Dipartimento di Oncologia ed Emato-Oncologia
von Willebrand factor neutralizing and non-neutralizing alloantibodies in 213 subjects with type 3 von Willebrand disease enrolled in 3WINTERS-IPS
2023 M.T. Pagliari, U. Budde, L. Baronciani, P. Eshghi, M. Ahmadinejad, Z. Badiee, M. Baghaipour, O. Benítez Hidalgo, E. Biguzzi, I. Bodó, G. Castaman, J. Goudemand, M. Karimi, B. Keikhaei, R. Lassila, F.W.G. Leebeek, M.F. Lopez Fernandez, R. Marino, J. Oldenburg, I. Peake, C. Santoro, R. Schneppenheim, A. Tiede, G. Toogeh, A. Tosetto, M. Trossaert, H. Yadegari, E.M.K. Zetterberg, P.M. Mannucci, A.B. Federici, J. Eikenboom, F. Peyvandi
SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: The Italian Hematology Alliance on COVID-19 cohort
2023 M. Merli, I. Ferrarini, F. Merli, A. Busca, R. Mina, B. Falini, R. Bruna, R. Cairoli, M. Marchetti, A. Romano, M. Cavo, L. Arcaini, L. Trentin, C. Cattaneo, E. Derenzini, N.S. Fracchiolla, F. Marchesi, A. Scattolin, A. Billio, M. Bocchia, M. Massaia, C. Gambacorti-Passerini, F.R. Mauro, M. Gentile, S. Mohamed, M.G. Della Porta, E. Coviello, D. Cilloni, G. Visani, A.B. Federici, M.C. Tisi, L. Cudillo, S. Galimberti, F. Gherlinzoni, L. Pagano, A. Guidetti, L. Bertù, P. Corradini, F. Passamonti, C. Visco
Von Willebrand factor propeptide and pathophysiological mechanisms in European and Iranian patients with type 3 von Willebrand disease enrolled in the 3WINTERS‐IPS study
2022 M.T. Pagliari, F.R. Rosendaal, M. Ahmadinejad, Z. Badiee, M. Baghaipour, L. Baronciani, O. Benítez Hidalgo, I. Bodó, U. Budde, G. Castaman, P. Eshghi, J. Goudemand, M. Karimi, B. Keikhaei, R. Lassila, F.W.G. Leebeek, M.F. Lopez Fernandez, P.M. Mannucci, R. Marino, J. Oldenburg, I. Peake, C. Santoro, R. Schneppenheim, A. Tiede, G. Toogeh, A. Tosetto, M. Trossaert, H. Yadegari, E.M.K. Zetterberg, F. Peyvandi, A.B. Federici, J. Eikenboom
Genotypes of European and Iranian patients with type 3 von Willebrand disease enrolled in 3WINTERS-IPS
2021 L. Baronciani, I. Peake, R. Schneppenheim, A. Goodeve, M. Ahmadinejad, Z. Badiee, M.-. Baghaipour, O. Benitez, I. Bodo, U. Budde, A. Cairo, G. Castaman, P. Eshghi, J. Goudemand, W. Hassenpflug, H. Hoorfar, M. Karimi, B. Keikhaei, R. Lassila, F.W.G. Leebeek, M.F.L. Fernandez, P.M. Mannucci, R. Marino, N. Niksic, F. Oyen, C. Santoro, A. Tiede, G. Toogeh, A. Tosetto, M. Trossaert, E.M.K. Zetterberg, J. Eikenboom, A.B. Federici, F. Peyvandi
Bleeding symptoms in patients diagnosed as type 3 Von Willebrand Disease: results from 3WINTERS-IPS, an international and collaborative cross-sectional study
2020 A. Tosetto, Z. Badiee, M. Baghaipour, L. Baronciani, J. Battle, E. Berntorp, I. Bodó, U. Budde, G. Castaman, J.C.J. Eikenboom, P. Eshghi, C. Ettorre, A. Goodeve, J. Goudemand, H. Charles Richard Morris, H. Hoorfar, M. Karimi, B. Keikhaei, R. Lassila, F.W.G. Leebeek, M.F. Lopez Fernandez, P.M. Mannucci, M.G. Mazzucconi, M. Morfini, J. Oldenburg, I. Peake, R. Parra Lòpez, F. Peyvandi, R. Schneppenheim, A. Tiede, G. Toogeh, M. Trossaert, O. Zekavat, E.M.K. Zetterberg, A.B. Federici
Unexpected Neurological Symptoms of Ruxolitinib: A Case Report
2020 F. Furia, M.P. Canevini, A.B. Federici, M.C. Carraro
Clinical characteristics and risk factors associated with COVID-19 severity in patients with haematological malignancies in Italy: a retrospective, multicentre, cohort study
