Included in a collection of essays exploring cross-cultural encounters, the essay offers a re-reading of the colonial notion of the exotic in British colonial travel writing. The exotic is presented not only as is conventionally understood - a negative stereotype of the Other - but, more interestingly, as a representation - both of the colonial and of the native-born - which shows some forms of cultural negotiation that inevitably take place in cross-cultural encounters. Mungo Park’s Travels into the Interior of Africa (1799, 1815), Charles Robinson’s Hausaland (1896), and Mary Kingsley’s Travels to West Africa (1897) are used as case studies to underline the relevance of an analysis of the exotic for the present. This relevance rests on a re-elaboration of the notions of "marvel" and "difference" which are constitutive of the exotic as a revised concept.
Il saggio è parte di una raccolta che esplora gli incontri culturali nella scrittura letteraria e propone una rilettura della nozione coloniale dell’"esotico" nella scrittura di viaggio di tradizione britannica. L’esotico non è concepito solamente nell’accezione negativa dello stereotipo coloniale, ma è anche analizzato come una rappresentazione, sia del colonizzatore sia del colonizzato, che rivela forme di negoziazione tra culture. Travels into the Interior of Africa di Mungo Park (1799, 1815), Hausaland di Charles Robinson (1896), e Travels to West Africa di Mary Kingsley (1897) sono i casi di studio proposti per una rilettura dell’esotico adatta alla contemporaneità. In questa luce, le nozioni di "meraviglia" e "differenza" diventano fondamentali per una revisione delle rappresentazioni che scaturiscono dagli incontri culturali.
Re-reading the exotic in British colonial travel writing / C. Gualtieri - In: Cross cultural encounters : literary perspectives / S. Albertazzi, C. Pelliconi. - Roma : Officina, 2005. - ISBN 8887570914. - pp. 172-181
Re-reading the exotic in British colonial travel writing
C. GualtieriPrimo
Included in a collection of essays exploring cross-cultural encounters, the essay offers a re-reading of the colonial notion of the exotic in British colonial travel writing. The exotic is presented not only as is conventionally understood - a negative stereotype of the Other - but, more interestingly, as a representation - both of the colonial and of the native-born - which shows some forms of cultural negotiation that inevitably take place in cross-cultural encounters. Mungo Park’s Travels into the Interior of Africa (1799, 1815), Charles Robinson’s Hausaland (1896), and Mary Kingsley’s Travels to West Africa (1897) are used as case studies to underline the relevance of an analysis of the exotic for the present. This relevance rests on a re-elaboration of the notions of "marvel" and "difference" which are constitutive of the exotic as a revised concept.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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