Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti
Assessment of respiratory system viscoelasticity in spontaneously breathing rabbits
1998 E. D'Angelo, E. Prandi, M. Tavola, F.M. Robatto
Lung and chest wall mechanics in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and severe Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
1997 E. D'Angelo, E. Calderini, F. M. Robatto, P. Puccio, J. Milic-Emili
Insertional action of the abdominal muscles in rabbits and dogs
1996 E. D'Angelo, E. Prandi, F. M. Robatto, M. Petitjean, F. Bellemare
How changes in the serial distribution of bronchoconstriction affect lung mechanics
1993 F.M. Robatto, S. Simard, M.S. Ludwig
Lung tissue resistance during contractile stimulation : structural damping decomposition
1992 M.S. Ludwig, F.M. Robatto, S. Simard, D. Stamenovic, J.J. Fredberg
Flow and volume dependence of respiratory system flow resistance in patients with adult respiratory distress syndrome
1992 C. Tantucci, C. Corbeil, M. Chassé, F.M. Robatto, S. Nava, J .Braidy, N. Matar, J. Milic-Emili.
Tissue viscance during induced constriction in rabbit lungs : morphological-physiological correlations
1992 T. Nagase, M. Lei, F.M. Robatto, D.H. Eidelman, M.S. Ludwig
Lung tissue behavior during methacholine challenge in rabbits in vivo
1992 P.V. Romero, F.M. Robatto, S. Simard, M.S. Ludwig
Effect of lung volume on plateau response of airways and tissue to methacholine in dogs
1992 F.M. Robatto, S. Simard, H. Orana, P.T. Macklem, M.S. Ludwig
Pulmonary and chest wall mechanics in anesthetized paralyzed humans
1991 E. D'Angelo, F.M. Robatto, E. Calderini, M. Tavola, D. Bono, G. Torri, J. Milic-Emili
Analysis of behavior of the respiratory system in ARDS patients : effects of flow, volume, and time
1991 N.T. Eissa, V.M. Ranieri, C. Corbeil, M. Chassé, F.M. Robatto, J. Braidy, J. Milic-Emili
Contribution of quasi-static tissue hysteresis to the dynamic alveolar pressure-volume loop
1991 F.M. Robatto, P.V. Romero, J.J. Fredberg, M.S. Ludwig
Histamine-induced constriction of canine peripheral lung : an airway or tissue response?
1991 M.S. Ludwig, F.M. Robatto, P.D. Sly, M. Browman, J.H.T. Bates, P.V. Romero
Respiratory mechanics in anaesthesia
1990 J. MIlic-Emili, F. M. Robatto, J.H.T. Bates
Respiratory mechanics in anesthetized paralyzed humans: effects of flow, volume, and time
1989 E. D'Angelo, E. Calderini, G. Torri, F. M. Robatto, D. Bono, J, Milic-Emili
Riflessi renorenali nel ratto determinati dalla stimolazione naturale dei chemorecettori renali
1982 D. Cerati, R. Dicintio, S. Genovesi, P. Gerometta, F.M. Robatto, G. Recordati
Effetto eccitatorio degli inibitori dell'enzima di conversione sull'attività nervosa simpatica post-ganglionare efferente al rene nel ratto
1982 S. Genovesi, D. Cerati, R. Di Cintio, P. Gerometta, F.M. Robatto, G. Recordati