Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Salute e sicurezza nelle biotecnologie industriali : Sostenibilità di processi di bonifica di acque di falda : applicazioni e sicurezza
2024 B. Pietrangeli, L. Cavalca, G.P. Beretta, M. Masetti, D. Pedretti, M. Bertolini, G. Casiraghi, S. Varisco, S. Zecchin, S. Berardi, E. Incocciati
Preliminary results of two-dimensional multicomponent reactive transport modelling to understand the controlling factors on uranium mobility in a siliciclastic aquifer in Hungary
2024 P. Baják, D. Pedretti, A. Csepregi, M. Muniruzzaman, K. Hegedűs-Csondor, A. Erőss
Rooftop rainwater harvesting by a shallow well - Impacts and potential from a field experiment in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve, Hungary
2023 Z. Szabo, D. Pedretti, M. Masetti, T. Ridavits, E. Csiszar, G. Falus, L. Palcsu, J. Madl-Szonyi
Ground-Runoff Harvesting to Increase Water Availability in Isolated Households on Hilly Mediterranean Islands: A Case Study in a Micro-Catchment of Ibiza (Spain)
2023 D. Pedretti, I. Roig Palomeque, S. Meier
Interaction of basin-scale topography- and salinity-driven groundwater flow in synthetic and real hydrogeological systems
2022 A. Galsa, A. Toth, M. Szijarto, D. Pedretti, J. Madl-Szonyi
GEOENT: A Toolbox for Calculating Directional Geological Entropy
2022 D. Pedretti, M. Bianchi
Assessing a large-scale sequential in situ chloroethene bioremediation system using Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) and geochemical modeling
2022 G. Casiraghi, D. Pedretti, G.P. Beretta, M. Masetti, S. Varisco
Piloting Activities for the Design of a Large-scale Biobarrier Involving In Situ Sequential Anaerobic–aerobic Bioremediation of Organochlorides and Hydrocarbons
2022 G. Casiraghi, D. Pedretti, G.P. Beretta, M. Bertolini, G. Bozzetto, L. Cavalca, L. Ferrari, M. Masetti, J. Terrenghi
Heat exploitment from the ground
2022 M. Barla, A. Insana, F. Cecinato, D. Blessent, D. Pedretti, P. Cerutti
Evaluating dual-domain models for upscaling multicomponent reactive transport in mine waste rock
2022 D. Pedretti, B. Vriens, E.K. Skierszkan, P. Bajak, K.U. Mayer, R.D. Beckie
Refining the conceptual model for radionuclide mobility in groundwater in the vicinity of a Hungarian granitic complex using geochemical modeling
2022 P. Bajak, K. Csondor, D. Pedretti, M. Muniruzzaman, H. Surbeck, B. Izsak, M. Vargha, A. Horvath, T. Pandics, A. Eross
Experimental rooftop rainwater harvesting by shallow well infiltration : A case study from the Duna-Tisza Interfluve, Hungary
2021 Z. Szabó, D. Pedretti, M. Masetti, T. Ridavits, E. Csiszár, J. Mádl-Szőnyi
Probability of non-exceedance of arsenic concentration in groundwater estimated using stochastic multicomponent reactive transport modeling
2021 N.D. Libera, D. Pedretti, G. Casiraghi, A. Marko, L. Piccinini, P. Fabbri
The controls of radionuclide mobility in a siliciclastic aquifer in Hungary: Hydrogeological investigations and geochemical modeling
2021 P. Baják, K. Csondor, D. Pedretti, M. Muniruzzaman, B. Izsák, M. Vargha, Á. Horváth, T. Pándics, A. Erőss
Mechanistic models supporting uncertainty quantification of water quality predictions in heterogeneous mining waste rocks : a review
2021 M. Muniruzzaman, D. Pedretti
Model-Based Analysis of the Link between Groundwater Table Rising and the Formation of Solute Plumes in a Shallow Stratified Aquifer
2021 S. Varisco, G.P. Beretta, L. Raffaelli, P. Raimondi, D. Pedretti
Leveraging active-source seismic data in mining tailings: Refraction and MASW analysis, elastic parameters, and hydrogeological conditions
2021 R. Mollehuara-Canales, N. Afonin, E. Kozlovskaya, J. Lunkka, D. Pedretti
Non-invasive geophysical imaging and facies analysis in mining tailings
2021 R. Mollehuara-Canales, E. Kozlovskaya, J.P. Lunkka, K. Moisio, D. Pedretti
Controls of uncertainty in acid rock drainage predictions from waste rock piles examined through Monte-Carlo multicomponent reactive transport
2020 D. Pedretti, K.U. Mayer, R.D. Beckie
Using geological entropy to support the optimization of coupled pump-and-treat systems in contaminated heterogeneous aquifers
2020 D. Pedretti, M. Bianchi