Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.521
NA - Nord America 2.547
AS - Asia 1.716
SA - Sud America 201
OC - Oceania 29
AF - Africa 20
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 8.035
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.416
GB - Regno Unito 1.295
CN - Cina 718
IT - Italia 592
DE - Germania 341
SG - Singapore 299
SE - Svezia 265
RU - Federazione Russa 251
IN - India 118
KR - Corea 118
UA - Ucraina 109
TR - Turchia 104
ES - Italia 99
CA - Canada 98
IE - Irlanda 95
BR - Brasile 91
FR - Francia 88
NL - Olanda 80
ID - Indonesia 75
GR - Grecia 73
HK - Hong Kong 70
TW - Taiwan 68
FI - Finlandia 63
CO - Colombia 55
EU - Europa 53
BE - Belgio 42
JP - Giappone 30
TH - Thailandia 30
VN - Vietnam 30
MX - Messico 25
AU - Australia 22
DK - Danimarca 22
PL - Polonia 20
CL - Cile 19
AT - Austria 15
AR - Argentina 12
IL - Israele 12
PT - Portogallo 12
CH - Svizzera 11
IR - Iran 11
EC - Ecuador 10
RO - Romania 10
UZ - Uzbekistan 10
MD - Moldavia 8
MQ - Martinica 7
NO - Norvegia 7
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 7
ZA - Sudafrica 6
ET - Etiopia 5
MY - Malesia 5
PE - Perù 5
HR - Croazia 4
HU - Ungheria 4
KE - Kenya 4
LV - Lettonia 4
UY - Uruguay 4
BO - Bolivia 3
IS - Islanda 3
PH - Filippine 3
SI - Slovenia 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
EG - Egitto 2
JO - Giordania 2
LB - Libano 2
MV - Maldive 2
OM - Oman 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
VE - Venezuela 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
EE - Estonia 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
ML - Mali 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NI - Nicaragua 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 8.089
Città #
Southend 1.173
Chandler 253
Singapore 208
Milan 153
Seattle 140
Ashburn 129
Fairfield 127
Princeton 120
Houston 116
Beijing 112
Wilmington 104
Dublin 90
Redwood City 89
Santa Clara 88
Ann Arbor 79
Jacksonville 78
Mountain View 70
Nanjing 70
Frankfurt am Main 65
Toronto 65
Woodbridge 58
Athens 55
Hong Kong 55
Redmond 51
Dearborn 50
Cambridge 47
Bengaluru 45
Des Moines 44
Taipei 44
Guangzhou 42
Jakarta 41
Bogotá 40
Shanghai 39
Somerville 36
Boardman 34
Sakarya 33
Serra 32
Rome 31
Andover 30
Munich 30
Saint Petersburg 30
Shenyang 29
Jinan 28
Brussels 25
Phoenix 22
Hebei 21
Nanchang 21
Fuzhou 20
Helsinki 18
Tianjin 18
Bangkok 16
Changsha 16
Shangdi 16
Zhengzhou 16
Eitensheim 15
Dong Ket 13
Madrid 13
Bitonto 12
Jiaxing 12
Mumbai 12
Santiago 12
London 11
Los Angeles 11
San Diego 11
Seoul 11
Hangzhou 10
Hanover 10
Kunming 10
New York 10
Taizhou 10
Ambato 9
Florence 9
Genoa 9
Odernheim 9
Central District 8
Chisinau 8
Hamburg 8
Naples 8
Ottawa 8
Turin 8
Vienna 8
Wuhan 8
Atlanta 7
Berlin 7
Bologna 7
Chania 7
La Plata 7
Ningbo 7
Silver Spring 7
Tokyo 7
Xian 7
Amsterdam 6
Ankara 6
Barcelona 6
Bühl 6
Durham 6
Fort-de-France 6
Kamenz 6
Medford 6
Milwaukee 6
Totale 4.862
Nome #
Effects of early intervention on feeding behavior in preterm infants: A randomized controlled trial 1.645
Is nutritional support needed in late preterm infants? 238
Crescita e composizione corporea di neonati late-preterm nei primi mesi di vita 221
Implementation of nutritional strategies decreases postnatal growth restriction in preterm infants 208
Rapid recovery of fat mass in small for gestational age preterm infants after term 204
Effetto della prematurità sulla distribuzione della massa grassa e sulla pressione arteriosa in età prepubere: studio di follow-up 191
Nutrizione nelle prime epoche della vita : Ruolo della genetica e dell’epigenetica 185
Nutrizione del neonato pretermine 178
Growth and Fat Mass in Preterm Infants Fed A Protein-Enriched Postdischarge Formula (PDF): A Randomized Controlled Trial 170
Breastfeeding difficulties and risk for early breastfeeding cessation 169
Effect of High Protein and Energy Intakes on Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Very Low Birth Weight Infants 165
Adiposity in preterm and full term infants 157
Apporto proteico, crescita e composizione corporea di lattanti nati pretermine 154
Valutazione della composizione corporea in neonati late preterm nei primi mesi di vita : studio esplorativo 144
Body composition in small for gestational age infants 143
