. Iofrida, G. Cantarella, I.M. Borzani, F. Ciralli, E. Calderini, E. Leva, E. Iurlaro, F. Mosca, L. Pignataro
Tracheal Diameter and Respiratory Outcome in Infants with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Treated by Fetal Endoscopic Tracheal Occlusion
2019 A. Morandi, F. Macchini, M. Ophorst, I. Borzani, F. Ciralli, A. Farolfi, G.A. Porro, S. Franzini, I. Fabietti, N. Persico, F. Mosca, E. Leva
Quantitative multivolume proton-MRI in patients with cystic fibrosis lung disease: comparison with clinical indicators
2019 F. Pennati, C. Salito, I. Borzani, G. Cervellin, S. Gambazza, R. Guarise, M.C. Russo, C. Colombo, A. Aliverti
Percutaneous approach to complex renal artery stenoses in pediatric renovascular hypertension
2018 P. Salice, L. Mircoli, L. Burdick, I. Borzani, F. Colombo, A. Mastrangelo, G. Ardissino, C. Beretta, L. Ughi, L. Bacà, C. Montani, M. Ferraresso, G. Montana, F. Lombardi
Prenatal upper-limb mesomelia and 2q31.1 microdeletions affecting the regulatory genome
2018 A. Peron, S. Boito, T. Rizzuti, I. Borzani, M. Baccarin, M.F. Bedeschi, F. Lalatta
Prenatal and accurate perinatal diagnosis of type 2 H or ductular duplicate gallbladder
2018 U. Maggi, G. Farris, A. Carnevali, I. Borzani, P. Clerici, M. Agosti, G. Rossi, E. Leva
JIA and ultrasound: evaluation of sample
2017 P. Cressoni, U. Garagiola, C. Occhipinti, I. Borzani, B. Colangelo, L. Schiavone, E. Bricchi
The use of sirolimus in the treatment of giant cystic lymphangioma : Four case reports and update of medical therapy
2017 I. Amodeo, M. Colnaghi, G. Raffaeli, G. Cavallaro, F. Ciralli, S. Gangi, E. Leva, L. Pignataro, I. Borzani, L. Pugni, F. Mosca
Early detection and follow-up of morphological alterations of temporomandibular joint in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: High-resolution ultrasound
2017 U. Garagiola, I. Borzani, P. Cressoni, F. Corona, E. Dzsida, G. Farronato
High-resolution ultrasound in the early detection and follow-up of TMJ symptoms and signs in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
2016 E. Dzsida, I. Borzani, C. Bellintani, R. Soldo, P. Cressoni, U. Garagiola
Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging findings after posterior sagittal anorectoplasty for anorectal malformations and the clinical outcome: Preliminary report
2016 A. Morandi, I. Borzani, F. Macchini, G. Brisighelli, D. Consonni, E. Leva
High-resolution ultrasound in the early detection and follow-up of morphological alterations of the temporomandibular joint in patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
2016 P. Cressoni, I. Borzani, E. Dzsida, R. Soldo, B. Colangelo, F. Farronato, U. Garagiola