Dipartimento di Fisica Aldo Pontremoli
Planet-driven spirals in protoplanetary discs: Limitations of the semi-analytical theory for observations
2024 D. Fasano, A.J. Winter, M. Benisty, G. Rosotti, A. Ruzza, G. Lodato, C. Toci, T. Hilder, A. Izquierdo, D. Price
The evolution of the Md–M⋆ and Ṁ–M⋆ correlations traces protoplanetary disc dispersal
2024 A. Somigliana, L. Testi, G. Rosotti, C. Toci, G. Lodato, R. Anania, B. Tabone, M. Tazzari, R. Klessen, U. Lebreuilly, P. Hennebelle, S. Molinari
Radio multiwavelength analysis of the compact disk CX Tau: Presence of strong free-free variability or anomalous microwave emission
2023 P. Curone, L. Testi, E. Macías, M. Tazzari, S. Facchini, J.P. Williams, C.J. Clarke, A. Natta, G. Rosotti, C. Toci, G. Lodato
The Time Evolution of Md/M?? in Protoplanetary Disks as a Way to Disentangle between Viscosity and MHD Winds
2023 A. Somigliana, L. Testi, G. Rosotti, C. Toci, G. Lodato, B. Tabone, C.F. Manara, M. Tazzari
An analytical solution to measure the gas size in protoplanetary discs in the viscous self-similar scenario
2023 C. Toci, G. Lodato, F. Gerardo Livio, G.P. Rosotti, L. Trapman
Testing protoplanetary disc evolution with CO fluxes
2023 F. Zagaria, S. Facchini, A. Miotello, C.F. Manara, C. Toci, C.J. Clarke
On the time evolution of the Md-M⋆ and Ṁ-M⋆ correlations for protoplanetary discs: the viscous time-scale increases with stellar mass
2022 A. Somigliana, C. Toci, G.P. Rosotti, G. Lodato, M. Tazzari, C. F Manara, L. Testi, F. Lepri
Constraining protoplanetary disc mass using the GI wiggle
2022 J.P. Terry, C. Hall, C. Longarini, G. Lodato, C. Toci, B. Veronesi, T. Paneque-Carreno, C. Pinte
Accretion rates in hierarchical triple systems with discs
2022 S. Ceppi, N. Cuello, G. Lodato, C. Clarke, C. Toci, D. J Price
A giant planet shaping the disk around the very low-mass star CIDA 1
2022 P. Curone, A.F. Izquierdo, L. Testi, G. Lodato, S. Facchini, A. Natta, P. Pinilla, N.T. Kurtovic, C. Toci, M. Benisty, M. Tazzari, F. Borsa, M. Lombardi, C.F. Manara, E. Sanchis, L. Ricci
ALMA 870 μm continuum observations of HD 100546: Evidence of a giant planet on a wide orbit
2021 D. Fedele, C. Toci, L. Maud, G. Lodato
Circumbinary and circumstellar discs around the eccentric binary IRAS 04158+2805 - A testbed for binary-disc interaction
2021 E. Ragusa, D. Fasano, C. Toci, G. Duchene, N. Cuello, M. Villenave, G. Van Der Plas, G. Lodato, F. Menard, D.J. Price, C. Pinte, K. Stapelfeldt, S. Wolff
Dynamical dust traps in misaligned circumbinary discs: analytical theory and numerical simulations
2021 C. Longarini, G. Lodato, C. Toci, H. Aly
Investigating Protoplanetary Disk Cooling through Kinematics: Analytical GI Wiggle
2021 C. Longarini, G. Lodato, C. Toci, B. Veronesi, C. Hall, R. Dong, J. Patrick Terry
On the secular evolution of the ratio between gas and dust radii in protoplanetary discs
2021 C. Toci, G. Rosotti, G. Lodato, L. Testi, L. Trapman
Planet migration, resonant locking, and accretion streams in PDS 70: comparing models and data
2020 C. Toci, G. Lodato, V. Christiaens, D. Fedele, C. Pinte, D.J. Price, L. Testi
Long-lived Dust Rings around HD 169142
2020 C. Toci, G. Lodato, D. Fedele, L. Testi, C. Pinte
Effects of photoevaporation on protoplanetary disc ‘isochrones’
2020 A. Somigliana, C. Toci, G. Lodato, G.P. Rosotti, C.F. Manara
What causes the fragmentation of debris streams in TDEs?
2020 V. Motta, C. Toci, G. Lodato, A. Sacchi
Sub-structure formation in starless cores
2018 C. Toci, D. Galli, A. Verdini, L. Del Zanna, S. Landi