The Late Cretaceous was punctuated by several periods of global perturbations of the climate-ocean system that lead to widespread organic carbon-rich marine black shale deposition, termed Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs). The OAE3 represents the last episode of anoxia dated as Coniacian-Santonian. Compared to previous anoxic events, OAE3 has a regional extension, rather than a global significance, since it is confined to the equatorial-south Atlantic Ocean and adjacent basins (e.g. Caribbean Basin, Western Interior Basin). Another major difference of OAE3 relative to previous OAEs resides in the absence of a prominent δ13C anomaly, but the occurrence of several minor positive and negative excursions in the Coniacian-Santonian interval. Moreover, the deposition of organic carbon-rich sediments (black shales) seems to be diachronous even in the central-south Atlantic Ocean. This PhD project focused on calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Late Turonian to Early Campanian time interval (Late Cretaceous), and specifically of the Coniacian-Santonian. Nannofossil assemblages were investigated semiquantitatively and quantitatively to obtain a detailed biostratigraphic framework for assessing the paleoenvironmental changes across OAE3. The study was performed on Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites and on-land sections, situated in the equatorial and south Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Anglo-Paris Basin. The results of my investigation were integrated with data from literature in order to achieve a solid framework of events for the Coniacian-Santonian time interval and provide a paleoceanographic characterization of OAE3. A detailed revision of the taxonomy was accomplished for solving a few taxonomic incongruities and obtain a unified updated nomenclature. This was the basis for the coherent high-resolution biostratigraphy of the selected sites, in order to establish dating and correlations at supra-regional scale. The four standards biozonation schemes available for the Upper Cretaceous were applied to attain the maximum resolution and test their individual applicability in different oceanic basins and oceanographic settings. The major objective of this PhD thesis was the reconstruction of presumed paleoceanographic changes across OAE3 as recorded by abundance and composition of calcareous nannofossil assemblages. Quantitative analyses of calcareous nannofossil assemblages allowed the characterization of paleotemperature and nutrient changes prior, during and after OAE3. Nannofossil-based paleotemperature obtained in this study and documented in the literature do not show significant changes in the studied successions, perhaps due to unresolved unambiguous temperature-related taxa in the Late Cretaceous and/or minor (subtle) temperature changes across OAE3. As far as paleofertility isconcerned, the nannofossil taxa indicative of higher nutrient content display very different patterns at the various sites, suggesting that OAE3 was not characterized by a global fertilization episode. Indeed, fertility remained globally low with the exception of upwelling areas characterized by meso-eutrophic conditions also in the intervals preceding and following OAE3. The quantitative analyses conducted in this study pointed out relatively large fluctuations in abundance of genera Micula and Marthasterites in the Coniacian-Santonian interval. These abundance peaks could be correlated with analogous events described in the literature, even if with different values of abundance at the various sites/sections. Two Marthasterites (M. furcatus) abundance peaks and five Micula (M. staurophora) abundance peaks were distinguished across OAE3. The paleoecological affinity of Micula, and specifically M. staurophora, as well as that of genus Marthasterites remains unexplained, so the causes of their abundance peaks continue to be elusive. However, the distinctive fluctuations in nannofossil assemblages indicate profound paleoceanographic changes during the Coniacian-Santonian. The onset of OAE3 coincides with a major increase in abundance (and locally dominance) of M. furcatus suggesting the rapid establishment of new and peculiar paleoceanographic conditions at widespread to global scale. The most altered paleoceanographic conditions were reached in the core of OAE3 with the synchronous maximum abundance (climax) of M. staurophora at global scale. In addition to their value for paleoenvironmental reconstructions, the identified Micula and Marthasterites abundance peaks turned out to be extremely useful for complementing/implementing the biostratigraphic characterization of the Turonian/Coniacian, Coniacian/Santonian and Santonian/Campanian boundaries and might be introduced as additional events in future nannofossil zonations for the Late Cretaceous.
