Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Improving NLO QCD event generators with high-energy EW corrections
2024 D. Pagani, T. Vitos, M. Zaro
Automated EW corrections with isolated photons: t t¯ γ, t t¯ γγ and tγj as case studies
2021 D. Pagani, H. Shao, I. Tsinikos, M. Zaro
RIP Hb(b)over-bar: how other Higgs production modes conspire to kill a rare signal at the LHC
2020 D. Pagani, H.-. Shao, M. Zaro
Top quark pair production at complete NLO accuracy with NNLO plus NNLL ' corrections in QCD* [Top quark pair production at complete NLO accuracy with NNLO+NNLL′ corrections in QCD]
2020 M. Czakon, A. Ferroglia, A. Mitov, D. Pagani, A.S. Papanastasiou, B.D. Pecjak, D.J. Scott, I. Tsinikos, X. Wang, L.L. Yang, M. Zaro
Large NLO corrections in t(t)over-barW(+/-) and t(t)over-bart(t)over-bar hadroproduction from supposedly subleading EW contributions
2018 R. Frederix, D. Pagani, M. Zaro
Top-quark charge asymmetry at the LHC and Tevatron through NNLO QCD and NLO EW
2018 M. Czakon, D. Heymes, A. Mitov, D. Pagani, I. Tsinikos, M. Zaro
The automation of next-to-leading order electroweak calculations
2018 R. Frederix, S. Frixione, V. Hirschi, D. Pagani, H.S. Shao, M. Zaro
Top-pair production at the LHC through NNLO QCD and NLO EW
2017 M. Czakon, D. Heymes, A. Mitov, D. Pagani, I. Tsinikos, M. Zaro
The complete NLO corrections to dijet hadroproduction
2017 R. Frederix, S. Frixione, V. Hirschi, D. Pagani, H.S. Shao, M. Zaro
Les Houches 2015: Physics at TeV Colliders Standard Model Working Group Report. On the accuracy and Gaussianity of the PDF4LHC15 combined sets of parton distributions
2016 J.R. Andersen, S. Badger, K. Becker, M. Bell, J. Bellm, J. Bendavid, E. Bothmann, R. Boughezal, J. Butterworth, S. Carrazza, M. Chiesa, L. Cieri, V. Ciulli, A. Denner, M. Duehrssen-Debling, G. Falmagne, S. Forte, P. Francavilla, R. Frederix, M. Freytsis, J. Gao, P. Gras, M. Grazzini, N. Greiner, D. Grellscheid, G. Heinrich, G. Hesketh, S. Hoche, L. Hofer, T.J. Hou, A. Huss, J. Huston, J. Isaacson, A. Jueid, S. Kallweit, D. Kar, Z. Kassabov, V. Konstantinides, F. Krauss, S. Kuttimalai, A. Lazapoulos, P. Lenzi, Y. Li, J.M. Lindert, X. Liu, G. Luisoni, L. Lonnblad, P. Maierhofer, D. Maître, A.C. Marini, G. Montagna, M. Moretti, P.M. Nadolsky, G. Nail, D. Napoletano, O. Nicrosini, M.C.P. NAJ OLEARI, D. Pagani, C.S. Pandini, L. Perrozzi, F. Petriello, F. Piccinini, S. Platzer, I. Pogrebnyak, S. Pozzorini, S. Prestel, C. Reuschle, J. ROJO CHACON, L. Russo, P. Schichtel, M. Schonherr, S. Schumann, A. Siodmok, P. Skands, D. Soper, G. Soyez, P. Sun, F.J. Tackmann, K. Tackmann, E. Takasugi, J. Thaler, S. Uccirati, U. Utku, L. Viliani, E. Vryonidou, B.T. Wang, B. Waugh, M.A. Weber, C. Williams, J. Winter, K.P. Xie, C.P. Yuan, F. Yuan, K. Zapp, M. Zaro
The impact of the photon PDF and electroweak corrections on tt¯ distributions
2016 D. Pagani, I. Tsinikos, M. Zaro
Electroweak and QCD corrections to top-pair hadroproduction in association with heavy bosons
2015 S. Frixione, V. Hirschi, D. Pagani, H.-. Shao, M. Zaro
Weak corrections to Higgs hadroproduction in association with a top-quark pair
2014 S. Frixione, V. Hirschi, D. Pagani, H.S. Shao, M. Zaro
The effects on bone cells of metal ions released from orthopaedic implants. A review
2013 V. Sansone, D. Pagani, M. Melato
Disturbi periferici della motilità laringea
2009 G. Cantarella, D. Pagani, S. Barbieri
Glottic tuberculosis masquerading as early multifocal carcinoma
2007 G. Cantarella, D. Pagani, V. Fasano, G. Scaramellini
An unusual cause of mechanical dysphagia: An agglomerate of calculi in a tonsillar residue
2006 G. Cantarella, D. Pagani, P. Biondetti
Riabilitazione dell'incompetenza glottica con la tecnica della lipostruttura
2006 G. Cantarella, B. Maraschi, D. Pagani, R.F. Mazzola