DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE MEDICHE (attivo dal 01/01/2000 al 27/04/2012)
Traditional vs wireless intragastric pH monitoring : are the two techniques comparable?
2012 C. Caparello, I. Bravi, P. Cantù, A. Grigolon, A. Tenca, A. Mauro, R. Penagini
Role of symptoms, trend of liver tests, and endotherapy in management of post-cholecystectomy biliary leak
2011 P. Cantù, A. Tenca, C. Caparello, A. Grigolon, L. Piodi, I. Bravi, E. Contessini Avesani, D. Conte, R. Penagini
Diagnostic yield of 96-h wireless pH monitoring and usefulness in patients' management
2011 A. Grigolon, D. Consonni, I. Bravi, A. Tenca, R. Penagini
Computer simulator among experts involved in screening colonoscopy
2010 P. Cantù, A. Grigolon, C. Caparello, I. Bravi, A. Tenca, A. Elvevi, M.T. Nicita, P. Duca, D. Conte, R. Penagini
Intragastric simultaneous wireless and traditional PH monitorig: comparison over 24 hours and during reflux episodes
2009 C. Caparello, P. Cantù, A. Grigolon, I. Bravi, A. Tenca, R. Penagini
Intragastric pH monitoring : comparison of catheter based and wireless techniques and concordance with intraoesophageal pH during reflux episodes
2009 C.F. Caparello, P. Cantù, A. Grigolon, I. Bravi, A. Tenca, R. Penagini
96h wireless vs 24h traditional PH monitoring : an out come study
2009 A. Grigolon, D. Consonni, I. Bravi, A. Tenca, R. Penagini
Subcardial 24-h wireless pH monitoring in gastroesophageal reflux disease patients with and without hiatal hernia compared with healthy subjects
2009 A. Grigolon, P. Cantú, I. Bravi, C. Caparello, R. Penagini
Computer simulator and expert colonoscopists. Is information useful?
2008 P. Cantù, P. Duca, A. Grigolon, C. Caparello, I. Bravi, A. Tenca, D. Conte, R. Penagini
Management and long-term outcome of patients with post-cholecystectomy biliary leak
2008 P. Cantù, A. Tenca, A. Grigolon, C. Caparello, I. Bravi, L. Piodi, D. Conte, E. Contessini Avesani, R. Penagini
Long-term prospective outcome of pneumatic dilatation in achalasia: importance of achieving a stable clinical remission and of a standardized follow-up
2008 I. Bravi, P. Duca, M.T. Nicita, P. Cantù, A. Grigolon, C. Caparello, R. Penagini
Esophageal acid exposure on proton pump inhibitors in unselected asymptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease patients.
2008 A. Grigolon , P. Cantù , D. Savojardo, D. Conte , R. Penagini
Wireless ph monitoring : how much does the method of analysis matter?
2007 R. Penagini, A. Grigolon, I. Bravi, C. Caparello, P. Duca, P. Cantù, D. Conte
Wireless ph monitoring : is 96 h better than 48 h?
2007 A. Grigolon, C. Caparello, I. Bravi, P. Cantù, D. Conte, R. Penagini
Is the acid pocket of patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease different? : a study with wireless ph monitoring
2007 A. Grigolon, I. Bravi, P. Cantù, C. Caparello, D. Conte, R. Penagini
Wireless pH monitoring : better tolerability and lower impact on daily habits
2007 A. Grigolon, I. Bravi, P. Cantù, D. Conte, R. Penagini
Chest trauma and aetiology of achalasia
2006 A. Grigolon, P. Cantù, R. Penagini
The acid pocket revisited with wireless PH monitoring
2006 A. Grigolon, P. Cantù, I. Bravi, R. Penagini
Postprandial acid pocket: fact or fiction?
2006 A. Grigolon, P. Cantù, I. Bravi, R. Penagini
Traditional and wireless phmonitoring : tolerability and impact on daily habits
2006 A. Grigolon, I. Bravi, P. Cantù, R. Penagini