Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 21.129
NA - Nord America 14.369
AS - Asia 6.697
SA - Sud America 383
AF - Africa 54
OC - Oceania 53
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
Totale 42.700
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.787
GB - Regno Unito 8.814
CN - Cina 3.476
DE - Germania 2.809
IT - Italia 2.576
SE - Svezia 2.371
UA - Ucraina 1.100
TR - Turchia 793
FR - Francia 714
KR - Corea 680
IN - India 638
IE - Irlanda 594
RU - Federazione Russa 542
CA - Canada 524
EU - Europa 471
FI - Finlandia 471
NL - Olanda 428
SG - Singapore 395
CO - Colombia 281
HK - Hong Kong 218
BE - Belgio 150
JP - Giappone 133
VN - Vietnam 112
PL - Polonia 91
GR - Grecia 90
DK - Danimarca 87
ES - Italia 65
ID - Indonesia 61
RO - Romania 50
MX - Messico 45
AU - Australia 42
BR - Brasile 42
CH - Svizzera 40
TW - Taiwan 36
AT - Austria 27
AR - Argentina 26
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 23
IR - Iran 21
UZ - Uzbekistan 20
PT - Portogallo 17
TH - Thailandia 17
EG - Egitto 13
IL - Israele 13
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 11
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 10
CL - Cile 10
IQ - Iraq 10
RS - Serbia 10
SA - Arabia Saudita 10
MY - Malesia 9
NO - Norvegia 9
PE - Perù 9
DZ - Algeria 7
EC - Ecuador 7
PH - Filippine 7
PK - Pakistan 7
BG - Bulgaria 6
CY - Cipro 5
TN - Tunisia 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 4
BD - Bangladesh 4
BO - Bolivia 4
HR - Croazia 4
MA - Marocco 4
MD - Moldavia 4
NG - Nigeria 4
SI - Slovenia 4
TZ - Tanzania 4
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 3
HU - Ungheria 3
KE - Kenya 3
KW - Kuwait 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
LT - Lituania 3
MK - Macedonia 3
NP - Nepal 3
PR - Porto Rico 3
AL - Albania 2
AM - Armenia 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
CM - Camerun 2
CR - Costa Rica 2
ET - Etiopia 2
IM - Isola di Man 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
SV - El Salvador 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
VE - Venezuela 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BH - Bahrain 1
BS - Bahamas 1
EE - Estonia 1
FK - Isole Falkland (Malvinas) 1
GT - Guatemala 1
IS - Islanda 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
Totale 43.151
Città #
Southend 8.145
Chandler 2.118
Seattle 1.113
Milan 914
Beijing 880
Jacksonville 877
Ann Arbor 834
Princeton 809
Wilmington 680
Ashburn 608
Dublin 590
Houston 498
Redmond 483
Dearborn 444
Nanjing 416
Mountain View 414
Toronto 398
Woodbridge 356
Fairfield 344
Serra 336
Frankfurt am Main 328
Sakarya 309
Des Moines 298
Bengaluru 285
Somerville 277
Bogotá 256
Hanover 249
Andover 242
Boardman 226
Redwood City 193
Jinan 186
Hong Kong 180
Shenyang 159
Singapore 159
Shanghai 149
New York 141
Nanchang 136
Brussels 133
Grafing 117
Hebei 112
Helsinki 112
Cambridge 111
Berlin 105
Hangzhou 103
Kiez 102
Changsha 98
Tianjin 87
Eitensheim 86
Phoenix 83
Athens 77
Bitonto 71
Nürnberg 71
Falls Church 68
Ottawa 68
Pisa 68
Warsaw 67
Zhengzhou 67
Jiaxing 66
San Diego 64
Auburn Hills 62
Kunming 62
Fuzhou 58
Bühl 54
Guangzhou 54
Ningbo 53
Rome 51
Hamburg 45
Dong Ket 44
Los Angeles 44
Medford 43
Istanbul 42
Haikou 41
Tokyo 41
Roxbury 39
Taizhou 39
Seoul 36
Taiyuan 36
Turin 35
Odernheim 30
Verona 30
Lanzhou 29
London 29
Mumbai 29
Hefei 24
Mannheim 24
Taipei 24
Pune 22
Norwalk 21
Bernolákovo 20
Rochester 19
Nuremberg 18
Central District 17
Kent 17
Paris 17
Bangalore 16
Barcelona 16
Chicago 16
Fremont 15
Saint Petersburg 15
Amsterdam 14
Totale 28.307
Nome #
Predictors of morbidity and mortality in acromegaly : an Italian survey 599
Preoperative medical treatment in Cushing's syndrome : frequency of use and its impact on postoperative assessment : data from ERCUSYN 553
Pseudohypoparathyroidism and GNAS epigenetic defects : clinical evaluation of Albright hereditary osteodystrophy and molecular analysis in 40 patients 484
Functional characterization of wild-type and a mutated form of SLC26A4 identified in a patient with pendred syndrome 369
Valutazione endocrino-metabolica in pazienti obesi in previsione di posizionamento di BIB 349
Biallelic expression of the Gsalpha gene in human bone and adipose tissue 343
Corneal involvement in Graves' orbitopathy : an in vivo confocal study 312
Eugonadal male patients with adrenal incidentalomas and subclinical hypercortisolism have increased rate of vertebral fractures 289
Clinical and molecular analyses of thyroid cancer in patients treated for benign diseases 259
The expression of wild-type pendrin (SLC26A4) in human embryonic kidney (HEK 293 Phoenix) cells leads to the activation of cationic currents 257
Bone quality, as measured by trabecular bone score, in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism 254
Gamma-Knife Radiosurgery in Acromegaly: A 4-Year Follow-Up Study 234
Recombinant human TSH testing is a valuable tool for differential diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism during L-thyroxine replacement 221
Epicardial fat thickness significantly decreases after short-term growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy in adults with GH deficiency 221
Effects of two different somatostatin analogs on glucose tolerance in acromegaly 212
