Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.575
NA - Nord America 1.497
AS - Asia 946
SA - Sud America 41
OC - Oceania 11
AF - Africa 2
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 5.073
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.483
GB - Regno Unito 785
IT - Italia 687
CN - Cina 397
DE - Germania 311
SE - Svezia 226
SG - Singapore 169
IN - India 131
UA - Ucraina 127
RU - Federazione Russa 122
FR - Francia 87
KR - Corea 85
TR - Turchia 73
IE - Irlanda 69
FI - Finlandia 46
NL - Olanda 41
VN - Vietnam 40
EU - Europa 39
CO - Colombia 32
HK - Hong Kong 20
ID - Indonesia 14
CA - Canada 13
DK - Danimarca 12
GR - Grecia 12
AU - Australia 11
BE - Belgio 10
CH - Svizzera 8
ES - Italia 6
PL - Polonia 6
PH - Filippine 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
BR - Brasile 3
CL - Cile 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
HR - Croazia 3
IR - Iran 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
LB - Libano 2
MT - Malta 2
RO - Romania 2
SI - Slovenia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AR - Argentina 1
CU - Cuba 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
GH - Ghana 1
HU - Ungheria 1
MM - Myanmar 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
OM - Oman 1
PE - Perù 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RS - Serbia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 5.111
Città #
Southend 723
Chandler 202
Milan 181
Seattle 118
Beijing 116
Jacksonville 115
Singapore 112
Princeton 91
Mountain View 85
Wilmington 85
Dearborn 68
Dublin 68
Redmond 66
Munich 60
Nanjing 53
Ann Arbor 52
Ashburn 52
Dong Ket 40
Serra 37
Sakarya 35
Boardman 33
Andover 32
Bogotá 32
Des Moines 32
Bengaluru 30
Somerville 30
Hanover 26
Medford 25
Houston 23
Rome 23
Fairfield 21
Phoenix 21
Pisa 20
Bangalore 19
Kumar 19
Hong Kong 18
Shanghai 18
Shenyang 18
Jinan 17
Woodbridge 17
Frankfurt am Main 14
Eitensheim 13
Guangzhou 13
Hebei 11
Icheon-si 11
Kunming 11
Nanchang 11
Athens 10
Berlin 10
Cambridge 10
Hangzhou 10
Bühl 9
Verona 9
Brussels 8
Florence 8
Kiez 8
Tezpur 8
Tianjin 8
Zhengzhou 8
Changsha 7
Ottawa 7
San Diego 7
Santa Clara 7
Trento 7
Fremont 6
Hayes 6
Jakarta 6
Los Angeles 6
Naples 6
Venezia 6
Auburn Hills 5
Bolzano 5
Castellanza 5
Cuneo 5
Helsinki 5
Lanzhou 5
New Delhi 5
Paris 5
Parma 5
Trieste 5
Vicenza 5
Warsaw 5
Bologna 4
Cagliari 4
Falls Church 4
Grafing 4
London 4
Nanning 4
Ningbo 4
Orzivecchi 4
Andrano 3
Aosta 3
Bari 3
Brno 3
Catania 3
Cava de' Tirreni 3
Concorezzo 3
Fuzhou 3
Genova 3
Grassobbio 3
Totale 3.216
Nome #
Il cortile del Richini : un piano di conservazione programmata 351
Set-up of extraction procedures for ions quantification in aerosol samples 229
Il levoglucosano come tracciante della combustione delle biomasse 214
Assessment of light extinction at a European polluted urban area during wintertime : impact of PM 1 composition and sources 175
Indoor air quality monitoring of particulate matter and aerobiological components : measurements at the Ca’ Granda historical archive, Milan (Italy) 174
The impact of fireworks on airborne particles 168
La composizione chimica del Particolato Atmosferico nella penisola Italiana, similitudini e analogie 159
Inquinamento da particolato atmosferico in ambiente museale: il caso della Pietà Rondanini al Castello Sforzesco di Milano 154
Characterization of atmospheric aerosols at Monte Cimone, Italy, during summer 2004: source apportionment and transport mechanisms 143
Chemical–physical and microbiological measurements for indoor air quality assessment at the Ca’ Granda historical archive, Milan, Italy 143
4-hours resolution data to study PM10 in a hot spot area in Europe 139
Comparison of wood smoke PM2.5 obtained from the combustion of FIR and beech pellets on inflammation and DNA damage in A549 and THP-1 human cell lines 136
