We performed an extensive immunogenomic anal-ysis of more than 10,000 tumors comprising 33diverse cancer types by utilizing data compiled byTCGA. Across cancer types, we identified six im-mune subtypes—wound healing, IFN-gdominant,inflammatory, lymphocyte depleted, immunologi-cally quiet, and TGF-bdominant—characterized bydifferences in macrophage or lymphocyte signa-tures, Th1:Th2 cell ratio, extent of intratumoral het-erogeneity, aneuploidy, extent of neoantigen load,overall cell proliferation, expression of immunomod-ulatory genes, and prognosis. Specific drivermutations correlated with lower (CTNNB1,NRAS,orIDH1) or higher (BRAF,TP53,orCASP8) leukocytelevels across all cancers. Multiple control modalitiesof the intracellular and extracellular networks (tran-scription, microRNAs, copy number, and epigeneticprocesses) were involved in tumor-immune cell inter-actions, both across and within immune subtypes.Our immunogenomics pipeline to characterize theseheterogeneous tumors and the resulting data areintended to serve as a resource for future targetedstudies to further advance the field.

The Immune Landscape of Cancer / V. Thorsson, D.L. Gibbs, S.D. Brown, D. Wolf, D.S. Bortone, T. Ou Yang, E. Porta-Pardo, G.F. Gao, C.L. Plaisier, J.A. Eddy, E. Ziv, A.C. Culhane, E.O. Paull, I.K.A. Sivakumar, A.J. Gentles, R. Malhotra, F. Farshidfar, A. Colaprico, J.S. Parker, L.E. Mose, V. Nam Sy, J. Liu, Y. Liu, J. Rader, V. Dhankani, S.M. Reynolds, R. Bowlby, A. Califano, A.D. Cherniack, D. Anastassiou, D. Bedognetti, A. Rao, K. Chen, A. Krasnitz, H. Hai, T.M. Malta, H. Noushmehr, C.S. Pedamallu, S. Bullman, A.I. Ojesina, A. Lamb, W. Zhou, H. Shen, T.K. Choueiri, J.N. Weinstein, J. Guinney, J. Saltz, R.A. Holt, C.E. Rabkin, S.J. Caesar-Johnson, J.A. Demchok, I. Felau, M. Kasapi, M.L. Ferguson, C.M. Hutter, H.J. Sofia, R. Tarnuzzer, Z. Wang, L. Yang, J.C. Zenklusen, J.(. Zhang, S. Chudamani, J. Liu, L. Lolla, R. Naresh, T. Pihl, Q. Sun, Y. Wan, W. Ye, J. Cho, T. Defreitas, S. Frazer, N. Gehlenborg, G. Getz, D.I. Heiman, J. Kim, M.S. Lawrence, P. Lin, S. Meier, M.S. Noble, G. Saksena, D. Voet, H. Zhang, B. Bernard, N. Chambwe, V. Dhankani, T. Knijnenburg, R. Kramer, K. Leinonen, Y. Liu, M. Miller, S. Reynolds, I. Shmulevich, V. Thorsson, W. Zhang, R. Akbani, B.M. Broom, A.M. Hegde, J. Zhenlin, R.S. Kanchi, A. Korkut, L. Jun, H. Liang, S. Ling, W. Liu, L. Yiling, G.B. Mills, N. Kwok-Shing, A. Rao, M. Ryan, J. Wang, J.N. Weinstein, J. Zhang, A. Abeshouse, J. Armenia, D. Chakravarty, W.K. Chatila, I. de Bruijn, J. Gao, B.E. Gross, Z.J. Heins, R. Kundra, L. Konnor, M. Ladanyi, A. Luna, M.G. Nissan, A. Ochoa, S.M. Phillips, E. Reznik, F. Sanchez-Vega, C. Sander, N. Schultz, R. Sheridan, S.O. Sumer, Y. Sun, B.S. Taylor, J. Wang, H. Zhang, P. Anur, M. Peto, P. Spellman, C. Benz, J.M. Stuart, C.K. Wong, C. Yau, D.N. Hayes, J.S. Parker, M.D. Wilkerson, A. Ally, M. Balasundaram, R. Bowlby, D. Brooks, R. Carlsen, E. Chuah, N. Dhalla, R. Holt, S.J.M. Jones, K. Kasaian, D. Lee, M. Yussanne, M.A. Marra, M. Mayo, R.A. Moore, A.J. Mungall, K. Mungall, A.G. Robertson, S. Sadeghi, J.E. Schein, P. Sipahimalani, A. Tam, N. Thiessen, K. Tse, T. Wong, A.C. Berger, R. Beroukhim, A.D. Cherniack, C. Cibulskis, S.B. Gabriel, G.F. Gao, H. Gavin, M. Meyerson, S.E. Schumacher, J. Shih, M.H. Kucherlapati, R.S. Kucherlapati, S. Baylin, L. Cope, L. Danilova, M.S. Bootwalla, P.H. Lai, D.T. Maglinte, D.J. Van