DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE MEDICO-CHIRURGICHE (attivo dal 01/01/2003 al 27/04/2012)
Prognostic significance of Ki-67 labeling index after short-term presurgical tamoxifen in women with ER-positive breast cancer
2011 A. Decensi, A. Guerrieri Gonzaga, S. Gandini, D. Serrano, M. Cazzaniga, S. Mora, H. Johansson, E.A. Lien, G. Pruneri, G. Viale, B. Bonanni
Diagnosis, treatment and survival of patients with hepatorenal syndrome: A survey on daily medical practice
2011 F. Salerno, M. Cazzaniga, M. Merli, G. Spinzi, S. Saibeni, A. Salmi, S. Fagiuoli, A. Spadaccini, E. Trotta, G. Laffi, M. Koch, O. Riggio, S. Boccia, M. Felder, S. Balzani, S. Bruno, P. Angeli
Epidemiological changes of bacterial infections in cirrhotic patients: a current clinical problem
2010 M. Cazzaniga, C. Pedicino, F. Salerno, M. Arghittu, R. Simonetti, A. Borroughs, I. Cacciola, A. Rossini, A. Aghemo, P. Angeli, S. Boccia, M. Borzio
Low rate of mortality in patients with stage 4 cirrhosis: the need of a reassessment of an old classification. The A.I.S.F.-Epasco Prospective Multicentre Study
2010 S. Bruno, S. Saibeni, C. Vandelli, M. De Luca, M. Felder, G. Niro, G.B. Gaeta, M. D’Amico, M. Cazzaniga, P. Andreone, T. Stroffolini, M. Persico, M. Stanzione, P.L. Almasio
Effect of intravenous tirofiban and aspirin in reducing short-term and long-term neurologic deficit in patients with ischemic stroke: A double-blind randomized trial
2010 G. Torgano, B. Zecca, V. Monzani, A. Maestroni, P. Rossi, M. Cazzaniga, D. Manganaro, C. Boiti, E. Zilioli, G. Borutti, F. Falaschi, C. Mandelli
Adherence to Aasld Guidelines in the “Real World” of Hcc in Italy. Preliminary results of a prospective study
2010 M. Borzio, F. Fornari, I. De Sio, G. Parisi, G. Francica, A. Salmi, F. Terracciano, G. Spinzi, M. Salvagnini, C. Pedicino, R. Sacco, M. Cazzaniga
Therapeutic strategies and emergence of multiresistant bacterial strains
2010 F. Salerno, M. Cazzaniga
Predicting mortality risk in cirrhotic patients since the first decompensation based on a new prognostic score: the AISF-EPASCO prospective multicentre study
2010 S. Bruno, S. Saibeni, C. Vandelli, M. De Luca, M. Felder, A. Amato, M. Vinci, G. Colloredo, M. Cazzaniga, S. Boccia, G. Bellati, M. Persico, T. Stroffolini, P.L. Almasio
May vaptans contribute to the treatment of refractory ascites?
2010 F. Salerno, M. Cazzaniga, S. Accordino
A Prospective Italian Survey On Hepatorenal Syndrome
2010 M. Cazzaniga, F. Salerno, M. Merli, G. Spinzi, S. Saibeni, A. Salmi, S. Fagiuoli, A. Spadaccini, E. Trotta, G. Laffi, M. Koch, O. Riggio, S. Bruno, P. Angeli
Older age increases the risk of relapse in genotype-1 chronic hepatitis C patients showing complete early virologic response during peginterferon and ribavirin therapy
2010 G. Borroni, M. Andreoletti, A. Bortoli, M.A. Casiraghi, M. Cazzaniga, R. Ceriani, P. Guerzoni, G. Mandelli, B. Omazzi, S. Paggi, M.G.L. Pich, A. Prada, D. Spinzi, N. Terreni
Decline In Hemoglobin Concentration And Neutrophil Count Is Not Associated With The Likelihood Of Svr In Genotype-1 Chronic Hepatitis C Patients
2010 G. Borroni, M. Andreoletti, A. Bortoli, M.A. Casiraghi, M. Cazzaniga, R. Ceriani, P. Guerzoni, B. Omazzi, S. Paggi, M.G.L. Pich, A. Prada, D. Spinzi, N. Terreni
Usefulness of simplified acute physiology score II in predicting mortality in patients admitted to an emergency medicine ward
2009 R. Cosentini, C. Folli, M. Cazzaniga, S. Aliberti, F. Piffer, L. Grazioli, G. Milani, M. Pappalettera, M. Arioli, F. Tardini, A.M. Brambilla
Autonomic dysfunction : often present but usually ignored in patients with liver disease
2009 F. Salerno, M. Cazzaniga
Utilizzo cronico di farmaci anti-ulcera peptica/reflusso gastroesofageo e infezione batterica come causa di ricovero in soggetti anziani ricoverati in reparti di Medicina Interna
2009 F. Salerno, L. Pasina, G. Gobbo, M. Cazzaniga, A. Nobili, M. Tettamanti, S. Corrao, J. Bonazzi, D. Vicidomini, P.M. Mannucci
Prediction of asymptomatic cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis C patients : accuracy of artificial neural networks compared with logistic regression models
2009 M. Cazzaniga, F. Salerno, G. Borroni, R. Ceriani, G. Stucchi, P. Guerzoni, M.A. Casiraghi, M. Tommasini
The systemic inflammatory response syndrome in cirrhotic patients : relationship with their in-hospital outcome
2009 M. Cazzaniga, E. Dionigi, G. Gobbo, A. Fioretti, V. Monti, F. Salerno
Point-of-care coagulation monitors calibrated for the international normalized ratio for cirrhosis (INRliver) can help to implement the INRliver for the calculation of the MELD score
2009 A. Tripodi, V. Chantarangkul, M. Primignani, A. Dell’Era, M. Clerici, F. Iannuzzi, A. Aghemo, M. Cazzaniga, F. Salerno, P.M. Mannucci
A prospective survey on the treatment and survival of patients with hepatorenal syndrome
2009 F. Salerno, M. Cazzaniga, M. Merli, G. Spinzi, S. Saibeni, A. Salmi, S. Fagiuoli, A. Spadaccini, E. Trotta, R.G. Romanelli, O. Riggio, S. Bruno, P. Angeli, G. Laffi, M. Koch
Patients hemoglobin decline is not associated with SVR among HCV G1-infected patients in day-to-day clinical practice
2009 G. Spinzi, G. Borroni, M. Andreoletti, A. Bortoli, M. Casiraghi, M. Cazzaniga, R. Ceriani, P. Guerzoni, G. Mandelli, B. Omazzi, S. Paggi, N. Terreni