A Case Report of Severe Hypotonic Hyponatremia Secondary to Concomitant Intake of Desmopressin Replacement Therapy and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 211
Proliferation of transformed somatotroph cells related to low or absent expression of protein kinase a regulatory subunit 1A protein 210
Comparison between six-year therapy with long-acting somatostatin analogs and successful surgery in acromegaly : effects on cardiovascular risk factors 194
Efficacia e tollerabilità della radiochirurgia con tecnica gamma-knife nell’acromegalia : studio con follow-up pari a 10 anni 192
Stimulatory effects of ghrelin on circulating somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide levels 191
Analysis of genetic variants of phosphodiesterase 11A (PDE11A) in acromegalic patients 187
Elevated circulating somatostatin levels in acromegaly 186
Circulating ghrelin levels in patients with inflammatory bowel disease 184
Recognition of morphometric vertebral fractures by artificial neural networks : analysis from GISMO Lombardia Database 184
Prevalence of subclinical contributors to low bone mineral density and/or fragility fracture 182
Activity and function of the nuclear factor kappaB pathway in human parathyroid tumors 180
The third intracellular loop of the human somatostatin receptor 5 is crucial for arrestin binding and receptor internalization after somatostatin stimulation 176
Reevaluation of Acromegalic Patients in Long-Term Remission according to Newly Proposed Consensus Criteria for Control of Disease 175
Germline Mutations of TSH Receptor Gene as Cause of Nonautoimmune Subclinical Hypothyroidism 174
Effect of growth hormone deficiency and recombinant hGH (rhGH) replacement on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in children with idiopathic isolated GH deficiency 174
Patients with macroprolactinaemia : clinical and radiological features 173
Loss of heterozygosity at the SS receptor type 5 locus in human GH- and TSH-secreting pituitary adenomas 172
A 7-year experience with low blood TSH cutoff levels for neonatal screening reveals an unsuspected frequency of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) 172
Cloning and functional characterization of thyroid human pendrin 171
Evaluation of pituitary function after infectious meningitis in childhood 171
Peripheral insulin-like factor 3 concentrations are reduced in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus : effect of glycemic control and visceral adiposity on Leydig cell function 168
An alternate translation initiation site circumvents an amino-terminal DAX1 nonsense mutation leading to a mild form of X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita 167
Assetto ormonale a distanza e funzione sessuale nel paziente oncologico monorchide 167
B cell activating factor (BAFF) and BAFF receptor expression in autoimmune and nonautoimmune thyroid diseases 167
Microchimerismo cellulare fetale nel carcinoma papillare della tiroide 164
Total iodide organification defect : clinical and molecular characterization of an Italian family 162
Allelic distribution of six RET polymorphisms in sporadic medullary thyroid cancer and functional analysis of G691S variant 161
Hypergonadotropic Ovarian Failure Associated with an Inherited Mutation of Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-15 (BMP15) Gene 160
Prevalence of GH deficiency in cured acromegalic patients : impact of different previous treatments 160
R990G polymorphism of the calcium-sensing receptor and renal calcium excretion in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism 158
Adiponectin expression in human fetal tissues during mid- and late gestation 158
Syndromes of hormone resistance in the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyrod axis 157
Is the 250 μg ACTH test a useful tool for the diagnosis of central hypoadrenalism in adult patients with pituitary disorders? 157
Valutazione della funzione dell'asse ipotalamo-ipofisi-surrene in pazienti acromegalici sottoposti a trattamento chirurgico o medico con analoghi della somatostatina 156
Efficacy and tolerability of gamma knife radiosurgery in acromegaly : a 10-year follow-up study 154
Severe water intoxication secondary to the concomitant intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and desmopressin : a case report and review of the literature 153
Efficacy and tolerability of gamma knife radiosurgery in acromegaly : a 10-year follow-up study 153
Bilateral and unilateral adrenal incidentalomas : biochemical and clinical characteristics 153
A new structural rearrangement associated to Wolfram syndrome in a child with a partial phenotype 153
Long-term safety and efficacy of Omnitrope® in adults with growth hormone deficiency: Italian interim analysis of the PATRO Adults study 152
Ghrelin in human medullary thyroid carcinomas 151
Different effects of short- and long-term recombinant hGH administration on ghrelin and adiponectin levels in GH-deficient adults 151
Identification of new variants of human BMP15 gene in a large cohort of women with premature ovarian failure 150
Absence of BRAF mutations in endocrine tumors 150
Clinical Expression of Mutations in the TSH Receptor: TSH-R Disorders 149
Studies on an Italian Series of Idiopathic Central Hypogonadism : Genetic and Clinical Characterization 149