Den Berg, D.J. Weisenberger, J.T. Auman, S. Balu, T. Bodenheimer, C. Fan, K.A. Hoadley, A.P. Hoyle, S.R. Jefferys, C.D. Jones, S. Meng, P.A. Mieczkowski, L.E. Mose, A.H. Perou, C.M. Perou, J. Roach, Y. Shi, J.V. Simons, T. Skelly, M.G. Soloway, D. Tan, U. Veluvolu, H. Fan, T. Hinoue, P.W. Laird, H. Shen, W. Zhou, M. Bellair, K. Chang, K. Covington, C.J. Creighton, H. Dinh, H. Doddapaneni, L.A. Donehower, J. Drummond, R.A. Gibbs, R. Glenn, W. Hale, Y. Han, H. Jianhong, V. Korchina, S. Lee, L. Lewis, L. Wei, X. Liu, M. Morgan, D. Morton, D. Muzny, J. Santibanez, M. Sheth, E. Shinbrot, L. Wang, M. Wang, D.A. Wheeler, X. Liu, F. Zhao, J. Hess, E.L. Appelbaum, M. Bailey, M.G. Cordes, L. Ding, C.C. Fronick, L.A. Fulton, R.S. Fulton, C. Kandoth, E.R. Mardis, M.D. Mclellan, C.A. Miller, H.K. Schmidt, R.K. Wilson, D. Crain, E. Curley, J. Gardner, K. Lau, D. Mallery, S. Morris, J. Paulauskis, R. Penny, C. Shelton, T. Shelton, M. Sherman, E. Thompson, P. Yena, J. Bowen, J.M. Gastier-Foster, M. Gerken, K.M. Leraas, T.M. Lichtenberg, N.C. Ramirez, L. Wise, E. Zmuda, N. Corcoran, T. Costello, C. Hovens, A.L. Carvalho, A.C. de Carvalho, J.H. Fregnani, A. Longatto-Filho, R.M. Reis, C. Scapulatempo-Neto, H.C.S. Silveira, D.O. Vidal, A. Burnette, J. Eschbacher, B. Hermes, A. Noss, R. Singh, M.L. Anderson, P.D. Castro, M. Ittmann, D. Huntsman, B. Kohl, L. Xuan, R. Thorp, C. Andry, E.R. Duffy, V. Lyadov, O. Paklina, G. Setdikova, A. Shabunin, M. Tavobilov, C. Mcpherson, R. Warnick, R. Berkowitz, D. Cramer, C. Feltmate, N. Horowitz, A. Kibel, M. Muto, C.P. Raut, A. Malykh, J.S. Barnholtz-Sloan, W. Barrett, K. Devine, J. Fulop, Q.T. Ostrom, K. Shimmel, Y. Wolinsky, A.E. Sloan, A. De Rose, F. Giuliante, M. Goodman, B.Y. Karlan, C.H. Hagedorn, J. Eckman, J. Harr, J. Myers, K. Tucker, L.A. Zach, B. Deyarmin, H. Hai, L. Kvecher, C. Larson, R.J. Mural, S. Somiari, A. Vicha, T. Zelinka, J. Bennett, M. Iacocca, B. Rabeno, P. Swanson, M. Latour, L. Lacombe, B. Têtu, A. Bergeron, M. Mcgraw, S.M. Staugaitis, J. Chabot, H. Hibshoosh, A. Sepulveda, S. Tao, T. Wang, O. Potapova, O. Voronina, L. Desjardins, O. Mariani, S. Roman-Roman, X. Sastre, M. Stern, F. Cheng, S. Signoretti, A. Berchuck, D. Bigner, E. Lipp, J. Marks, S. Mccall, R. Mclendon, A. Secord, A. Sharp, M. Behera, D.J. Brat, A. Chen, K. Delman, S. Force, F. Khuri, K. Magliocca, S. Maithel, J.J. Olson, T. Owonikoko, A. Pickens, S. Ramalingam, D.M. Shin, G. Sica, E.G. Van Meir, H. Zhang, W. Eijckenboom, A. Gillis, E. Korpershoek, L. Looijenga, W. Oosterhuis, H. Stoop, K.E. van