Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
Effects of combined exposure to two bisphenol plasticizers (BPA and BPB) on Xenopus laevis development
2024 M. Battistoni, F. Metruccio, F. Di Renzo, A. Moretto, R. Bacchetta, E. Menegola
2024 F. Metruccio, L. Tosti, M.F. Wilks, A. Moretto
2023 L. Tosti, F. Metruccio, A. Moretto
Moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy increases potency of two different drugs (the antifungal fluconazole and the antiepileptic valproate) in inducing craniofacial defects : prediction by the in vitro rat whole embryo culture
2023 F. Metruccio, M. Battistoni, F. Di Renzo, A. Moretto, E. Menegola
RISK 21: an innovative approach for human risk assessment and its application in occupational exposure to plant protection products in viticulture
2022 L. Tosti, A. Moretto, F. Metruccio
Modified Xenopus laevis approach (R-FETAX) as an alternative test for the evaluation of foetal valproate spectrum disorder
2022 M. Battistoni, R. Bacchetta, F. Di Renzo, F. Metruccio, A. Moretto, E. Menegola
An adverse outcome pathway on the disruption of retinoic acid metabolism leading to developmental craniofacial defects
2021 E. Menegola, C.H.J. Veltman, M. Battistoni, F. Di Renzo, A. Moretto, F. Metruccio, A. Beronius, J. Zilliacus, K. Kyriakopoulou, A. Spyropoulou, K. Machera, L.T.M. van der Ven, M. Luijten
Air Liquid Interface (ALI) system: genotoxic and inflammatory profile of BEAS-2B exposed in Bologna, Italy
2021 E. Nozza, G. Melzi, M. Gualtieri, E. Corsini, F. Costabile, A. Moretto, R. Vecchi, M. Marinovich
Health effects of living near an incinerator: A systematic review of epidemiological studies, with focus on last generation plants
2020 E. Negri, F. Bravi, S. Catalani, V. Guercio, F. Metruccio, A. Moretto, C. La Vecchia, P. Apostoli
Predicting estrogen receptor binding of chemicals using a suite of in silico methods-complementary approaches of (Q)Sar, molecular docking and molecular dynamics
2020 L. Palazzolo, J.V. Cotteril, C. Ridgway, N. Price, E. Rorije, A. Moretto, A. Peijnenburg, I. Eberini
Development of an adverse outcome pathway for cranio-facial malformations: A contribution from in silico simulations and in vitro data
2020 F. Metruccio, L. Palazzolo, F. Di Renzo, M. Battistoni, E. Menegola, I. Eberini, A. Moretto
Models used in the world (European Union, United States, other countries)
2020 F. Metruccio, L. Tosti, A. Moretto
Occupational Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors and Reproductive Health
2020 F. Metruccio, L. Tosti, A. Moretto
Chemical carcinogenicity revisited 3 : Risk assessment of carcinogenic potential based on the current state of knowledge of carcinogenesis in humans
2019 S.M. Cohen, A.R. Boobis, V.L. Dellarco, J.E. Doe, P.A. Fenner-Crisp, A. Moretto, T.P. Pastoor, R.S. Schoeny, J.G. Seed, D.C. Wolf
Assessment of penconazole exposure in winegrowers using urinary biomarkers
2019 R. Mercadante, E. Polledri, F. Rubino, S. Mandic-Rajcevic, A. Vaiani, C. Colosio, A. Moretto, S. Fustinoni
Chemical carcinogenicity revisited 2 : current knowledge of carcinogenesis shows that categorization as a carcinogen or non-carcinogen is not scientifically credible
2019 J.E. Doe, A.R. Boobis, V. Dellarco, P.A. Fenner-Crisp, A. Moretto, T.P. Pastoor, R.S. Schoeny, J.G. Seed, D.C. Wolf
Selecting mixtures on the basis of dietary exposure and hazard data: application to pesticide exposure in the European population in relation to steatosis
2019 A. Cr('e)pet, M. Vanacker, C. Sprong, W. de Boer, U. Blaznik, M. Kennedy, C. Anagnostopoulos, D.L. Christodoulou, J. Ruprich, I. Rehurkova, J.L. Domingo, B. Hamborg Jensen, F. Metruccio, A. Moretto, L. Jacxsens, P. Spanoghe, D. Senaeve, H. van der Voet, J. van Klaveren
Chemical carcinogenicity revisited 1 : a unified theory of carcinogenicity based on contemporary knowledge
2019 D.C. Wolf, S.M. Cohen, A.R. Boobis, V.L. Dellarco, P.A. Fenner-Crisp, A. Moretto, T.P. Pastoor, R.S. Schoeny, J.G. Seed, J.E. Doe
Predicting Estrogen receptor binding of chemicals using a suite of in silico methods : complementary approaches of (Q)SAR, Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics
2019 L. Palazzolo, J. Cotterill, C. Ridgway, N. Price, E. Rorije, U. Guerrini, A. Moretto, A. Peijnenburg, I. Eberini
Relative potency ranking of azoles altering craniofacial morphogenesis in rats : an in vitro data modelling approach
2019 F. Di Renzo, F. Metruccio, M. Battistoni, A. Moretto, E. Menegola