Cortisol secretion in patients with type 2 diabetes : relationship with chronic complications 149
GH replacement improves quality of life and metabolic parameters in cured acromegalic patients with growth hormone deficiency 149
Analysis of somatostatin receptors 2 and 5 polymorphisms in patients with acromegaly 148
Evaluation of IGF-I levels during long-term somatostatin analogs treatment in patients with gastroenteropancreatic endocrine tumors 148
Adjustment of levothyroxine substitutive therapy in pregnant women with subclinical, overt or postablative hypothyroidism 148
Screening for ACTH-dependent hypercortisolism in patients affected with pituitary incidentaloma 148
Effect of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate/protein kinase a pathway on markers of cell proliferation in nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas 147
Rituximab treatment in patients with active Graves' orbitopathy : effects on proinflammatory and humoral immune reactions 147
High phenotypic intrafamilial variability in patients with Pendred syndrome and a novel duplication in the SLC26A4 gene: clinical characterization and functional studies of the mutated SLC26A4 protein 146
Analisi funzionale di una complessa mutazione germinale localizzata nel dominio iuxtamembrana del gene RET in un carcinoma midollare familiare 146
Expression of the two alternatively spliced PRKAR1A RNAs in human endocrine glands 145
Octreotide promotes apoptosis in human somatotroph tumor cells by activating somatostatin receptor type 2 145
Post-surgical hypocortisolism after removal of an adrenal incidentaloma : is it predictable by an accurate endocrinological work-up before surgery? 145
Molecular and functional characterization of BMP15 variants associated with secondary amenorrhea and Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) 145
Physiologie de l'axe thyréotrope 145
Effect of recombinant hGH (rhGH) replacement on gonadal function in male patients with organic adult-onset GH deficiency 144
Bone mineral density, prevalence of vertebral fractures, and bone quality in patients with adrenal incidentalomas with and without subclinical hypercortisolism : an Italian multicenter study 144
Absence of sonic hedgehog mutations in a large cohort of children with thyroid dysgenesis 144
Molecular and functional characterization of BMP15 variants associated with secondary amenorrhea and premature ovarian failure (POF) 144
BRAF mutations in an Italian series of thyroid cancers 144
Different responses to chronic somatostatin analogues in patients with central hyperthyroidism 143
An in-frame complex germline mutation in the juxtamembrane intracellular domain causing RET activation in familial medullary thyrod carcinoma 143
Candidate gene analyses in Caucasian patients with Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) 142
The limited role of midnight salivary cortisol levels in the diagnosis of subclinical hypercortisolism in patients with adrenal incidentaloma 142
High expression of PKA regulatory subunit 1A protein is related to proliferation of human melanoma cells 142
An unusual case of recurrent autoimmune hypophysitis 142
Monoallelic expression of mutant thyroid peroxidase allele causing total iodide organification defect 142
Mutational analysis of PRKAR1A and Gs(alpha) in sporadic adrenocortical tumors 141
Central hypothyroidism and growth hormone treatment : clinical care 141
TBG deficiency: description of two novel mutations associated with complete TBG deficiency and review of the literature 141
Adequacy of current postglucose GH nadir limit (< 1 microg/l) to define long-lasting remission of acromegalic disease 140
Cell-specific regulation of PTX3 by glucocorticoid hormones in hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells 139
L’apporto della biologia molecolare nel follow-up del tumore differenziato della tiroide (rassegna) 139
Accuracy of several parameters of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity in predicting before surgery the metabolic effects of the removal of an adrenal incidentalomA 139
A novel tyrosine-kinase selective inhibitor, sunitinib, induces transient hypothyroidism by blocking iodine uptake 138
Quantitative analysis of methylation defects and correlation with clinical characteristics in patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism type I and GNAS epigenetic alterations 138
The third intracellular loop of the human somatostatin receptor 5 is crucial for arrestin binding and receptor internalisation after somatostatin stimulation 137
Fetal cell microchimerism in papillary thyroid cancer : a possible role in tumour demage and tissue repair 137
Totale 18.295
Categoria #
all - tutte 101.278
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 101.278

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2018/2019482 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 482
2019/20206.278 700 179 355 460 400 618 915 491 870 749 327 214
2020/20215.595 176 410 556 88 467 381 392 392 800 362 1.264 307
2021/20224.609 356 179 339 255 274 224 372 207 592 462 366 983
2022/20236.162 788 765 552 716 725 1.182 53 407 586 69 205 114
2023/20243.323 101 301 182 299 1.093 220 180 266 96 240 341 4
Totale 45.679