Kessel, E.C. Zwarthoff, C. Calatozzolo, L. Cuppini, S. Cuzzubbo, F. Dimeco, G. Finocchiaro, L. Mattei, A. Perin, B. Pollo, C. Chen, J. Houck, P. Lohavanichbutr, A. Hartmann, C. Stoehr, R. Stoehr, H. Taubert, S. Wach, B. Wullich, W. Kycler, D. Murawa, M. Wiznerowicz, K. Chung, W.J. Edenfield, J. Martin, E. Baudin, G. Bubley, R. Bueno, A. De Rienzo, W.G. Richards, S. Kalkanis, T. Mikkelsen, H. Noushmehr, L. Scarpace, N. Girard, M. Aymerich, E. Campo, E. Giné, A.L. Guillermo, N. Van Bang, P.T. Hanh, B.D. Phu, Y. Tang, H. Colman, K. Evason, P.R. Dottino, J.A. Martignetti, H. Gabra, H. Juhl, T. Akeredolu, S. Stepa, D. Hoon, K. Ahn, K.J. Kang, F. Beuschlein, A. Breggia, M. Birrer, D. Bell, M. Borad, A.H. Bryce, E. Castle, V. Chandan, J. Cheville, J.A. Copland, M. Farnell, T. Flotte, N. Giama, H. Thai, M. Kendrick, J. Kocher, K. Kopp, C. Moser, D. Nagorney, D. O'Brien, B.P. O'Neill, T. Patel, G. Petersen, F. Que, M. Rivera, L. Roberts, R. Smallridge, T. Smyrk, M. Stanton, R.H. Thompson, M. Torbenson, J.D. Yang, L. Zhang, F. Brimo, J.A. Ajani, A.M.A. Gonzalez, C. Behrens, J. Bondaruk, R. Broaddus, B. Czerniak, B. Esmaeli, J. Fujimoto, J. Gershenwald, C. Guo, A.J. Lazar, C. Logothetis, F. Meric-Bernstam, C. Moran, L. Ramondetta, D. Rice, A. Sood, P. Tamboli, T. Thompson, P. Troncoso, A. Tsao, I. Wistuba, C. Carter, L. Haydu, P. Hersey, V. Jakrot, H. Kakavand, R. Kefford, K. Lee, G. Long, G. Mann, M. Quinn, R. Saw, R. Scolyer, K. Shannon, A. Spillane, O. Stretch, M. Synott, J. Thompson, J. Wilmott, H. Al-Ahmadie, T.A. Chan, R. Ghossein, A. Gopalan, D.A. Levine, V. Reuter, S. Singer, B. Singh, N.V. Tien, T. Broudy, C. Mirsaidi, P. Nair, P. Drwiega, J. Miller, J. Smith, H. Zaren, J. Park, N.P. Hung, E. Kebebew, W.M. Linehan, A.R. Metwalli, K. Pacak, P.A. Pinto, M. Schiffman, L.S. Schmidt, C.D. Vocke, N. Wentzensen, R. Worrell, H. Yang, M. Moncrieff, C. Goparaju, J. Melamed, H. Pass, N. Botnariuc, I. Caraman, M. Cernat, I. Chemencedji, A. Clipca, S. Doruc, G. Gorincioi, S. Mura, M. Pirtac, I. Stancul, D. Tcaciuc, M. Albert, I. Alexopoulou, A. Arnaout, J. Bartlett, J. Engel, S. Gilbert, J. Parfitt, H. Sekhon, G. Thomas, D.M. Rassl, R.C. Rintoul, C. Bifulco, R. Tamakawa, W. Urba, N. Hayward, H. Timmers, A. Antenucci, F. Facciolo, G. Grazi, M. Marino, R. Merola, R. de Krijger, A. Gimenez-Roqueplo, A. Piché, S. Chevalier, G. Mckercher, K. Birsoy, G. Barnett, C. Brewer, C. Farver, T. Naska, N.A. Pennell, D. Raymond, C. Schilero, K. Smolenski, F. Williams, C. Morrison, J.A. Borgia, M.J. Liptay, M. Pool, C.W. Seder, K. Junker, L. Omberg, M. Dinkin, G. Manikhas, D. Alvaro, M.C. Bragazzi, V. Cardinale, G. Carpino, E. Gaudio, D. Chesla, S. Cottingham, M. Dubina, F. Moiseenko, R. Dhanasekaran, K. Becker, K. Janssen, J. Slotta-Huspenina, M.H. Abdel-Rahman, D. Aziz, S. Bell, C.M. Cebulla, A. Davis, R. Duell, J.B. Elder, J. Hilty, B. Kumar, J. Lang, N.L. Lehman, R. Mandt, P. Nguyen, R. Pilarski, K. Rai, L. Schoenfield, K. Senecal, P. Wakely, P. Hansen, R. Lechan, J. Powers, A. Tischler, W.E. Grizzle, K.C. Sexton, A. Kastl, J. Henderson, S. Porten, J. Waldmann, M. Fassnacht, S.L. Asa, D. Schadendorf, M. Couce, M. Graefen, H. Huland, G. Sauter, T. Schlomm, R. Simon, P. Tennstedt, O. Olabode, M. Nelson, O. Bathe, P.R. Carroll, J.M. Chan, P. Disaia, P. Glenn, R.K. Kelley, C.N. Landen, J. Phillips, M. Prados, J. Simko, K. Smith-McCune, S. Vandenberg, K. Roggin, A. Fehrenbach, A. Kendler, S. Sifri, R. Steele, A. Jimeno, F. Carey, I. Forgie, M. Mannelli, M. Carney, B. Hernandez, B. Campos, C. Herold-Mende, C. Jungk, A. Unterberg, A. von Deimling, A. Bossler, J. Galbraith, L. Jacobus, M. Knudson, T. Knutson, M. Deqin, M. Milhem, R. Sigmund, A.K. Godwin, R. Madan, H.G. Rosenthal, C. Adebamowo, S.N. Adebamowo, A. Boussioutas, D. Beer, T. Giordano, A. Mes-Masson, F. Saad, T. Bocklage, L. Landrum, R. Mannel, K. Moore, K. Moxley, R. Postier, J. Walker, R. Zuna, M. Feldman, F. Valdivieso, R. Dhir, J. Luketich, E.M.M. Pinero, M. Quintero-Aguilo, C.G. Carlotti, J.S. Dos Santos, R. Kemp, A. Sankarankuty, D. Tirapelli, J. Catto, K. Agnew, E. Swisher, J. Creaney, B. Robinson, C.S. Shelley, E.M. Godwin, S. Kendall, C. Shipman, C. Bradford, T. Carey, A. Haddad, J. Moyer, L. Peterson, M. Prince, L. Rozek, G. Wolf, R. Bowman, K.M. Fong, I. Yang, R. Korst, W.K. Rathmell, J.L. Fantacone-Campbell, J.A. Hooke, A.J. Kovatich, C.D. Shriver, J. Dipersio, B. Drake, R. Govindan, S. Heath, T. Ley, B. Van Tine, P. Westervelt, M.A. Rubin, J.I. Lee, N.D. Aredes, A. Mariamidze, A.J. Lazar, J.S. Serody, E.G. Demicco, M.L. Disis, B.G. Vincent, L. Shmulevich. - In: IMMUNITY. - ISSN 1074-7613. - 48:4(2018 Apr 17), pp. 812-830.e14. [10.1016/j.immuni.2018.03.023]

The Immune Landscape of Cancer

F. Dimeco;


We performed an extensive immunogenomic anal-ysis of more than 10,000 tumors comprising 33diverse cancer types by utilizing data compiled byTCGA. Across cancer types, we identified six im-mune subtypes—wound healing, IFN-gdominant,inflammatory, lymphocyte depleted, immunologi-cally quiet, and TGF-bdominant—characterized bydifferences in macrophage or lymphocyte signa-tures, Th1:Th2 cell ratio, extent of intratumoral het-erogeneity, aneuploidy, extent of neoantigen load,overall cell proliferation, expression of immunomod-ulatory genes, and prognosis. Specific drivermutations correlated with lower (CTNNB1,NRAS,orIDH1) or higher (BRAF,TP53,orCASP8) leukocytelevels across all cancers. Multiple control modalitiesof the intracellular and extracellular networks (tran-scription, microRNAs, copy number, and epigeneticprocesses) were involved in tumor-immune cell inter-actions, both across and within immune subtypes.Our immunogenomics pipeline to characterize theseheterogeneous tumors and the resulting data areintended to serve as a resource for future targetedstudies to further advance the field.
cancer genomics; immune subtypes; immuno-oncology; immunomodulatory; immunotherapy; integrative network analysis; tumor immunology; tumor microenvironment; Immunology and Allergy; Immunology; Infectious Diseases
Settore MED/27 - Neurochirurgia
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