Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
Consensus statement , Supporting Safer Conception and Pregnancy for Men and Women living with and affected by HIV
2018 L. Matthews, J. Beyeza-Kashesya, I. Cooke, N. Davies, R. Heffron, A. Kaida, J. Kinuthia, O. Mmeie, A. Semprini, S. Weber
Effectiveness of semen washing to prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission and assist pregnancy in HIV-discordant couples : a systematic review and meta-analysis
2016 M. Zafer, H. Horvartgh, O. Mmeje, S. van der Poel, A.E. Semprini, G. Rutherford, J. Brown
Reproductive care in human immunodeficiency virus serodiscordant couples with haemophilia
2013 I. Garagiola, M. Mortarino, A.E. Semprini, F. Peyvandi
Safe conception for HIV-discordant couples : insemination with processed semen from the HIV-infected partner
2013 A.E. Semprini, M. Macaluso, L. Hollander, A. Vucetich, A. Duerr, G. Mor, M. Ravizza, D.J. Jamieson
Non-invasive tool for foetal sex determination in early gestational age
2011 M. Mortarino, I.M. Garagiola, L.A. Lotta, S.M. Siboni, A.E. Semprini, F. Peyvandi
Tecniche di procreazione medicalmente assistita nelle coppie sierodiscordanti per il virus HIV
2010 A.E. Semprini, L.H. Hollander
Lack of clinical and scientific evidence to justify the systematic use of ICSI in HIV-serodiscordant couples wishing to conceive where the male partner is infected
2009 L. Bujan, C. Gilling Smith, L. Hollander, A.E. Semprini, P. Vernazza
Predictors of retinochoroiditis in children with congenital toxoplasmosis : European, prospective cohort study
2008 K. Freeman, H.K. Tan, A. Prusa, E. Peterson, W. Buffolano, G. Malm, M. Cortina-Borja, R. Gilbert, R.E.G.K. Freeman, K. Tan, A. Prusa, E. Petersen, W. Buffolano, G. Malm, M. Cortina-Borja, A. Prusa, M. Hayde, A. Pollak, M. Wallon, F. Peyron, S. Romand, P. Thulliez, W. Buffolano, A. Romano, J. Franck, H. Dumon, P. Bastien, E. Issert, M.H. Bessieres, N. Ferret, P. Marty, C. Chemla, H. Pelloux, H. Fricker-Hidalgo, C. Bost-Bru, E. Semprini, V. Savasi, M. Paul, G. Malm, B. Evengard, E. Petersen, D. Schmidt, R.E. Gilbert, H.K. Tan, K. Freeman, A. Salt, M.R. Stanford
Ocular sequelae of congenital toxoplasmosis in Brazil compared with Europe
2008 R.E. Gilbert, K. Freeman, E.G. Lago, L.M.G. Bahia-Oliveira, H.K. Tan, M. Wallon, W. Buffolano, M.R. Stanford, E. Petersen, P. Thulliez, S. Rommand, F. Peyron, D. Schmidt, P.M. Remmer, A. Prusa, M. Hayde, A. Pollak, M.-. Bessieres, J. Franck, H. Dumon, P. Bastien, E. Issert, C. Chemla, N. Ferret, P. Marty, H. Pelloux, H. Fricker-Hidalgo, C. Bost-Bru, B. Evengard, G. Malm, E. Semprini, V. Savasi, J. Melamed, E. Neto, A.M. Wilken de Abreu Oliveira, R.G. Peixe, M. Cortina-Borja
Infertility treatment for HIV-positive women
2008 A.E. Semprini, L. Hollander, A. Vucetich, C. Gilling Smith
Safe conception for HIV discordant couples through sperm-washing: experience and perceptions of patients in Milan, Italy
2008 S. Sunderam, L. Hollander, M. Macaluso, A. Vucetich, D.J. Jamieson, F. Osimo, A. Duerr, A.E. Semprini
Re: HIV and reproductive care: a review of current practice.
2007 C. Gilling-Smith, J.D.M. Nicopoullos, A.E. Semprini, L.G. Frodsham
Treatment of HIV discordant couples: the Italian experience
2007 A.E. Semprini, L. Hollander
Hepatitis C in pregnancy and mother-to-infant transmission of HCV
2007 A.R. Zanetti, E. Tanzi, A.E. Semprini
Effectiveness of prenatal treatment for congenital toxoplasmosis: a meta-analysis of individual patients' data
2007 R. Thiébaut, S. Leproust, G. Chêne, R. Gilbert, A.E. Semprini, V. Savasi
Establishing the safety profile of sperm washing followed by ART for the treatment of HIV discordant couples wishing to conceive
2007 A.E. Semprini, L. Bujan, Y. Englert, C. Gilling Smith, J. Guibert, L. Hollander, J. Ohl, P. Vernazza
Safety and efficacy of sperm washing in HIV-1 serodiscordant couples where the male is infected : results from the European CREAThE network
2007 L. Bujan, L. Hollander, M. Courdet, C. Gilling Smith, A. Vucetich, J. Guibert, P. Vernazza, J. Ohl, M. Weigel, Y. Englert, A.E. Semprini, T. CREAThE network
HIV-discordant couples and parenthood: how are we dealing with the risk of transmission?
2006 P.L. Vernazza, L. Hollander, A.E. Semprini, D.J. Anderson, A. Duerr
Multicenter quality control of the detection of HIV-1 genome in semen before medically assisted procreation
2006 C. Pasquier, D. Anderson, C. Andreutti Zaugg, R. Baume Berkenbosch, F. Damond, A. Devaux, Y. Englert, J. Galimand, C. Gilling Smith, O. Guist'Hau, L. Hollander, M. Leruez Ville, B. Lesage, A. Maillard, A.G. Marcelin, M.P. Schmitt, A. Semprini, M. Vourliotis, C. Xu, L. Bujan, C. Network
Detection of human immunodeficiency virus-1 RNA and DNA by extractive and in situ PCR in unprocessed semen and seminal fractions isolated by semen washing procedure
2006 T. Persico, V. Savasi, E. Ferrazzi, M. Oneta, A.E. Semprini, G. Simoni