DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA (attivo dal 01/07/1979 al 26/04/2012)
Cross-section studies on copper-64 with zinc target in the proton energy range from 141 down to 31 MeV
2005 M.L. Bonardi, F. Groppi, H.S.C. Mainardi, V.M. Kokhanyuk, E.V. Lapshina, M.V. Mebel, B.L. Zhuikov
The use of liquid scintillation counting as a very sensitive radioanalytical tool for the determination of alpha, beta and electron emitting impurities in radiopharmaceutical compounds
2005 F. Groppi, H.S. Mainardi, A. Martinotti, S. Morzenti, M.L. Bonardi
Improved radiochemical separation of No-Carrier-Added vanadium-48 from proton irradiated titanium target
2005 M.L. Bonardi, E. Rizzio, M. Gallorini, F. Groppi, H.S. Mainardi
Copper-64 production studies with natural zinc targets at deuteron energy up to 19 MeV and proton energy from 141 down to 31 MeV
2004 M.L. Bonardi, C. Birattari, F. Groppi, H.S. Mainardi, V.M. Kokhanyuk, E.V. Lapshina, M.V. Mebel, B.L. Zhuikov, E. Menapace
Thin-target excitation functions and optimisation of NCA Cu-64 and Ga-66,Ga-67 production by deuteron induced nuclear reactions on natural zinc target, for radiometabolic therapy and for PET
2004 F.M. Groppi Garlandini, M. Bonardi, C.C. Birattari, L. Gini, H.S. Mainardi, E. Menapace, K. Abbas, U. Holzwarth, R.M.F. Stroosnijder
Cyclotron production and quality control of "high specific activity" radionuclides in "no-carrier-added" form for radioanalytical applications in the life sciences
2004 M.L. Bonardi, C. Birattari, F. Groppi, L. Gini, H.S.C. Mainardi
Determination of I-125 impurities in [I-123]labelled radiopharmaceuticals, by liquid scintillation counting: sensitivity of the method
2004 M.L. Bonardi, C. Birattari, F. Groppi, L. Gini, C.H.S. Mainardi, E. Menapace
Preparation of "high specific activity" radiochemical forms of vanadium, manganese and thallium for metallo-toxicological studies
2003 M. Bonardi, C. Birattari, F. Groppi, L. Gini, A. Ghioni, C.H.S. Mainardi, D. Arginelli, M. Gallorini, E. Rizzio, E. Sabbioni
A competitive method for simultaneous deuteron-cyclotron production of No-Carrier-Added copper-64 and gallium-67,66 for applications in PET radiodiagnostic and metabolic therapy of tumours
2003 M.L. Bonardi, C. Birattari, F. Groppi, C.H.S. Mainardi, E. Menapace
Thin-target excitation functions: a powerful tool for optimising yield, specific activity and radionuclidic purity of accelerator-produced radionuclides
2003 M.L. Bonardi, F. Groppi, C. Birattari, C.H.S. Mainardi
Thin-target excitation functions and optimization of simultaneous production of NCA copper-64 and gallium-66,67 by deuteron induced nuclear reactions on a natural zinc target
2003 M.L. Bonardi, F. Groppi, C. Birattari, L. Gini, C.H.S. Mainardi, A. Ghioni, E. Menapace, K. Abbas, U. Holzwarth, M.F. Stroosnijder
Simultaneous Cyclotron Production of No Carrier Added Copper-64 and Gallium-67 by Deuteron Induced Nuclear Reactions of Zinc Target: Thin- and Thick-target Yields, Radiochemical Separation, Quality Control
2002 C. Birattari, M.L. Bonardi, F. Groppi Garlandini, H.S. Mainardi, E. Menapace, K. Abbas, U. Holzwarth, M.F. Stroosnijder
High Specific Activity radioactive tracers: a powerful tool for studying Low Level and Long Term Exposure to different chemical forms of both essential and toxic elements
2002 M. Bonardi, F. Groppi, H.S. Mainardi