Il Cretacico si caratterizza per la presenza di diversi intervalli di alterazione del sistema climatico-oceanico a scala globale responsabili della deposizione di black-shale marini ricchi di carbonio, definiti come Eventi Anossici Oceanici (OAEs). L’OAE3 rappresenta l’ultimo episodio di diffusa anossia durante l’intervallo Coniaciano-Santoniano. Rispetto ai precedenti eventi anossici, l’OAE3 ha una estensione regionale, ma non globale, poiché risulta essere confinato all’Oceano Atlantico sud-equatoriale e ad alcuni bacini limitrofi (es: Bacino Caraibico, Bacino del Western Interior). Altre importanti differenze fra l’OAE3 e i precedenti eventi anossici consistono nell’assenza di una anomalia del δ13C, ma piuttosto il verificarsi durante il Coniaciano-Santoniano di una serie di escursioni isotopiche sia positive che negative di piccola entità. Inoltre la deposizione di sedimenti ricchi di materia organica (black shales) sembra essere diacrona anche all’interno dello stesso Atlantico centro-meridionale. I principali obiettivi di questa tesi sono la ricostruzione di eventuali cambiamenti paleoceanografici avvenuti durante l’OAE3 in base alle variazioni di abbondanza e composizione delle associazioni a nannofossili calcarei. Il mio progetto di dottorato si è concentrato sulla biostratigrafia e paleoceanografia a nannofossili calcarei per l’intervallo compreso tra il tardo Turoniano e il Campaniano inferiore (Cretacico Superiore) e in particolare sul Coniaciano-Santoniano. La studio delle associazioni a nannofossili calcarei sia in termini semiquantitativi che quantitativi ha permesso di ottenere una biostratigrafia di dettaglio utile a datare e correlare le variazioni del nannoplancton calcareo durante l’OAE3. Lo studio è stato condotto sia su siti oceanici carotati nell’ambito dei progetti Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) e Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) che su sezioni continentali, situate nell’Atlantico sud-equatoriale, in Oceano Indiano e nel Bacino Anglo-Parigino. I risultati ottenuti sono stati poi integrati con dati di letteratura al fine di ottenere una successione di eventi per il Coniaciano-Santoniano e fornire una caratterizzazione paleoceanografica dell’OAE3. È stata realizzata una dettagliata revisione tassonomica per risolvere alcune incongruenze tassonomiche e ottenere una terminologia aggiornata e unificata. Questa è stata la base per una biostratigrafia coerente, ad alta risoluzione delle successioni studiate, e stabilire una datazione e correlazione a scala sovra-regionale. Sono state applicate le quattro biozonazioni standard proposte per il Cretacico Superiore per ottenere la massima risoluzione e testare la loro applicabilità nei diversi bacini e contesti oceanografici. Le analisi quantitative delle associazioni a nannofossili calcarei hanno permesso di caratterizzare la distribuzione dei nutrienti prima, durante e dopo l’OAE3. La distribuzione dei taxa indicativi di più alta fertilità mostra caratteristiche diverse per le varie successioni, suggerendo che l’OAE3 non è stato caratterizzato da un episodio globale di fertilizzazione. Infatti, la fertilità rimane in genere bassa ad eccezione delle aree di upwelling che sono caratterizzate da condizioni meso-eutrofiche anche negli intervalli che precedono e seguono l’OAE3. Le analisi quantitative condotte in questo studio hanno evidenziato la presenza di ampie fluttuazioni di abbondanza dei generi Micula e Marthasterites durante il Coniaciano-Santoniano. Questi picchi di abbondanza possono essere correlati con eventi analoghi descritti in letteratura, anche se con valori di incremento differenti nei vari siti. Durante l’OAE3 sono stati individuati due distinti picchi di abbondanza di Marthasterites (M. furcatus) e cinque di Micula (M. staurophora). L’affinità paleoecologica di Micula, e in particolare M. staurophora, così come quella del genere Marthasterites rimane poco chiara, pertanto le cause dei loro picchi di abbondanza devono essere individuate. Tuttavia, le fluttuazioni nelle associazioni a nannofossili calcarei indicano un profondo cambiamento paleoceanografico durante il Coniaciano-Santoniano. L’inizio dell’OAE3 coincide con un elevato aumento in abbondanza (e localmente dominanza) di M. furcatus, che suggerisce il rapido instaurarsi di nuove e peculiari condizioni paleoceanografiche ad ampia scala. Le condizioni paleoceanografiche più alterate sono raggiunte nella parte centrale dell’OAE3 con un picco di abbondanza (climax) di M. staurophora sincrono a scala globale. Oltre al loro valore per le ricostruzioni paleoambientali, i picchi di abbondanza di Micula and Marthasterites si sono rilevati estremamente utili per complementare/implementare la caratterizzazione biostratigrafica dei limiti Turoniano/Coniaciano, Coniaciano/Santoniano e Santoniano/Campaniano. Questi picchi di abbondanza potrebbero dunque essere introdotti come eventi addizionali in future zonazioni a nannofossili calcarei del Cretacico Superiore.
