Dipartimento di Fisica Aldo Pontremoli
Wide-angle effects in the galaxy bispectrum
2023 K. Pardede, E. Di Dio, E. Castorina
Large Scale Limit of the Observed Galaxy Power Spectrum
2023 M. Foglieni, M. Pantiri, E. Di Dio, E. Castorina
Optimal constraints on Primordial non-Gaussianity with the eBOSS DR16 quasars in Fourier space
2023 M.S. Cagliari, E. Castorina, M. Bonici, D. Bianchi
Comments on the mass sheet degeneracy in cosmography analyses
2022 L. Teodori, K. Blum, E. Castorina, M. Simonović, Y. Soreq
Unveiling dark fifth forces with linear cosmology
2022 M. Archidiacono, E. Castorina, D. Redigolo, E. Salvioni
Bispectrum-window convolution via Hankel transform
2022 K. Pardede, F. Rizzo, M. Biagetti, E. Castorina, E. Sefusatti, P. Monaco
Precision Tests of CO and [CII] Power Spectra Models against Simulated Intensity Maps
2022 A. Moradinezhad Dizgah, F. Nikakhtar, G.K. Keating, E. Castorina
The observed galaxy power spectrum in General Relativity
2022 E. Castorina, E. di Dio
Redshift-space distortions in Lagrangian perturbation theory
2021 S.-. Chen, Z. Vlah, E. Castorina, M. White
Cosmology at high redshift -- a probe of fundamental physics
2021 N. Sailer, E. Castorina, S. Ferraro, M. White
Mind the gap: the power of combining photometric surveys with intensity mapping
2021 C. Modi, M. White, E. Castorina, A. Slosar
Could Quasar Lensing Time Delays Hint to a Core Component in Halos, Instead of H 0 Tension?
2020 K. Blum, E. Castorina, M. Simonovic
Weighing neutrinos with the halo environment
2020 A. Banerjee, E. Castorina, F. Villaescusa-Navarro, T. Court, M. Viel
Packed Ultra-wideband Mapping Array (PUMA): Astro2020 RFI Response
2020 E. Castorina, S. Foreman, D. Karagiannis, A. Liu, K.W. Masui, P.D. Meerburg, L.B. Newburgh, P. O'Connor, A. Obuljen, H. Padmanabhan, J. Richard Shaw, A. Slosar, P. Stankus, P.T. Timbie, B. Wallisch, M. White
Local Primordial Non-Gaussianities and super-sample variance
2020 E. Castorina, A.M. Dizgah
Lensing corrections on galaxy-lensing cross correlations and galaxy-galaxy auto correlations
2020 V. Bohm, C. Modi, E. Castorina
Constraining M-nu with the bispectrum. Part I. Breaking parameter degeneracies
2020 C. Hahn, F. Villaescusa-Navarro, E. Castorina, R. Scoccimarro
Wide angle effects for peculiar velocities
2020 E. Castorina, M. White
Measuring dark matter-neutrino relative velocity on cosmological scales
2020 H.-. Zhu, E. Castorina
The quijote simulations
2020 F. Villaescusa-Navarro, C. Hahn, E. Massara, A. Banerjee, A.M. Delgado, D.K. Ramanah, T. Charnock, E. Giusarma, Y. Li, E. Allys, A. Brochard, C. Uhlemann, C.-. Chiang, S. He, A. Pisani, A. Obuljen, Y. Feng, E. Castorina, G. Contardo, C.D. Kreisch, A. Nicola, J. Alsing, R. Scoccimarro, L. Verde, M. Viel, S. Ho, S. Mallat, B. Wandelt, D.N. Spergel