Dipartimento di Filosofia Piero Martinetti
Conversazione con Howard Becker. Trento, 20 ottobre 2000 = Conversation with Howard Becker. Trento, October 20, 2000
2024 H. Becker, S. Gherardi, G. Gobo
The secularization of science as an effect of the crisis of expertise
2023 G. Gobo
Si poteva comunicare diversamente la sindemia? Cambiare linguaggio per cambiare il corso degli eventi
2023 G. Gobo
A Systemic Approach to Health and Disease: The Interaction of Individuals, Medicines, Cultures and Environments
2023 G. Gobo, E. Campo, E. Portalupi
Mixed methods and their pragmatic approach: is there a risk of being entangled in a positivist epistemology and methodology? Limits, pitfalls and consequences of a bricolage methodology
2023 G. Gobo
Trust and distrust in science: Embedding the interplay among scientists, mass media and public in Italy during the SARS-Cov-2 outbreak
2023 G. Gobo, E. Campo, L. Serafini
Hearing with the eyes. Visual hearing in (a trio) music rehearsals
2023 B. Pentimalli, G. Gobo
Crisi delle competenze, secolarizzazione della scienza e declino della fiducia negli scienziati dopo il Covid-19 : Uno studio pilota
2022 G. Gobo
The challenges of methodology in a glocal world
2022 G. Gobo
Science, Technology and Society : An Introduction
2022 G. Gobo, V. Marcheselli
La nueva encuesta : Sondeo discursivo y enfoque interactivo
2022 G. Gobo
Politics During and After Covid-19: Science, Health and Social Protest
2022 N. Bertuzzi, E. Legalisse, E. Lello, G. Gobo, B. Sena
Covid-19 e fiducia negli scienziati. Uno studio pilota sui lettori di due giornali online
2022 G. Gobo, L. Serafini, E. Campo, A. Caserini
Questioning and Disputing Vaccination Policies. Scientists and Experts in the Italian Public Debate
2022 G. Gobo, B. Sena
Early Home Therapies against Covid-19. An Italian Case of Politicisation of Science?
2022 E. Campo, M. De Toffoli, G. Gobo, F. Strata
Improving equality in scientific careers : The Care Factor proposal
2021 G. Gobo
Le nuove esplorazioni spaziali : Problemi morali, ambientali e politici
2021 G. Gobo
Limiti e fallimenti dei modelli epidemiologici e previsionali nell’epidemia di SARS-COV-2
2021 E. Campo, G. Gobo, M. Galeotti, P. Parra Saiani
Límites y fallas de los modelos epidemiológicos y predictivos en la epidemia de SARS-COV-2 en Italia
2021 P. Parra Saiani, E. Campo, G. Gobo, M. Galeotti
Merged Methods : A Rationale for Full Integration
2021 G. Gobo, N. Fielding, G. Larocca, W. der Wart