Dipartimento di Matematica Federigo Enriques
Cosmologies with Perfect Fluids and Scalar Fields in Einstein’s Gravity: Phantom Scalars and Nonsingular Universes
2024 M. Cimaglia, M. Gengo, L. Pizzocchero
On the Casimir Effect with δ-Like Potentials, and a Recent Paper by K. Ziemian (Ann. Henri Poincaré, 2021)
2023 D. Fermi, L. Pizzocchero
On the global stability of smooth solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations
2021 L. Pizzocchero
Gauge-invariant spherical linear perturbations of wormholes in Einstein gravity minimally coupled to a self-interacting phantom scalar field
2020 F. Cremona, L. Pizzocchero, O. Sarbach
Integrable scalar cosmologies with matter and curvature
2020 D. Fermi, M. Gengo, L. Pizzocchero
On approximate solutions of the equations of incompressible magnetohydrodynamics
2020 L. Pizzocchero, E. Tassi
On the linear instability of the Ellis–Bronnikov–Morris–Thorne wormhole
2019 F. Cremona, F. Pirotta, L. Pizzocchero
On the Necessity of Phantom Fields for Solving the Horizon Problem in Scalar Cosmologies
2019 D. Fermi, M. Gengo, L. Pizzocchero
A time machine for free fall into the past
2018 D. Fermi, L. Pizzocchero
Local Zeta Regularization and the Scalar Casimir Effect : A General Approach based on Integral Kernels
2018 D. Fermi, L. Pizzocchero
On the constants for some fractional Gagliardo-Nirenberg and Sobolev inequalities
2018 C. Morosi, L. Pizzocchero
Local Casimir Effect for a Scalar Field in Presence of a Point Impurity
2018 D. Fermi, L. Pizzocchero
New results on the constants in some inequalities for the Navier–Stokes quadratic nonlinearity
2017 C. Morosi, M. Pernici, L. Pizzocchero
Local zeta regularization and the scalar Casimir effect IV : the case of a rectangular box
2016 D. Fermi, L. Pizzocchero
Local zeta regularization and the scalar Casimir effect III : the case with a background harmonic potential
2015 D. Fermi, L. Pizzocchero
Large order Reynolds expansions for the Navier–Stokes equations
2015 C. Morosi, M. Pernici, L. Pizzocchero
Smooth solutions of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations from the a posteriori analysis of approximate solutions
2015 C. Morosi, L. Pizzocchero
A posteriori estimates for Euler and Navier-Stokes equations
2014 C. Morosi, M. Pernici, L. Pizzocchero
On the Reynolds number expansion for the Navier-Stokes equations
2014 C. Morosi, L. Pizzocchero
Rigorous existence results for the Euler or Navier-Stokes equations from a posteriori analysis of approximate solutions
2013 L. Pizzocchero