DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA INTERNA (attivo dal 01/01/1998 al 27/04/2012)
Familial late-onset Alzheimer's disease: description of an Italian family with four affected siblings and one case of early-onset dementia in the preceding generation
2016 C. Abbate, B. Arosio, A. Cantatore, N. Viti, F. Giunco, R. Bagarolo, P. Nicolini, C. Gussago, E. Ferri, M. Casati, P.D. Rossi, A. Casè, L. Bergamaschini, C. Vergani, D. Mari
A man with low cholesterol and weakness of the lower limbs
2014 T. Lucchi, S. Calandra, C. Rabacchi, G. Conti, G. Ardolino, L. Assolari, B. Arosio, C. Vergani
Frailty syndrome diagnosed according to the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures criteria and mortality in older outpatients suffering from Alzheimer' disease: a one-year prospectic cohort study
2012 C. Bilotta, L. Bergamaschini, P. Nicolini, A. Casè, G. Pina, P. Rossi, C. Vergani
A woman with low HDL cholesterol and corneal opacity
2012 T. Lucchi, L. Calabresi, A. Pinto, E. Benetti, B. Arosio, S. Simonelli, R. Ratiglia, C. Vergani
L'anziano e l'ospedale
2011 C. Vergani
An easy intervention to improve short-term adherence to medications in community-dwelling older outpatients. A pilot non-randomised controlled trial
2011 C. Bilotta, A. Lucini, P. Nicolini, C. Vergani
Older People's Quality of Life (OPQOL) scores and adverse health outcomes at a one-year follow-up. A prospective cohort study on older outpatients living in the community in Italy
2011 C. Bilotta, A. Bowling, P. Nicolini, A. Casè, G. Pina, S. V. Rossi, C. Vergani
Comparison of informant reports and neuropsychological assessment in mild cognitive impairment
2011 C. Abbate, P.D. Trimarchi, P. Nicolini, L.C. Bergamaschini, C. Vergani, D. Mari
Day care centre attendance and quality of life in depressed older adults living in the community
2010 C. Bilotta, L.C. Bergamaschini, S.M. Spreafico, C. Vergani
The -308 (G/A) single nucleotide polymorphism in the TNF-alpha gene and the risk of major depression in the elderly
2010 A.P. Cerri, B. Arosio, C. Viazzoli, R. Confalonieri, C. Vergani, G. Annoni
Lack of association between Interleukin-18 gene promoter polymorphisms and onset of Alzheimer's disease
2010 L. Segat, M. Milanese, B. Arosio, C. Vergani, S. Crovella
One-year predictors of turnover among personal-care workers for older adults living at home in Italy
2010 C. Bilotta, P. Nicolini, C. Vergani
Age and time spent in the emergency department of an urban teaching hospital in Italy
2010 P. D. Rossi, L. C. Bergamaschini, C. Bilotta, F. Porro, V. Monzani, C. Vergani
L’anziano alla guida dell’automobile
2010 T. Lucchi, C. Vergani
Dimensions and correlates of quality of life according to frailty status : a cross-sectional study on community-dwelling older adults referred to an outpatient geriatric service in Italy
2010 C. Bilotta, A. Bowling, A. Casè, P. Nicolini, S. Mauri, M.M.E. Castelli, C. Vergani
The MCP-1 gene (SCYA2) and mood disorders : preliminary results of a case-control association study
2010 A.C. Altamura, E.M. Mundo, E. Cattaneo, S. Pozzoli, B.M. Dell'Osso, M. Gennarelli, C. Vergani, D.L. Trabattoni, B. Arosio, M.S. Clerici
Caregiver burden as a short-term predictor of weight loss in older outpatients suffering from mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease : a three months follow-up study
2010 C. Bilotta, L.C. Bergamaschini, R. Arienti, S.M. Spreafico, C. Vergani
Social vulnerability, mental health and correlates of frailty in older outpatients living alone in the community in Italy
2010 C. Bilotta, A. Casè, P. Nicolini, S. Mauri, M. Castelli, C. Vergani
Adenosine A2A receptor expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with mild cognitive impairment
2010 B. Arosio, C. Viazzoli, L. Mastronardi, C. Bilotta, C. Vergani, L.C. Bergamaschini
Alzheimer's disease : another target for heparin therapy
2009 L. Bergamaschini, E. Rossi, C. Vergani, M.G. De Simoni