CALCAREOUS NANNOFOSSIL BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND PALEOECOLOGY OF THE LATE TURONIAN TO EARLY CAMPANIAN INTERVAL AND OF OCEANIC ANOXIC EVENT 3 / F. Miniati ; tutor: E. Erba ; coordinatore F. Camara Artigas. Università degli Studi di Milano, 2021 Mar 25. 33. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2020.
F. Miniati
The Late Cretaceous was punctuated by several periods of global perturbations of the climate-ocean system that lead to widespread organic carbon-rich marine black shale deposition, termed Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs). The OAE3 represents the last episode of anoxia dated as Coniacian-Santonian. Compared to previous anoxic events, OAE3 has a regional extension, rather than a global significance, since it is confined to the equatorial-south Atlantic Ocean and adjacent basins (e.g. Caribbean Basin, Western Interior Basin). Another major difference of OAE3 relative to previous OAEs resides in the absence of a prominent δ13C anomaly, but the occurrence of several minor positive and negative excursions in the Coniacian-Santonian interval. Moreover, the deposition of organic carbon-rich sediments (black shales) seems to be diachronous even in the central-south Atlantic Ocean. This PhD project focused on calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Late Turonian to Early Campanian time interval (Late Cretaceous), and specifically of the Coniacian-Santonian. Nannofossil assemblages were investigated semiquantitatively and quantitatively to obtain a detailed biostratigraphic framework for assessing the paleoenvironmental changes across OAE3. The study was performed on Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites and on-land sections, situated in the equatorial and south Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Anglo-Paris Basin. The results of my investigation were integrated with data from literature in order to achieve a solid framework of events for the Coniacian-Santonian time interval and provide a paleoceanographic characterization of OAE3. A detailed revision of the taxonomy was accomplished for solving a few taxonomic incongruities and obtain a unified updated nomenclature. This was the basis for the coherent high-resolution biostratigraphy of the selected sites, in order to establish dating and correlations at supra-regional scale. The four standards biozonation schemes available for the Upper Cretaceous were applied to attain the maximum resolution and test their individual applicability in different oceanic basins and oceanographic settings. The major objective of this PhD thesis was the reconstruction of presumed paleoceanographic changes across OAE3 as recorded by abundance and composition of calcareous nannofossil assemblages. Quantitative analyses of calcareous nannofossil assemblages allowed the characterization of paleotemperature and nutrient changes prior, during and after OAE3. Nannofossil-based paleotemperature obtained in this study and documented in the literature do not show significant changes in the studied successions, perhaps due to unresolved unambiguous temperature-related taxa in the Late Cretaceous and/or minor (subtle) temperature changes across OAE3. As far as paleofertility isconcerned, the nannofossil taxa indicative of higher nutrient content display very different patterns at the various sites, suggesting that OAE3 was not characterized by a global fertilization episode. Indeed, fertility remained globally low with the exception of upwelling areas characterized by meso-eutrophic conditions also in the intervals preceding and following OAE3. The quantitative analyses conducted in this study pointed out relatively large fluctuations in abundance of genera Micula and Marthasterites in the Coniacian-Santonian interval. These abundance peaks could be correlated with analogous events described in the literature, even if with different values of abundance at the various sites/sections. Two Marthasterites (M. furcatus) abundance peaks and five Micula (M. staurophora) abundance peaks were distinguished across OAE3. The paleoecological affinity of Micula, and specifically M. staurophora, as well as that of genus Marthasterites remains unexplained, so the causes of their abundance peaks continue to be elusive. However, the distinctive fluctuations in nannofossil assemblages indicate profound paleoceanographic changes during the Coniacian-Santonian. The onset of OAE3 coincides with a major increase in abundance (and locally dominance) of M. furcatus suggesting the rapid establishment of new and peculiar paleoceanographic conditions at widespread to global scale. The most altered paleoceanographic conditions were reached in the core of OAE3 with the synchronous maximum abundance (climax) of M. staurophora at global scale. In addition to their value for paleoenvironmental reconstructions, the identified Micula and Marthasterites abundance peaks turned out to be extremely useful for complementing/implementing the biostratigraphic characterization of the Turonian/Coniacian, Coniacian/Santonian and Santonian/Campanian boundaries and might be introduced as additional events in future nannofossil zonations for the Late Cretaceous.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 21/09/2022
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