Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Natural fractures and their attributes in organic-rich shales: Insights from the Paleozoic Wufeng-Longmaxi formation, southeastern Sichuan Basin
2024 S. Ma, L. Zeng, M. Gasparrini, S. Liu, Z. Liang, H. Tian, H. Bao, W. Wu, L. Luo
U-Pb carbonate dating reveals long‐lived activity of proximal margin extensional faults during the Alpine Tethys rifting
2024 M. Rocca, S. Zanchetta, M. Gasparrini, X. Mangenot, F. Berra, P. Deschamps, A. Guihou, A. Zanchi
A Lacustrine Record for the Cretaceous–Paleogene Boundary—Yacoraite Fm., (Northwest Argentina)
2023 D. Montano, M. Gasparrini, S. Rohais, R. De Luca
Modelling the coupled heterogeneities of the lacustrine microbialite-bearing carbonate reservoir of the Yacoraite Formation (Salta, Argentina)
2023 V. Teles, Y. Hamon, R. Deschamps, S. Rohais, F.H. Nader, E. Heckenmeyer, M. Gasparrini, M. Barbier, O. Lerat, P. Joseph, B. Doligez
Dolomite recrystallization revealed by Δ47/U-Pb thermochronometry in the Upper Jurassic Arab Formation, United Arab Emirates
2023 M. Gasparrini, D. Morad, X. Mangenot, M. Bonifacie, S. Morad, F.H. Nader, A. Gerdes
Automatic organofacies identification by means of Machine Learning on Raman spectra
2023 N.A. Vergara Sassarini, A. Schito, M. Gasparrini, P. Michel, S. Corrado
Joint application of fluid inclusion and clumped isotope (∆47) thermometry unravels the complexity of thermal and fluid-flow history reconstruction in sedimentary basins—Upper Triassic Chaunoy Formation reservoirs (Paris Basin)
2023 N.A. Vergarasassarini, M. Gasparrini, S.M. Bernasconi, S. Corrado
Depositional age models in lacustrine systems from zircon and carbonate U‐Pb geochronology
2022 D. Montano, M. Gasparrini, S. Rohais, R. Albert, A. Gerdes
Assessing Paleo-Fluid Circulation in a Geothermal System: From Structural Analysis to Fracture Diagenesis
2021 M. Perret, M. Gasparrini, V. Teles, L. Guglielmetti, S. Omodeo Salé, F. Mondino, A. Moscariello
Fracture network characterization associated with the transpressive Vuache fault, a possible outcrop analogue of the Geneva Basin geothermal system
2021 M. Perret, M. Gasparrini, V. Teles, F. Mondino, G. L., O. Salé, S. Moscariello
In-situ U-Pb dating of Ries Crater lacustrine carbonates (Miocene, South-West Germany) : implications for continental carbonate chronostratigraphy
2021 D. Montano, M. Gasparrini, A. Gerdes. A., G. Della Porta, R. Albert
Joint application of fluid inclusion and clumped isotope (Δ47) thermometry to burial carbonate cements from Upper Triassic reservoirs of the Paris Basin
2020 N. Amanda Vergara, M. Gasparrini, S. Corrado, S. Bernasconi
Source-to-Sink (S2S) analysis of a lacustrine system across the K-T boundary: the Yacoraite Formation, Salta rift basin, Argentina
2020 S. Rohais, Y. Hamon, R. Deschamps, V. Beaumont, M. Gasparrini, D. Pillot, M.F. Romero-Sarmiento
Joint application of fluid inclusion and clumped isotope (Δ$mathsemicolon$47) thermometry to burial carbonate cements from Upper Triassic reservoirs of the Paris Basin
2020 N.A. Vergara, M. Gasparrini, S. Corrado, S. Bernasconi
Dynamic of a lacustrine sedimentary system during late rifting at the Cretaceous‐Palaeocene transition: Example of the Yacoraite Formation, Salta Basin, Argentina
2020 R. Deschamps, S. Rohais, Y. Hamon, M. Gasparrini
Natural mineralized fractures from the Montney-Doig unconventional reservoirs (Western Canada sedimentary basin): Timing and controlling factors
2020 M. Gasparrini, O. Lacombe, S. Rohais, M. Belkacemi, T. Euzen
Thermal and exhumation histories of the northern subalpine chains (Bauges and Bornes—France) : Evidence from forward thermal modeling coupling clay mineral diagenesis, organic maturity and carbonate clumped isotope (Δ 47 ) data
2019 X. Mangenot, J.F. Deconinck, M. Bonifacie, V. Rouchon, P.Y. Collin, D. Quesne, M. Gasparrini, J.P. Sizun
Limited thermochemical sulfate reduction in hot, anhydritic, sour gas carbonate reservoirs : The Upper Jurassic Arab Formation, United Arab Emirates
2019 D. Morad, F.H. Nader, S. Morad, C. Rossi, M. Gasparrini, M. Alsuwaidi, F. Al Darmaki, H. Hellevang
Bedding-parallel stylolites as a tool to unravel maximum burial depth in sedimentary basins: Application to Middle Jurassic carbonate reservoirs in the Paris basin, France
2019 N. Beaudoin, M. Gasparrini, M.E. David, O. Lacombe, D. Koehn
Patterns of organic carbon enrichment in a lacustrine system across the K-T boundary : Insight from a multi-proxy analysis of the Yacoraite Formation, Salta rift basin, Argentina
2019 R. Sebastien, H. Youri, D. Remy, B. Valerie, M. Gasparrini, P. Daniel, R.-. Maria-Fernanda