Organic and inorganic sampling artefacts assessment in Milan (Italy) 130
Il PM10 a Milano : risultati di una campagna di misura invernale 128
Organic and inorganic sampling artefacts assessment 127
Valutazione del contributo della combustione di legna al particolato atmosferico 123
PM10 physical and chemical characterisation using high-time resolved samplings in an air pollution “hot-spot” area in Europe 122
Determinazione del contenuto ionico nel particolato atmosferico: messa a punto di procedure estrattive 121
A TGA/FT-IR study for measuring OC and EC in aerosol samples 116
A comprehensive characterization on background atmospheric aerosols : results of an intensive campaign carried out at a high-altitude site in Italy 116
DNA damage and inflammation induced by wood smoke Pm2.5 in human cells 115
PM10 time-resolved mass closure and source apportionment by Positive Matrix Factorization in Milan (Italy) 114
Quantificazione dei WSOC mediante thermal optical transmittance e valutazione dell’errore sull’EC 114
Wood smoke contribution to aerosol concentrations in Northern Italy : levoglucosan determination by GC-MS and HPAEC-PAD 112
PM mass concentration and chemical composition in the alpine remote site Bormio-San Colombano (N. Italy, 2,200 m a.s.l.) 110
Chemical–physical and aerobiological Measurements for Indoor Air Quality Assessment at the Ca’ Granda Historical Archive, Milan (Italy) 110
A mass closure and PMF source apportionment study on the sub-micron sized aerosol fraction at urban sites in Italy 109
Caratterizzazione del particolato urbano milanese: risultati preliminari relativi alla frazione carboniosa ed alla distribuzione dimensionale di alcuni metalli 109
La componente carboniosa del Particolato Atmosferico (progetto PARFIL 2004-2006) 109
Valutazione degli artefatti di campionamento organici e inorganici a Milano 106
Identification and estimation of atmospheric aerosol main components : hit the target by means of a single analytical method 105
Development of analytical techniques for the characterization of natural and anthropogenic compounds in fine particulate matter 102
null 100
Monitoraggio e caratterizzazione del particolato nella sala; in La Pietà Rondanini: Il Michelangelo Di Milano, cap. 13 99
Assessment of organic and elemental carbon in atmospheric aerosol samples 98
Comparison between TOT and TGA/FT-IR carbon measurements 96
A multi-analytical approach for the study of the pigments used in the wall paintings from a building complex on the Caelian Hill (Rome) 75
Advection patterns and composition of TSP and PM2.5 samples over south-east Italy 74
Surface chemical characterization of PM10 samples by XPS 73
Transparent hybrid films for stone preventive conservation 68
Comparison of wood smoke PM2.5 obtained from the combustion of FIR and beech pellets on inflammation and DNA damage in A549 and THP-1 human cell lines 65
PM10 source apportionment applying PMF and chemical tracer analysis to ship-borne measurements in the Western Mediterranean 62
Insights into organic-Aerosol sources via a novel laser-desorption/ionization mass spectrometry technique applied to one year of PM10 samples from nine sites in central Europe 51
Assessment of atmospheric organic and elemental carbon in different environments 41
Totale 5.385
Categoria #
all - tutte 13.989
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 13.989

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020475 0 0 0 11 24 74 77 63 96 75 42 13
2020/2021639 11 54 58 7 56 41 66 23 59 74 148 42
2021/2022528 54 10 12 38 41 25 52 78 24 35 36 123
2022/2023696 82 63 55 85 81 129 18 48 84 9 28 14
2023/2024347 10 31 17 14 73 24 31 23 11 24 39 50
2024/2025192 58 99 29 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.385