Addressing the role of microRNAs in reprogramming leaf growth during drought stress in Brachypodium distachyon
2013 E. Bertolini, W. Verelst, D.S. Horner, L. Gianfranceschi, V. Piccolo, D. Inzé, M.E. Pè, E. Mica
Grapevine miRNAs : Towards A Structural And Functional Characterization.
2010 E. Mica, E. Bertolini, V. Piccolo, D. Lacourieux, D. Horner, E. Pè
Definition plant microRNA primary transcripts and their splicing patterns using RNAseq
2010 V. Piccolo, E. Mica, P. M. E., G. Pesole, D.S. Horner
High throughput approaches reveal splicing of primary microRNA transcripts and tissue specific expression of mature microRNAs in Vitis vinifera
2009 E. Mica, V. Piccolo, M. Delledonne, A. Ferrarini, M. Pezzotti, C. Casati, C. Del Fabbro, G. Valle, A. Policriti, M. Morgante, G. Pesole, P. M. E., D.S. Horner
Genomic analysis of conserved micro RNAs genes in Grapevine
2008 E. Mica, V. Piccolo, A. Ferrarini, C. Casati, M. Delledonne, M. Morgante, M. Pezzotti, G. Pesole, M.E. Pè, D. Horner
Characterization and analysis of the expression pattern of microRNAs in the grapevine Vitis vinifera
2008 V. Piccolo, E. Mica, P. M. E., G. Pesole, D. Horner
Characterization and analysis of the expression pattern of microRNAs in the grapevine Vitis vinifera
2008 V. Piccolo, E. Mica, E. Pè, G. Pesole, D. Horner
Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL Genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana
2008 J. W. Wang, R. Schwab, B. Czech, E. Mica, D. Weigel
2007 E. Mica, V. Piccolo, M.E. Pè, G. Pesole, D. Horner
Transcriptional regulation under sulfur starvation in Arabidopsis and maize
2007 S. Ferron, E. Mica, G. Pea, F.F. Nocito, G.A. Sacchi, P. M. E.
MiRNA discovery in grapevine by in silico approaches
2007 E. Mica, V. Piccolo, M.E. Pè, G. Pesole, D. Horner
The grapevine genome sequence suggests ancestral hexaploidization in major angiosperm phyla
2007 O. Jaillon, J.M. Aury, B. Noel, A. Policriti, C. Clepet, A. Casagrande, N. Choisne, S. Aubourg, N. Vitulo, C. Jubin, A. Vezzi, F. Legeai, P. Hugueney, C. Dasilva, D. Horner, E. Mica, D. Jublot, J. Poulain, C. Bruyère, A. Billault, B. Segurens, M. Gouyvenoux, E. Ugarte, F. Cattonaro, V. Anthouard, V. Vico, C. Del Fabbro, M. Alaux, G. Di Gaspero, V. Dumas, N. Felice, S. Paillard, I. Juman, M. Moroldo, S. Scalabrin, A. Canaguier, I. Le Clainche, G. Malacrida, E. Durand, G. Pesole, V. Laucou, P. Chatelet, D. Merdinoglu, M. Delledonne, M. Pezzotti, A. Lecharny, C. Scarpelli, F. Artiguenave, M.E. Pè, G. Valle, M. Morgante, M. Caboche, A.F. Adam-Blondon, J. Weissenbach, F. Quétier, P. Wincker, French-Italian Public Consortium for Grapevine Genome Characterization
Characterization of miRNA families in Zea mays L. and Arabidopsis thaliana
2006 E. Mica
Different response to S-starvation in maize inbred lines and their heterotic hybrid
2006 S. Ferron, G. Pea, E. Mica, F.F. Nocito, G.A. Sacchi, P. M. E.
Characterization of five microRNA families in maize
2006 E. Mica, L. Gianfranceschi, M.E. Pè