2020 F. Passamonti, C. Cattaneo, L. Arcaini, R. Bruna, M. Cavo, F. Merli, E. Angelucci, M. Krampera, R. Cairoli, M.G. Della Porta, N. Fracchiolla, M. Ladetto, C. Gambacorti Passerini, M. Salvini, M. Marchetti, R. Lemoli, A. Molteni, A. Busca, A. Cuneo, A. Romano, N. Giuliani, S. Galimberti, A. Corso, A. Morotti, B. Falini, A. Billio, F. Gherlinzoni, G. Visani, M.C. Tisi, A. Tafuri, P. Tosi, F. Lanza, M. Massaia, M. Turrini, F. Ferrara, C. Gurrieri, D. Vallisa, M. Martelli, E. Derenzini, A. Guarini, A. Conconi, A. Cuccaro, L. Cudillo, D. Russo, F. Ciambelli, A.M. Scattolin, M. Luppi, C. Selleri, E. Ortu La Barbera, C. Ferrandina, N. Di Renzo, A. Olivieri, M. Bocchia, M. Gentile, F. Marchesi, P. Musto, A.B. Federici, A. Candoni, A. Venditti, C. Fava, A. Pinto, P. Galieni, L. Rigacci, D. Armiento, F. Pane, M. Oberti, P. Zappasodi, C. Visco, M. Franchi, P.A. Grossi, L. Bertu, G. Corrao, L. Pagano, P. Corradini
National guidelines for dental diagnostic imaging in the developmental age
2019 M.C. Firetto, A. Abbinante, E. Barbato, M. Bellomi, P. Biondetti, A. Borghesi, M. Bossu', P. Cascone, D. Corbella, V. Di Candido, P. Diotallevi, G. Farronato, A. Federici, M. Gagliani, C. Granata, M. Guerra, A. Magi, M.C. Maggio, S. Mirenghi, M. Nardone, D. Origgi, L. Paglia, L. Preda, O. Rampado, L. Rubino, S. Salerno, A. Sodano, A. Torresin, L. Strohmenger
Activated prothrombin complex concentrate (FEIBA ® ) in acquired haemophilia A: a large multicentre Italian study – the FAIR Registry
2019 E. Zanon, S. Pasca, C. Santoro, G. Gamba, S.M. Siragusa, A. Rocino, I. Cantori, A.B. Federici, L. Mameli, G. Giuffrida, A. Falanga, C. Lodigiani, R.C. Santoro, M. Milan, C. Ambaglio, M. Napolitano, M.G. Mazzucconi
Current challenges in the diagnosis and management of patients with inherited von Willebrand's disease in Italy: An Expert Meeting Report on the diagnosis and surgical and secondary long-term prophylaxis
2018 P. Schinco, G. Castaman, A. Coppola, D. Cultrera, C. Ettorre, A.C. Giuffrida, E. Marchesini, R. Marino, M. Milan, C. Molinari, S.M. Siboni, E. Zanon, A.B. Federici
Fifth Åland Island conference on von Willebrand disease
2018 E. Berntorp, A. Agren, L. Aledort, M. Blomback, M.H. Cnossen, S.E. Croteau, M. von Depka, A.B. Federici, A. Goodeve, J. Goudemand, P.M. Mannucci, M. Mourik, P.T. Onundarson, F. Rodeghiero, T. Szanto, J. Windyga
BIC International Conference : Abstract Book
2017 P.M. Mannucci, F. Peyvandi, A.B. Federici, N. Ciavarella
State of the art : von Willebrand disease
2016 A.H. James, J. Eikenboom, A.B. Federici
Current and emerging approaches for assessing von Willebrand disease in 2016
2016 A.B. Federici
Contemporary issues in the management of von Willebrand disease
2016 A.B. Federici, C. Königs, A.H. James
HDL/ApoA-I : role in VWF-dependent thrombosis
2016 A.B. Federici
Towards a more automatic and rapid laboratory diagnosis of von Willebrand disease
2016 A.B. Federici
Italian daily platelet transfusion practice for haematological patients undergoing high dose chemotherapy with or without stem cell transplantation: a survey by the GIMEMA Haemostasis and Thrombosis Working Party
2016 G. Tagariello, G. Castaman, A. Falanga, R. Santoro, M. Napolitano, S. Storti, D. Veneri, M. Basso, L. Candiotto, C. Tassinari, A.B. Federici, V. De Stefano
Type 2B von Willebrand Disease : a Matter of Plasma Plus Platelet Abnormality
2016 G. Castaman, A.B. Federici
Platelet-dependent von Willebrand factor activity : nomenclature and methodology : communication from the SSC of the ISTH
2015 I. Bodó, J. Eikenboom, R. Montgomery, J. Patzke, R. Schneppenheim, J. Di Paola, L. Baronciani, A.B. Bonomi, B. U. Castaman G., A.B. Federici, K.D. Friedman, A.L. Lawrie, F. Peyvandi, A.B. Bonomi, J.E. Sadler