Dipartimento di Filosofia Piero Martinetti
Being and Value in Technology
2022 E. Terrone, V. Tripodi
The Right and Unfair Aspects of Artificial Womb Technology
2022 V. Tripodi
Etica delle tecniche : Una filosofia per progettare il futuro
2020 V. Tripodi
Not simply a woman
2020 V. Tripodi
La gestazione per altri come diritto di scelta (professionale) individuale
2020 V. Tripodi
Nothing at Stake in Knowledge
2019 D. Rose, E. Machery, S. Stich, M. Alai, A. Angelucci, R. Berniūnas, E.E. Buchtel, A. Chatterjee, H. Cheon, I. Cho, D. Cohnitz, F. Cova, V. Dranseika, Á.E. Lagos, L. Ghadakpour, M. Grinberg, I. Hannikainen, T. Hashimoto, A. Horowitz, E. Hristova, Y. Jraissati, V. Kadreva, K. Karasawa, H. Kim, Y. Kim, M. Lee, C. Mauro, M. Mizumoto, S. Moruzzi, C.Y. Olivola, J. Ornelas, B. Osimani, C. Romero, A. Rosas Lopez, M. Sangoi, A. Sereni, S. Songhorian, P. Sousa, N. Struchiner, V. Tripodi, N. Usui, A. Vázquez del Mercado, G. Volpe, H.A. Vosgerichian, X. Zhang, J. Zhu
De Pulchritudine non est Disputandum? A cross-cultural investigation of the alleged intersubjective validity of aesthetic judgment
2019 F. Cova, C.Y. Olivola, E. Machery, S. Stich, D. Rose, M. Alai, A. Angelucci, R. Berniūnas, E.E. Buchtel, A. Chatterjee, H. Cheon, I. Cho, D. Cohnitz, V. Dranseika, Á.E. Lagos, L. Ghadakpour, M. Grinberg, I. Hannikainen, T. Hashimoto, A. Horowitz, E. Hristova, Y. Jraissati, V. Kadreva, K. Karasawa, H. Kim, Y. Kim, M. Lee, C. Mauro, M. Mizumoto, S. Moruzzi, J. Ornelas, B. Osimani, C. Romero, A. Rosas, M. Sangoi, A. Sereni, S. Songhorian, P. Sousa, N. Struchiner, V. Tripodi, N. Usui, A.V. del Mercado, G. Volpe, H.A. Vosgerichian, X. Zhang, J. Zhu
For whom does determinism undermine moral responsibility? Surveying the conditions for free will across cultures
2019 I.R. Hannikainenm, E. Machery, D. Rose, S. Stich, C.Y. Olivola, P. Sousa, F. Cova, E.E. Buchtel, M. Alai, A. Angelucci, R. Berniûnas, A. Chatterjee, H. Cheon, I.R. Cho, D. Cohnitz, V. Dranseika, A. Eraña Lagos, L. Ghadakpour, M. Grinberg, T. Hashimoto, A. Horowitz, E. Hristova, Y. Jraissati, V. Kadreva, K. Karasawa, H. Kim, Y. Kim, M. Lee, C. Mauro, M. Mizumoto, S. Moruzzi, J. Ornelas, B. Osimani, C. Romero, A. Rosas López, M. Sangoi, A. Sereni, S. Songhorian, N. Struchiner, V. Tripodi, N. Usui, A. Vázquez del Mercado, H.A. Vosgerichian, X. Zhang, J. Zhu
The value of diversity and inclusiveness in philosophy : An overview
2017 V. Tripodi
Behavioral Circumscription and the Folk Psychology of Belief : A Study in Ethno-Mentalizing
2017 D. Rose, E. Machery, S. Stich, M. Alai, A. Angelucci, R. Berniunas, E.E. Buchtel, A. Chatterjee, H. Cheon, I.R. Cho, D. Cohnitz, F. Cova, V. Dranseika, A.E. Lagos, L. Ghadakpour, M. Grinberg, I. Hannikainen, T. Hashimoto, A. Horowitz, E. Hristova, Y. Jraissati, V. Kadreva, K. Karasawa, H. Kim, Y. Kim, M. Lee, C. Mauro, M. Mizumoto, S. Moruzzi, C.Y. Olivola, J. Ornelas, B. Osimani, C. Romero, A. Rosas, M. Sangoi, A. Sereni, S. Songhorian, P. Sousa, N. Struchiner, V. Tripodi, N. Usui, A.V. del Mercado, G. Volpe, H.A. Vosgerichian, X. Zhang, J. Zhu
The Gettier Intuition from South America to Asia
2017 E. Machery, S. Stich, D. Rose, M. Alai, A. Angelucci, R. Berniūnas, E.E. Buchtel, A. Chatterjee, H. Cheon, I.r. Cho, D. Cohnitz, F. Cova, V. Dranseika, Á.E. Lagos, L. Ghadakpour, M. Grinberg, I. Hannikainen, T. Hashimoto, A. Horowitz, E. Hristova, Y. Jraissati, V. Kadreva, K. Karasawa, H. Kim, Y. Kim, M. Lee, C. Mauro, M. Mizumoto, S. Moruzzi, C.Y. Olivola, J. Ornelas, B. Osimani, C. Romero, A.R. Lopez, M. Sangoi, A. Sereni, S. Songhorian, P. Sousa, N. Struchiner, V. Tripodi, N. Usui, A.V. Del Mercado, G. Volpe, H.A. Vosgerichian, X. Zhang, J. Zhu
Corpi cibernetici e identità sessuale
2016 V. Tripodi
Filosofie di genere : Differenza sessuale e ingiustizie sociali
2015 V. Tripodi
Intuition, gender and the under-representation of women in philosophy
2015 V. Tripodi
Brevissimo vademecum (ironico e senza pretese) per vivere (quasi) alla Sex and the City ed evitare di essere giudicate (troppo) male
2015 V. Tripodi
Frege, Wittgenstein : il principio del contesto e la grammatica di un'espressione
2014 V. Tripodi
Famiglia e matrimonio minimo
2013 V. Tripodi
L'intersessualità in famiglia : la chirurgia genitale (in età pediatrica) é l'unica via possibile?
2013 V. Tripodi
New Perspectives on Quine's Word and Object
2012 F. Ervas, V. Tripodi
Filosofia della sessualità
2011 V. Tripodi