DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA TERRA "ARDITO DESIO" (attivo dal 01/11/1982 al 26/04/2012)
Integrated bio-chronostratigraphic calibration of the Carnian/Norian boundary in the Sicano basin (western Sicily) and its significance for long distance correlations
2014 M. Balini, P. Di Stefano, M. Levera, M. Mazza, G. Muttoni, A. Nicora, N. Preto, M. Rigo, A. Tripodo
Late Carnian-Early Norian ammonoids from the GSSP candidate section Pizzo Mondello (Sicani Moutains, Sicily)
2012 M. Balini, L. Krystyn, M. Levera, A. Tripodo
Anatomy of carbonate mounds from the Middle Anisian of Nakhlak (Central Iran): architecture and age of a subtidal microbial-bioclastic carbonate factory
2012 F. Berra, M. Balini, M. Levera, A. Nicora, R. Salamati
The new Carnian (Norian section of “Pizzo Lupo” (Castronovo di Sicilia, Sicily) and its bearing to the definition of the GSSP of the Norian stage.
2011 A. Tripodo, M. Balini, C. D’Arpa, M. Levera, P. Di Stefano
In the search for a “golden” event to define the GSSP of the Norian Stage (Upper Triassic): bivalve events and their ammonoid calibration
2011 M. Levera, M. Balini
The Late Carnian-Rhaetian succession at Pizzo Mondello (Sicani Mountains).
2010 M. Balini, A. Bertinelli, P. Di Stefano, C. Guaiumi, M. Levera, M. Mazza, G. Muttoni, A. Nicora, N. Preto, M. Rigo
The fossil record from Pizzo Mondello (Sicani Mountains, Sicily) Norian GSSP candidate
2009 M. Balini, A. Bertinelli, P. DI STEFANO, P. Dumitrica, S. Furin, M. Gullo, C. Guaiumi, A. Hungerbuehler, M. Levera, M. Mazza, C.A. Mcroberts, G. Muttoni, A. Nicora, N. Preto, M. Rigo
The Triassic stratigraphic succession of Nakhlak (Central Iran), a record from an active margin
2009 M. Balini, A. Nicora, F. Berra, E. Garzanti, M. Levera, M. Mattei, G. Muttoni, A. Zanchi, I. Bollati, C. Larghi, S. Zanchetta, R. Salamati, F. Mossavari
Carnian-Norian halobiids from the Pizzo Mondello section (Sicani Mountains, Sicily, Italy).
2008 M. Levera, C.A. Mcroberts
Integrated stratigraphy of the Norian GSSP candidate Pizzo Mondello section (Sicani Mountains, Sicily)
2008 M. Balini, A. Bertinelli, P. Di Stefano, P. Dumitrica, S. Furin, M. Gullo, C. Guaiumi, A. Hungerbuehler, M. Levera, M. Mazza, C.A. Mcroberts, G. Muttoni, A. Nicora, N. Preto, M. Rigo
The Triassic stratigraphic succession of Nakhlak (Central Iran), record of an active margin
2007 M. Balini, A. Nicora, F. Berra, E. Garzanti, M. Mattei, A. Zanchi, I. Bollati, M. Levera, R. Salamati, F. Mossavvari
Anatomy of microbial–bioclastic carbonate mounds from the Middle Anisian of Nakhlak (Central Iran): A genetic model for a shallow subtidal carbonate factory.
2007 F. Berra, M. Balini, M. Levera, A. Nicora
New biostratigraphic data around the Carnian/Norian boundary from the Pizzo Mondelllo Section, Sicani Mountains, Sicily.
2007 C. Guaiumi, A. Nicora, N. Preto, M. Rigo, M. Balini, P. DI STEFANO, M. Gullo, M. Levera, M. Mazza, G. Muttoni
The Carnian/Norian boundary interval at Pizzo Mondello (Sicani Mountains, Sicily) and its bearing for the definition of the GSSP of the Norian Stage
2007 A. Nicora, M. Balini, A. Bellanca, A. Bertinelli, S.A. Bowring, P. Di Stefano, P. Dumitrica, C. Guaiumi, M. Gullo, A. Hungerbuehler, M. Levera, M. Mazza, C.A. Mcroberts, G. Muttoni, N. Preto, M. Rigo
The Triassic of Nakhlak (Central Iran) : final report. MEBE final report
2007 M. Balini, A. Nicora, F. Berra, E. Garzanti, A. Zanchi, M. Levera, A. Zanchetta, F. Mossavari, M. Rakhmati
Indonesian-type evolution for the Triassic of Nakhlak (Central Iran)
2006 M. Balini, F. Berra, E. Garzanti, M. Mattei, G. Muttoni, A. Nicora, A. Zanchi, I. Bollati, M. Levera, F. Mossavari
The Triassic pre-Cimmerian stratigraphic evolution of Central Iran. MEBE report of the 2005 activity
2005 M. Balini, E. Garzanti, I. Bollati, A. Nicora, F. Berra, A. Zanchi, M. Levera, R. Salamati, F. Mossavari, M. Rakhmati
The Triassic pre-Cimmerian stratigraphic evolution of Central Iran. MEBE report of the 2004 activity
2004 M. Balini, A. Nicora, F. Berra, A. Zanchi, M. Levera, R. Salamati, F. Mossavari, M. Rakhmati