DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA (attivo dal 01/07/1979 al 26/04/2012)  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Cross-section studies on copper-64 with zinc target in the proton energy range from 141 down to 31 MeV 2005 M.L. BonardiF. GroppiH.S.C. Mainardi + Article (author) -
The use of liquid scintillation counting as a very sensitive radioanalytical tool for the determination of alpha, beta and electron emitting impurities in radiopharmaceutical compounds 2005 F. GroppiH.S. MainardiA. MartinottiS. MorzentiM.L. Bonardi Article (author) -
Improved radiochemical separation of No-Carrier-Added vanadium-48 from proton irradiated titanium target 2005 M.L. BonardiF. GroppiH.S. Mainardi + Article (author) -
Copper-64 production studies with natural zinc targets at deuteron energy up to 19 MeV and proton energy from 141 down to 31 MeV 2004 M.L. BonardiC. BirattariF. GroppiH.S. Mainardi + Book Part (author) -
Thin-target excitation functions and optimisation of NCA Cu-64 and Ga-66,Ga-67 production by deuteron induced nuclear reactions on natural zinc target, for radiometabolic therapy and for PET 2004 F.M. Groppi GarlandiniM. BonardiC.C. BirattariH.S. Mainardi + Article (author) -
Cyclotron production and quality control of "high specific activity" radionuclides in "no-carrier-added" form for radioanalytical applications in the life sciences 2004 M.L. BonardiC. BirattariF. GroppiH.S.C. Mainardi + Article (author) -
Determination of I-125 impurities in [I-123]labelled radiopharmaceuticals, by liquid scintillation counting: sensitivity of the method 2004 M.L. BonardiC. BirattariF. GroppiC.H.S. Mainardi + Article (author) -
Preparation of "high specific activity" radiochemical forms of vanadium, manganese and thallium for metallo-toxicological studies 2003 M. BonardiC. BirattariF. GroppiC.H.S. Mainardi + Article (author) -
A competitive method for simultaneous deuteron-cyclotron production of No-Carrier-Added copper-64 and gallium-67,66 for applications in PET radiodiagnostic and metabolic therapy of tumours 2003 M.L. BonardiC. BirattariF. GroppiC.H.S. Mainardi + Article (author) -
Thin-target excitation functions: a powerful tool for optimising yield, specific activity and radionuclidic purity of accelerator-produced radionuclides 2003 M.L. BonardiF. GroppiC. BirattariC.H.S. Mainardi Article (author) -
Thin-target excitation functions and optimization of simultaneous production of NCA copper-64 and gallium-66,67 by deuteron induced nuclear reactions on a natural zinc target 2003 M.L. BonardiF. GroppiC. BirattariC.H.S. Mainardi + Article (author) -
Simultaneous Cyclotron Production of No Carrier Added Copper-64 and Gallium-67 by Deuteron Induced Nuclear Reactions of Zinc Target: Thin- and Thick-target Yields, Radiochemical Separation, Quality Control 2002 C. BirattariM.L. BonardiF. Groppi GarlandiniH.S. Mainardi + Book Part (author) -
High Specific Activity radioactive tracers: a powerful tool for studying Low Level and Long Term Exposure to different chemical forms of both essential and toxic elements 2002 M. BonardiF. GroppiH.S. Mainardi Article (author) -