Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Biomineralized anisotropic gold microplate-macrophage interactions reveal frustrated phagocytosis-like phenomenon: A novel paclitaxel drug delivery vehicle
2014 A.V. Singh, M. Batuwangala, R. Mundra, K. Mehta, S. Patke, E. Falletta, R. Patil, W.N. Gade
Interaction of bacterial cells with cluster-assembled nanostructured titania surfaces : an atomic force microscopy study
2013 A.V. Singh, M. Galluzzi, F. Borghi, M. Indrieri, V. Vyas, A. Podestà, W.N. Gade
Polymorphisms in the genes coding for iron binding and transporting proteins are associated with disability, severity, and early progression in multiple sclerosis
2012 D. Gemmati, G. Zeri, E. Orioli, F.E. De Gaetano, F. Salvi, I. Bartolomei, S. D'Alfonso, C. Dall'Osso, M.A. Leone, A.V. Singh, R. Asselta, P. Zamboni
Bio-inspired approaches to design smart fabrics
2012 A.V. Singh, A. Rahman, N.V.G.S. Kumar, A.S. Aditi, M. Galluzzi, S. Bovio, S. Barozzi, E. Montani, D. Parazzoli
Quantitative characterization of the influence of the nanoscale morphology of nanostructured surfaces on bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation
2011 A.V. Singh, V. Vyas, R. Patil, P.E. Scopelliti, V.K. Sharma, G. Bongiorno, A. Podestà, C. Lenardi, W.N. Gade, P. Milani
Nanobiomaterial applications in tissue repair and ulcer management : a new role for nanomedicine
2010 A.V. Singh, R. Patil, C. Lenardi, P. Milani, W.N. Gade
Synthesis of Ag-Pt alloy nanoparticles in aqueous bovine serum albumin foam and their cytocompatibility against humangingival fibroblasts
2009 A.V. Singh, R. Patil, M.B. Kasture, W.N. Gade, B.L.V.Prasad
A simple lift-off-based patterning method for micro- and nanostructuring of functional substrates for cell culture
2009 A.V. Singh, C. Lenardi, L. Gailite, A. Gianfelice, P. Milani
Oxidative stress and neurodegenerative diseases : a review of upstream and downstream antioxidant therapeutic options
2009 B. Uttara, A.V. Singh, P. Zamboni, R.T. Mahajan
Anomalous venous blood flow and iron deposition in multiple sclerosis
2009 A.V. Singh, P. Zamboni
Micro-array project for diagnosis of vascular lesions under the topic Nanotechnology and nanoscience
2007 A.V. Singh
Mechanism of Disease : the inflammatory chain in chronic venous disorder and genetic screening for prevention of venous leg ulcers
2006 S. Lanzara, L. Catozzi, M. De Palma, F. Federica, A. Palazzo, G. Tacconi, S. Gianseni, A.V. Singh, P. Zamboni