Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale
fMRI-Targeted High-Angular Resolution Diffusion MR Tractography to Identify Functional Language Tracts in Healthy Controls and Glioma Patients
2020 F. Sanvito, E. Caverzasi, M. Riva, K.M. Jordan, V. Blasi, P. Scifo, A. Iadanza, S.A. Crespi, S. Cirillo, A. Casarotti, A. Leonetti, G. Puglisi, M. Grimaldi, L. Bello, M.L. Gorno-Tempini, R.G. Henry, A. Falini, A. Castellano
Assessment of the praxis circuit in glioma surgery to reduce the incidence of postoperative and long-term apraxia: a new intraoperative test
2019 M. Rossi, L. Fornia, G. Puglisi, A. Leonetti, G. Zuccon, E.M. Fava, D. Milani, A. Casarotti, M. Riva, F. Pessina, G. Cerri, L. Bello
The neural correlates of auditory-verbal short-term memory: a voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping study on 103 patients after glioma removal
2019 A. Pisoni, G. Mattavelli, A. Casarotti, A. Comi, M. Riva, L. Bello, C. Papagno
Preserving executive functions in nondominant frontal lobe glioma surgery: an intraoperative tool
2018 G. Puglisi, T. Sciortino, M. Rossi, A. Leonetti, L. Fornia, M. Conti Nibali, A. Casarotti, F. Pessina, M. Riva, G. Cerri, L. Bello
Object-action dissociation : a voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping study on 102 patients after glioma removal
2018 A. Pisoni, G. Mattavelli, A. Casarotti, A. Comi, M. Riva, L. Bello, C. Papagno
Consequences of brain tumour resection on emotion recognition
2017 G. Mattavelli, A. Pisoni, A. Casarotti, A. Comi, G. Sera, M. Riva, A. Bizzi, M. Rossi, L. Bello, C. Papagno
Monopolar high-frequency language mapping : can it help in the surgical management of gliomas? A comparative clinical study
2016 M. Riva, E. Fava, M. Gallucci, A. Comi, A. Casarotti, T. Alfiero, F.A. Raneri, F. Pessina, L. Bello
Long-term proper name anomia after removal of the uncinate fasciculus
2016 C. Papagno, A. Casarotti, A. Comi, A. Pisoni, F. Lucchelli, A. Bizzi, M. Riva, L. Bello
The mirror neuron system and the strange case of Broca's area
2015 G. Cerri, M. Cabinio, V. Blasi, P. Borroni, A. Iadanza, E. Fava, L. Fornia, V. Ferpozzi, M. Riva, A. Casarotti, F. Martinelli Boneschi, A. Falini, L. Bello
Decision-making anilities in patients with frontal low-grade glioma
2012 G. Mattavelli, A. Casarotti, M. Forgiarini, M. Riva, L. Bello, C. Papagno
Insular glioma combined treatment : a retrospective analysis of 50 consecutive patients
2012 M. Riva, F. Raneri, F. Pessina, A. Casarotti, A. Comi, E. Fava, C. Papagno, L. Bello
Measuring clinical outcomes in neuro-oncology : a battery to evaluate low-grade gliomas (LGG)
2012 C. Papagno, A. Casarotti, A. Comi, M. Gallucci, M. Riva, L. Bello
How to improve the extent of surgery with better neurological function preservation
2011 L. Bello, E. Fava, G. Casaceli, M. Riva, A. Casarotti, A. Comi, C. Papagno, A. Castellano, A. Falini
What is the role of the uncinate fasciculus? Surgical removal and proper name retrieval
2011 C. Papagno, C. Miracapillo, A. Casarotti, L.J. Romero Lauro, A. Castellano, A. Falini, G. Casaceli, E.M. Fava, L. Bello
Cognition and quality of life in patients with brain tumors
2010 A. Casarotti, L. Bello, A. Comi, E. Fava, C. Papagno
Intraoperative mapping and monitoring of brain functions for the resection of low-grade gliomas: technical considerations
2009 G. Bertani, E. Fava, G. Casaceli, G. Carrabba, A. Casarotti, C. Papagno, A. Castellano, A. Falini, S.M. Gaini, L. Bello
Memoria a lungo termine nei gliomi temporali : effetti della amigdaloippocampectomia
2009 G. Casaceli, A. Casarotti, E. Fava, G. Carrabba, C. Papagno, S.M. Gaini, L. Bello
Motor and language DTI Fiber Tracking combined with intraoperative subcortical mapping for surgical removal of gliomas
2008 L. Bello, A. Gambini, A. Castellano, G. Carrabba, F. Acerbi, E. Fava, C. Giussani, M. Cadioli, V. Blasi, A. Casarotti, C. Papagno, A.K. Gupta, S.M. Gaini, G. Scotti, A. Falini
Combined use of DTI-FT and intraopereative subcortical mapping for the surgical removal of gliomas
2008 G.A. Bertani, L. Bello, A. Castellano, A. Casarotti, S.M. Gaini, A. Falini