Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari Rodolfo Paoletti
Multiplex array analysis of circulating cytokines and chemokines in COVID-19 patients during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Milan, Italy
2024 E. Calvo-Alvarez, S. D'Alessandro, N. Zanotta, N. Basilico, S. Parapini, L. Signorini, F. Perego, K.K. Maina, P. Ferrante, A. Modenese, P. Pizzocri, A. Ronsivalle, S. Delbue, M. Comar
Free Radical Production Induced by Nitroimidazole Compounds Lead to Cell Death in Leishmania infantum Amastigotes
2024 J. Andrés-Rodríguez, M. González-Montero, N. García-Fernández, E. Calvo-Alvarez, M. Pérez-Pertejo, R. Reguera-Torres, R. Balaña-Fouce, C. García-Estrada
Animal models of neglected parasitic diseases: In vivo multimodal imaging of experimental trypanosomatid infections
2024 J.M.N. Tsagmo, B. Rotureau, E. Calvo Alvarez
FLAgellum Member 8 modulates extravascular distribution of African trypanosomes
2023 E. Calvo-Alvarez, J.M.T. Ngoune, P. Sharma, A. Cooper, A. Camara, C. Travaillé, A. Crouzols, A. Macleod, B. Rotureau
FLAgellum Member 8 modulates extravasation and extravascular distribution of African trypanosomes
2023 E. Calvo-Alvarez, J.M. Tsagmo-Ngoune, A. Cooper, C. Travaillé, A. Crouzols, A. Macleod, B. Rotureau
A multi-adenylate cyclase regulator at the flagellar tip controls African trypanosome transmission
2022 S. Bachmaier, G. Giacomelli, E. Calvo-Alvarez, L.R. Vieira, J. Van Den Abbeele, A. Aristodemou, E. Lorentzen, M.K. Gould, A. Brennand, J. Dupuy, I. Forné, A. Imhof, M. Bramkamp, D. Salmon, B. Rotureau, M. Boshart
Antiparasitic Drugs against SARS-CoV-2: A Comprehensive Literature Survey
2022 E. Calvo Alvarez, M. Dolci, F. Perego, L. Signorini, S. Parapini, S. D'Alessandro, L. Denti, N. Basilico, D. Taramelli, P. Ferrante, S. Delbue
Progress in Research on African Trypanosomes: Highlights from an Exceptional Decade
2022 S. Hutchinson, E. Calvo-Alvarez, J.M. Tsagmo, M. Lemos, C. Travaillé, B. Rotureau, P. Bastin
In Vitro Antiparasitic Activities of Monovalent Ionophore Compounds for Human and Canine Leishmaniases
2022 E. Calvo Alvarez, S. D'Alessandro, D. Proverbio, E. Spada, R. Perego, D. Taramelli, N. Basilico, S. Parapini
A rapid spectrophotometric method to identify inhibitors of human erythropoiesis
2022 D.P. Ilboudo, S. D'Alessandro, S. Parapini, E.C. Alvarez, P. Misiano, D. Taramelli, N. Basilico
Dealing with multiple environments: The challenges of the trypanosome lifecycle
2021 E. Calvo-Alvarez, P. Bastin
Extravascular Dermal Trypanosomes in Suspected and Confirmed Cases of gambiense Human African Trypanosomiasis
2021 M. Camara, A.M. Soumah, H. Ilboudo, C. Travaillé, C. Clucas, A. Cooper, N. Kuispond Swar, O. Camara, I. Sadissou, E. Calvo Alvarez, A. Crouzols, J. Bart, V. Jamonneau, M. Camara, A. Macleod, B. Bucheton, B. Rotureau
Redistribution of FLAgellar Member 8 during the trypanosome life cycle: Consequences for cell fate prediction
2021 E. Calvo-Alvarez, S. Bonnefoy, A. Salles, F.E. Benson, P.G. Mckean, P. Bastin, B. Rotureau
Exposure of Anopheles mosquitoes to trypanosomes reduces reproductive fitness and enhances susceptibility to Plasmodium
2020 C. Dieme, N.M. Zmarlak, E. Brito-Fravallo, C. Travaillé, A. Pain, F. Cherrier, C. Genève, E. Calvo-Alvarez, M.M. Riehle, K.D. Vernick, B. Rotureau, C. Mitri
A new chimeric triple reporter fusion protein as a tool for in vitro and in vivo multimodal imaging to monitor the development of African trypanosomes and Leishmania parasites
2018 E. Calvo-Alvarez, C. Cren-Travaillé, A. Crouzols, B. Rotureau
The skin is a significant but overlooked anatomical reservoir for vector-borne African trypanosomes
2016 P. Capewell, C. Cren-Travaill('e), F. Marchesi, P. Johnston, C. Clucas, R.A. Benson, T.-. Gorman, E. Calvo-Alvarez, A. Crouzols, G. Jouvion, V. Jamonneau, W. Weir, M. Lynn Stevenson, K. O'Neill, A. Cooper, N.R.K. Swar, B. Bucheton, D.M. Ngoyi, P. Garside, B. Rotureau, A. Macleod
Infrared fluorescent imaging as a potent tool for in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models of visceral leishmaniasis
2015 E. Calvo-Alvarez, K. Stamatakis, C. Punzón, R. Álvarez-Velilla, A. Tejería, J.M. Escudero-Martínez, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, M. Fresno, R. Balaña-Fouce, R.M. Reguera
Trypanosomatids see the light: recent advances in bioimaging research
2015 E. Calvo-Alvarez, R. Álvarez-Velilla, C. Fernández-Prada, R. Balaña-Fouce, R.M. Reguera
First evidence of intraclonal genetic exchange in trypanosomatids using two Leishmania infantum fluorescent transgenic clones
2014 E. Calvo-Alvarez, R. Álvarez-Velilla, M. Jiménez, R. Molina, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, R. Balaña-Fouce, R.M. Reguera
Target-based vs. phenotypic screenings in Leishmania drug discovery: A marriage of convenience or a dialogue of the deaf?
2014 R.M. Reguera, E. Calvo-Alvarez, R. Alvarez-Velilla, R. Balaña-Fouce