Quality of post-discharge growth in small for gestational age preterm infants: an explorative study 142
Il sito immuno-flogistico tonsillare nell'eziopatogenesi della sindrome di Marshall : efficacia della tonsillectomia nella popolazione pediatrica 140
Blood urea nitrogen concentrations in low-birth-weight preterm infants during parenteral and enteral nutrition 140
The effect of human milk on modulating the quality of growth in preterm infants 140
Does human milk modulate body composition in late preterm infants at term-corrected age? 138
Monitoraggio ecocardiografico delle complicanze legate all’inserimento di cateteri venosi centrali 137
Body composition in small for gestational age newborns 137
Adiposity in small for gestational age preterm infants assessed at term equivalent age 135
Analysis of immune, microbiota and metabolome maturation in infants in a clinical trial of Lactobacillus paracasei CBA L74-fermented formula 134
Quality of growth in preterm infants assessed at term equivalent age: a pilot study 133
Quality Of Growth In Exclusively Breast-Fed Infants In the First Six Months Of Life: An Italian Study 133
Small for gestational age preterm infants : nutritional strategies and quality of growth after discharge 132
Invasive Aspergillus nidulans infection in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease 127
Quality of growth in preterm infants assessed at term equivalent age 127
Growth and body composition after term in two subgroups of VLBW infants : preliminary data of a randomized controlled data 125
Body composition changes in early postnatal life of late preterm infants 125
Growth and body composition changes after term in small-for gestational-age preterm infants 124
Relazione fra apporto proteico ed urea plasmatica in nati pretermine 115
Quality of post-discharge growth in small for gestational age preterm infants: an explorative study 114
Parenteral/Enteral Protein Intakes and Blood Urea Nitrogen Concentrations in Preterm Infants 114
Body composition in late preterm infants according to percentile at birth 112
Relationship between in utero sonographic evaluation and subcutaneous plicometry after birth in infants with intrauterine growth restriction: an exploratory study 110
Perché prediligere il latte materno per il neonato pretermine? 109
The effect of weight gain on body composition in very low birth weight infants after discharge: the analysis of two ‘‘window periods’’ 108
Growth and fat-free mass gain in preterm infants after discharge : a randomized controlled trial 106
Postnatal weight gain in VLBW infants according to intrauterine growth 103
Does extrauterine quality of growth in late preterm approximate that of full term infants? 101
Can basic characteristics estimate body composition in early infancy? 101
Clinical evaluation of two different protein content formulas fed to full-term healthy infants: A randomized controlled trial 95
Effect of Target Fortification on Osmolality and Microbiological Safety of Human Milk over Time 93
Is Fat Mass Accretion of Late Preterm Infants Associated with Insulin Resistance 90
Postnatal catch-up fat after late preterm birth 85
Randomized outcome trial of nutrient-enriched formula and neurodevelopment outcome in preterm infants 84
No relative increase in intra-abdominal adipose tissue in healthy unstressed preterm infants at term 84
Intra-abdominal adiposity in preterm infants : an explorative study 80
How does gestational age affect growth and body composition of preterm twins? 69
Critical questions on nutrition of preterm infants 62
Protein use and weight-gain quality in very-low-birth-weight preterm infants fed human milk or formula 57
Don't Forget the Bones: Incidence and Risk Factors of Metabolic Bone Disease in a Cohort of Preterm Infants 39
null 3
Totale 8.475
Categoria #
all - tutte 21.752
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 21.752

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020718 0 0 0 0 0 144 93 58 107 190 82 44
2020/20211.070 53 62 70 40 119 72 46 106 125 77 214 86
2021/20221.098 89 80 93 89 88 66 84 43 131 132 57 146
2022/20231.270 123 99 110 126 103 205 50 113 131 45 117 48
2023/2024887 39 51 65 86 209 76 66 41 49 48 73 84
2024/2025636 50 149 45 194 146 52 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.475