DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE BIOMEDICHE (attivo dal 01/01/1960 al 27/04/2012)
Urinary physiology and hypoxia: A pilot study of moderate-altitude trekking effects on urodynamic indexes
2019 V. Verratti, S. Mrakic-Sposta, M. Moriggi, A. Tonacci, S. Bhandari, D. Migliorelli, A. Bajracharya, D. Bondi, E.F. Agro, P. Cerretelli
Recovery from 6-month spaceflight at the International Space Station : Muscle-related stress into a proinflammatory setting
2019 M. Capri, C. Morsiani, A. Santoro, M. Moriggi, M. Conte, M. Martucci, E. Bellavista, C. Fabbri, E. Giampieri, K. Albracht, M. Fluck, S. Ruoss, L. Brocca, M. Canepari, E. Longa, I.D. Giulio, R. Bottinelli, P. Cerretelli, S. Salvioli, C. Gelfi, C. Franceschi, M. Narici, J. Rittweger
Sarcolab pilot study into skeletal muscle’s adaptation to longterm spaceflight
2018 J. Rittweger, K. Albracht, M. Fluck, S. Ruoss, L. Brocca, E. Longa, M. Moriggi, O. Seynnes, I. Di Giulio, L. Tenori, A. Vignoli, M. Capri, C. Gelfi, C. Luchinat, C. Francheschi, R. Bottinelli, P. Cerretelli, M. Narici
TCA cycle rewiring fosters metabolic adaptation to oxygen restriction in skeletal muscle from rodents and humans
2017 D. Capitanio, C. Fania, E. Torretta, A. Viganò, M. Moriggi, V. Bravatà, A. Caretti, D.Z.H. Levett, M.P.W. Grocott, M. Samaja, P. Cerretelli, C. Gelfi
Changes in muscle proteomics in the course of the Caudwell Research Expedition to Mt. Everest
2015 D.Z.H. Levett, A. Viganò, D. Capitanio, M. Vasso, S. De Palma, M. Moriggi, D.S. Martin, A.J. Murray, P. Cerretelli, M.P.W. Grocott, C. Gelfi, D. Capitanio
Vibration mechanosignals superimposed to resistive exercise result in baseline skeletal muscle transcriptome profiles following chronic disuse in bed rest
2015 M. Salanova, G. Gambara, M. Moriggi, M. Vasso, U. Ungethuem, D.L. Belavý, D. Felsenberg, P. Cerretelli, C. Gelfi, D. Blottner
Disuse deterioration of human skeletal muscle challenged by resistive exercise superimposed with vibration : evidence from structural and proteomic analysis
2014 M. Salanova, C. Gelfi, M. Moriggi, M. Vasso, A. Viganò, L. Minafra, G. Bonifacio, G. Schiffl, M. Gutsmann, D. Felsenberg, P. Cerretelli, D. Blottner
Energy metabolism in hypoxia: reinterpreting some features of muscle physiology on molecular grounds
2011 P. Cerretelli, C. Gelfi
Long term bed rest with and without vibration exercise countermeasures: effects on human muscle protein dysregulation
2010 M. Moriggi, M. Vasso, C. Fania, D. Capitanio, G. Bonifacio, M. Salanova, D. Blottner, J. Rittweger, D. Felsenberg, P. Cerretelli, C. Gelfi
55-Day bed rest without/with vibration exercise countermeasureas: effect on human muscle protein dysregulation
2010 M. Moriggi, M. Vasso, C. Fania, D. Capitanio, D. Blottner, J. Rittweger, D. Felsenberg, P. Cerretelli, C. Gelfi
Simulated microgravity muscular atrophy investigated by 2D-DIGE and mass spectrometry
2007 M. Moriggi, A. Viganò, M. Ripamonti, D. Capitanio, J. Rittweger, D. Felsenberg, P. Cerretelli, C. Gelfi, D. Capitanio
Metabolic modulation induced by chronic hypoxia in rats using a comparative proteomic analysis of skeletal muscle tissue
2007 S. De Palma, M. Ripamonti, A. Viganò, M. Moriggi, D. Capitanio, M. Samaja, G. Milano, P. Cerretelli, R. Wait, C. Gelfi, D. Capitanio
Simulated microgravity muscolar atrophy investigated by 2D-PAGE and Mass Spectrometry [P109]
2007 M. Moriggi, A. Viganò, M. Ripamonti, D. Capitanio, J. Rittweger, D. Felsenberg, P. Cerretelli, C. Gelfi, D. Capitanio
Strong iron demand during hypoxia-induced erythropoiesis is associated with down-regulation of iron-related proteins and myoglobin in skeletal muscle
2007 P. Robach, G. Cairo, C. Gelfi, F. Bernuzzi, H. Pilegaard, A. Viganò, P. Santambrogio, P. Cerretelli, J.A.L. Calbet, S. Moutereau, C. Lundby
2-D protein maps of rat gastrocnemius and soleus muscles : a tool for muscle plasticity assessment
2006 C. Gelfi, A. Viganò, S. De Palma, M. Ripamonti, S. Begum, P. Cerretelli, R. Wait
The human muscle proteome in aging
2006 C. Gelfi, A. Vigano, M. Ripamonti, A. Pontoglio, S. Begum, M.A. Pellegrino, B. Grassi, R. Bottinelli, R. Wait, P. Cerretelli
The study of muscular function: The contribution of proteomic analysis
2006 P. Cerretelli, C. Gelfi
Proteomic investigation of the molecular pathophysiology of dysferlinopathy
2006 S. De Palma, L. Morandi, E. Mariani, S. Begum, P. Cerretelli, R. Wait, C. Gelfi
Work capacity of permanent residents of high altitude
2006 Claudio Marconi, Mauro Marzorati, Paolo Cerretelli
Muscle protein expression changes during extremely high altitude exposure by DIGE approach
2005 M. Ripamonti, S. De Palma, M. Moriggi, P. Cerretelli, H. Hoppeler, R. Wait, C. Gelfi