Dipartimento di Bioscienze
From Food Waste to Innovative Biomaterial : Sea Urchin-Derived Collagen for Applications in Skin Regenerative Medicine
2020 C. Ferrario, F. Rusconi, A. Pulaj, R. Macchi, P. Landini, M. Paroni, G. Colombo, T. Martinello, L. Melotti, C. Gomiero, M. Candia Carnevali, F. Bonasoro, M. Patruno, M. Sugni
Sea urchin-derived collagen and its potential in skin regeneration applications
2019 C. Ferrario, A. Pulaj, R. Macch, P. Landini, M. Paroni, L. Melotti, M.D. Candia Carnevali, F. Bonasoro, I. Iacopetti, M. Patruno, M. Sugni
Phagocytosis and epithelial cell invasion by Crohn's disease-associated adherent-invasive Escherichia coli are inhibited by the anti-inflammatory drug 6-mercaptopurine
2018 F. Migliore, R. Macchi, P. Landini, M. Paroni
The PAPI-1 pathogenicity island-encoded small RNA PesA influences pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence and modulates pyocin S3 production
2017 S. Ferrara, M. Falcone, R. Macchi, A. Bragonzi, D. Girelli, L. Cariani, C. Cigana, G. Bertoni
The small RNA ReaL : a novel regulatory element embedded in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing networks
2017 S. Carloni, R. Macchi, S. Sattin, S. Ferrara, G. Bertoni
Crystal structure of YeaZ from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2016 D. Vecchietti, S. Ferrara, R. Rusmini, R. Macchi, M. Milani, G. Bertoni
Small RNA-mediated influence of pyocin S3 production and UV sensitivity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14
2015 S. Ferrara, S. Carloni, A. Martuscelli, R. Macchi, G. Bertoni
Small RNA-mediated wiring of quorum sensing systems in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2015 S. Carloni, R. Macchi, S. Sattin, A. Bernardi, S. Ferrara, G. Bertoni
Post-transcriptional regulation of the virulence-associated enzyme AlgC by the σ22-dependent small RNA ErsA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2015 S. Ferrara, S. Carloni, R. Fulco, M. Falcone, R. Macchi, G. Bertoni
Post-transcriptional regulation of the virulence-associated enzyme AlgC by the σ22 (AlgU/T)-dependent small RNA SPA0122 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2014 S. Ferrara, S. Carloni, R. Fulco, M. Falcone, R.A. Macchi, G. Bertoni
A shotgun antisense approach to the identification of novel essential genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2014 R. Rusmini, D. Vecchietti, R. Macchi, F. Vidal Aroca, G. Bertoni
Characterization of the last step of the aerobic phenylacetic acid degradation pathway
2007 J. Nogales, R. Macchi, F. Franchi, D. Barzaghi, C. Fernandez, J.L. Garcia, G. Bertoni, E. Diaz
Recruitment of sigma54-RNA polymerase to the Pu promoter of Pseudomonas putida through integration host factor-mediated positioning switch of alpha subunit carboxyl-terminal domain on an UP-like element
2003 R. Macchi, L. Montesissa, K. Murakami, A. Ishihama, V. de Lorenzo, G. Bertoni