Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità
Epigenetic and transcriptional modifications in repetitive elements in petrol stationworkers exposed to benzene and MTBE
2018 F. Rota, A. Conti, L. Campo, C. Favero, L. Cantone, V. Motta, E. Polledri, R. Mercadante, G. Dieci, V. Bollati, S. Fustinoni
Short-term particulate matter exposure influences nasal microbiota in a population of healthy subjects
2018 J. Mariani, C. Favero, A. Spinazzè, D.M.G. Cavallo, M. Carugno, V. Motta, M. Bonzini, A. Cattaneo, A.C. Pesatori, V. Bollati
Epigenome-wide association study of body mass index, and the adverse outcomes of adiposity
2017 S. Wahl, A. Drong, B. Lehne, M. Loh, W.R. Scott, S. Kunze, P. Tsai, J.S. Ried, W. Zhang, Y. Yang, S. Tan, G. Fiorito, L. Franke, S. Guarrera, S. Kasela, J. Kriebel, R.C. Richmond, M. Adamo, U. Afzal, M. Ala Korpela, B. Albetti, O. Ammerpohl, J.F. Apperley, M. Beekman, P.A. Bertazzi, S..L. Black, C. Blancher, M. Bonder, M. Brosch, M. Carstensen Kirberg, A.J.M. De Craen, S. De Lusignan, A. Dehghan, M. Elkalaawy, K. Fischer, O.H. Franco, T.R. Gaunt, J. Hampe, M. Hashemi, A. Isaacs, A. Jenkinson, S. Jha, N. Kato, V. Krogh, M. Laffan, C. Meisinger, T. Meitinger, Z.Y. Mok, V. Motta, H.K. Ng, Z. Nikolakopoulou, G. Nteliopoulos, S. Panico, N. Pervjakova, H. Prokisch, W. Rathmann, M. Roden, F. Rota, M.A. Rozario, J.K. Sandling, C. Schafmayer, K. Schramm, R. Siebert, P..E. Slagboom, P. Soininen, L. Stolk, K. Strauch, E. Tai, L. Tarantini, B. Thorand, E.F. Tigchelaar, R. Tumino, A.G. Uitterlinden, C. Van Duijn, J.B.J. Van Meurs, P. Vineis, A.R. Wickremasinghe, C. Wijmenga, T. Yang, W. Yuan, A. Zhernakova, R.L. Batterham, G.D. Smith, P. Deloukas, B.T. Heijmans, C. Herder, A. Hofman, C.M. Lindgren, L. Milani, P. Van Der Harst, A. Peters, T. Illig, C.L. Relton, M. Waldenberger, M. Järvelin, V. Bollati, R. Soong, T.D. Spector, J. Scott, M.I. Mccarthy, P. Elliott, J.T. Bell, G. Matullo, C. Gieger, J.S. Kooner, H. Grallert, J.C. Chambers
MicroRNAs are associated with blood-pressure effects of exposure to particulate matter : results from a mediated moderation analysis
2016 V. Motta, C. Favero, L. Dioni, S. Iodice, C. Battaglia, L. Angelici, L. Vigna, A.C. Pesatori, V. Bollati
Prenatal exposure to mixtures of xenoestrogens and genome-wide DNA methylation in human placenta
2016 N. Vilahur, M. Bustamante, E. Morales, V. Motta, M.F. Fernandez, L.A. Salas, G. Escaramis, F. Ballester, M. Murcia, A. Tardon, I. Riaño, L. Santa Marina, J. Ibarluzea, J.P. Arrebola, X. Estivill, V. Bollati, J. Sunyer, N. Olea
Susceptibility to particle health effects, miRNA and exosomes : rationale and study protocol of the SPHERE study
2014 V. Bollati, S. Iodice, C. Favero, L. Angelici, B. Albetti, R. Cacace, L. Cantone, M. Carugno, T. Cavalleri, B. De Giorgio, L. Dioni, S. Fustinoni, M. Hoxha, B. Marinelli, V. Motta, L. Patrini, L. Pergoli, L. Riboldi, G. Rizzo, F. Rota, S. Sucato, L. Tarantini, A.S. Tirelli, L. Vigna, P. Bertazzi, A.C. Pesatori
Altered methylation in tandem repeat element and elemental component levels in inhalable air particles
2014 L. Hou, X. Zhang, Y. Zheng, S. Wang, C. Dou, L. Guo, H. Byun, V. Motta, J. Mccracken, A. Díaz, C. Kang, P. Koutrakis, P.A. Bertazzi, J. Li, J. Schwartz, A.A. Baccarelli
Nutrients intake is associated with DNA methylation of candidate inflammatory genes in a population of obese subjects
2014 V. Bollati, C. Favero, B. Albetti, L. Tarantini, A. Moroni, H. Byun, V. Motta, D. Conti, A. Tirelli, L. Vigna, P. Bertazzi, A. Pesatori
Effects of airborne pollutants on mitochondrial DNA methylation
2013 H.M. Byun, T. Panni, V. Motta, L. Hou, F. Nordio, P. Apostoli, P.A. Bertazzi, A. Baccarelli
Evolutionary age of repetitive element subfamilies and sensitivity of DNA methylation to airborne pollutants
2013 H. Byun, V. Motta, T. Panni, P.A. Bertazzi, P. Apostoli, L. Hou, A. Baccarelli
Integrative Analysis of miRNA and inflammatory gene expression after acute particulate matter exposure
2013 V. Motta, L. Angelici, F. Nordio, V. Bollati, S. Fossati, F. Frascati, V. Tinaglia, P.A. Bertazzi, C. Battaglia, A. Baccarelli
2013 V. Motta
Gene promoter methylation is associated with lung function in the elderly : the Normative Aging Study
2012 J. Lepeule, A. Baccarelli, V. Motta, L. Cantone, A.A. Litonjua, D. Sparrow, P.S. Vokonas, J. Schwartz
Biological and clinical relevance of quantitative global methylation of repetitive DNA sequences in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
2011 S. Fabris, V. Bollati, L. Agnelli, F. Morabito, V. Motta, G. Cutrona, S. Matis, A. Grazie Recchia, V. Gigliotti, M. Gentile, G. Lambertenghi Deliliers, P.A. Bertazzi, M. Ferrarini, A. Neri, A. Baccarelli
Exposure to metal-rich particulate matter modifies the expression of candidate microRNAs in peripheral blood leukocytes
2010 V. Bollati, B. Marinelli, P. Apostoli, M. Bonzini, F. Nordio, M. Hoxha, V. Pegoraro, V. Motta, L. Tarantini, L. Cantone, J. Schwartz, P.A. Bertazzi, A. Baccarelli
Epigenetic effects of shiftwork on blood DNA methylation
2010 V. Bollati, A. Baccarelli, S. Sartori, L. Tarantini, V. Motta, F. Rota, G. Costa