Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Presence and Role of Associations of Cancer Patients and Volunteers in Specialist Breast Centres: An Italian National Survey of Breast Centres Associated with Senonetwork
2023 R. D'Antona, S. Deandrea, E. Sestini, L. Pau, F. Ferrè, C. Angiolini, M. Bortul, L. Bucchi, F. Caumo, L. Fortunato, L. Giordano, M. Giordano, P. Mantellini, I. Martelli, G. Melucci, C. Naldoni, E. Paci, G. Saguatti, C. Tinterri, M. Vainieri, L. Cataliotti
Percezione, pregiudizi e preferenze informative delle donne milanesi sui limiti dello screening mammografico e sulla sovradiagnosi: indagine think-aloud sul nuovo materiale comunicativo dell’Agenzia di tutela della salute della Città Metropolitana di Milano = Women’s perception, preconceptions, and information preferences for the limitations of breast cancer screening and overdiagnosis: A think-aloud study on the new information materials of the agency for health protection of the metropolitan area of Milan (northern italy)
2021 F. De Nard, S. Deandrea, A.J. Bastiampillai, L. Cavazzana, D. Carnevali, N. Principi, E. Luconi, P.J. Schulz, S. Castaldi, A.R. Silvestri
The early phase of the COVID-19 epidemic in Lombardy, Italy
2021 D. Cereda, M. Manica, M. Tirani, F. Rovida, V. Demicheli, M. Ajelli, P. Poletti, F. Trentini, G. Guzzetta, V. Marziano, R. Piccarreta, A. Barone, M. Magoni, S. Deandrea, G. Diurno, M. Lombardo, M. Faccini, A. Pan, R. Bruno, E. Pariani, G. Grasselli, A. Piatti, M. Gramegna, F. Baldanti, A. Melegaro, S. Merler
The development and testing of balanced communication material for a population-based breast cancer screening program
2021 F. De Nard, S. Deandrea, A.J. Bastiampillai, L. Cavazzana, D. Carnevali, N. Principi, E. Luconi, P.J. Schulz, S. Castaldi, A.R. Silvestri
Screening of women with aesthetic prostheses in dedicated sessions of a population-based breast cancer screening programme
2021 S. Deandrea, L. Cavazzana, N. Principi, E. Luconi, M. Campoleoni, A.J. Bastiampillai, L. Bracchi, L. Bucchi, S. Pedilarco, A. Piscitelli, M.S. Sfondrini, A.R. Silvestri, S. Castaldi
Possible role of pandemic AH1N1 swine flu virus in a childhood leukemia cluster
2017 G. Cazzaniga, L. Bisanti, G. Randi, S. Deandrea, S. Bungaro, F.E. Pregliasco, D. Perotti, F. Spreafico, G. Masera, M.G. Valsecchi, A. Biondi, M. Greaves
Risk factors for falls in older people in nursing homes and hospitals. A systematic review and meta-analysis
2013 S. Deandrea, F. Bravi, F. Turati, E. Lucenteforte, C. La Vecchia, E. Negri
Epidemiology and pattern of care of breakthrough cancer pain in a longitudinal sample of cancer patients : results from the Cancer Pain Outcome Research Study Group
2011 M.T. Greco, O. Corli, M. Montanari, S. Deandrea, V. Zagonel, G. Apolone
2011 S. Deandrea
Risk factors for falls in community-dwelling older people : a systematic review and meta-analysis
2010 S. Deandrea, E. Lucenteforte, F. Bravi, R. Foschi, C. La Vecchia, E. Negri
Is temperature an effect modifier of the association between green tea intake and gastric cancer risk?
2010 S. Deandrea, R. Foschi, C. Galeone, C. La Vecchia, E. Negri, J. Hu
Il dolore nel paziente con cancro : sintesi dei risultati di un progetto quinquennale
2010 M.T. Greco, M. Montanari, S. Deandrea, O. Corli, V. Zagonel, A. Caraceni, G. Apolone
Epidemiologia, Biostatistica e Medicina Preventiva
2009 F. Bravi, S. Deandrea, V.C. Edefonti, E. Petracci, G. Randi
Managing severe cancer pain: the role of transdermal buprenorphine : a systematic review
2009 S. Deandrea, O. Corli, I. Moschetti, G. Apolone
Pattern and quality of care of cancer pain management. Results from the Cancer Pain Outcome Research Study Group (CPOR SG)
2009 G. Apolone, O. Corli, A. Caraceni, E. Negri, S. Deandrea, M. Montanari, M.T. Greco
Macronutrients, fatty acids and cholesterol intake and endometrial cancer
2008 E. Lucenteforte, R. Talamini, M. Montella, L. Dal Maso, A. Tavani, S. Deandrea, C. Pelucchi, S. Greggi, A. Zucchetto, F. Barbone, M. Parpinel, S. Franceschi, C. La Vecchia, E. Negri
Alcohol and breast cancer risk defined by estrogen and progesterone receptor status : a case-control study
2008 S. Deandrea, R. Foschi, M. Montella, L. Dal Maso, F. Falcini, C. La Vecchia, S. Franceschi, E. Negri
Prevalence of undertreatment in cancer pain. A review of published literature
2008 S. Deandrea, M. Montanari, P.L. Moja, G. Apolone
Effetti della somministrazione di buprenorfina transdermica in pazienti oncologici : Risultati di uno studio di outcome [Effects of transdermal buprenorphine in cancer patients. Results from the Cancer Pain Outcome Research (CPOR) Study Group]
2008 M.T. Greco, S. Deandrea, O. Corli, M. Montanari, A. Caraceni, G. Apolone
Glycemic index, glycemic load and thyroid cancer risk
2008 G. Randi, M. Ferraroni, R. Talamini, W. Garavello, S. Deandrea, A. Decarli, S. Franceschi, C. La Vecchia