Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
Effect of Tofacitinib on One-Year Colectomy Risk in Anti-TNF Refractory Ulcerative Colitis: A Prospective Multicenter Italian Study
2024 A.M. Carvalhas Gabrielli, F. Ferretti, C.M. Monico, E. Tombetti, G. Maconi, S. Romeo, N. Piazza O Sed, F. Caprioli, A.M. Mazzola, S. Alicante, R. Bertè, E. Lolli, M.L. Scribano, E. Buscarini, C. Ricci, S. Carmagnola, S. Ardizzone, R. Cannatelli
Decrease in Hemoglobin Levels during Acute Attacks in Patients with Idiopathic Recurrent Pericarditis: A Model of Anemia in Acute Disease
2024 F. Casarin, R. Mascolo, I. Motta, M.A. Wu, E. Bizzi, A. Pedroli, G. Dieguez, G. Iacomelli, L. Serati, L. Duca, S. Maestroni, E. Tombetti, M.D. Cappellini, A. Brucato
A disease-associated gene desert directs macrophage inflammation through ETS2
2024 C.T. Stankey, C. Bourges, L.M. Haag, T. Turner-Stokes, A.P. Piedade, C. Palmer-Jones, I. Papa, M. Silva dos Santos, Q. Zhang, A.J. Cameron, A. Legrini, T. Zhang, C.S. Wood, F.N. New, L.O. Randzavola, L. Speidel, A.C. Brown, A. Hall, F. Saffioti, E.C. Parkes, W. Edwards, H. Direskeneli, P.C. Grayson, L. Jiang, P.A. Merkel, G. Saruhan-Direskeneli, A.H. Sawalha, E. Tombetti, A. Quaglia, D. Thorburn, J.C. Knight, A.P. Rochford, C.D. Murray, P. Divakar, M. Green, E. Nye, J.I. Macrae, N.B. Jamieson, P. Skoglund, M.Z. Cader, C. Wallace, D.C. Thomas, J.C. Lee
Histone-Specific CD4+ T Cell Plasticity in Active and Quiescent Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
2024 G.A. Ramirez, E. Tassi, M. Noviello, B.A. Mazzi, L. Moroni, L. Citterio, L. Zagato, E. Tombetti, M. Doglio, E.M. Baldissera, E.P. Bozzolo, C. Bonini, L. Dagna, A.A. Manfredi
Relapsing pericarditis : Peripheral blood neutrophilia, lymphopenia and high neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio herald acute attacks, high-grade inflammation, multiserosal involvement, and predict multiple recurrences
2023 E. Tombetti, F. Casarin, E. Bizzi, S. Bezer, R. Mascolo, G. Pallini, C. Gabiati, A. Bonaventura, L. Trotta, M. Pancrazi, S. Maestroni, A. Brucato
Acute pericarditis with pleuropulmonary involvement, fever and elevated C-reactive protein: A systemic autoinflammatory disease? A cohort study
2023 A.M. Pisacreta, R. Mascolo, M. Nivuori, C.C. Dominioni, C. Gabiati, L. Trotta, M. Pancrazi, G.D. Marco, C. Carollo, A. Pedroli, F. Casarin, E. Tombetti, E. Bizzi, M. Imazio, A. Brucato
Identification of new risk loci shared across systemic vasculitides points towards potential target genes for drug repurposing
2023 L. Ortiz-Fernandez, E.G. Carmona, M. Kerick, P. Lyons, F.D. Carmona, R.L. Mejias, C.C. Khor, P.C. Grayson, E. Tombetti, L. Jiang, H. Direskeneli, G. Saruhan-Direskeneli, J.-. Callejas-Rubio, A. Vaglio, C. Salvarani, J. Hernandez-Rodriguez, M.C. Cid, A.W. Morgan, P.A. Merkel, D. Burgner, K.G.C. Smith, M.A. Gonzalez-Gay, A.H. Sawalha, J. Martin, A. Marquez
The Impact of Integrated Noninvasive Imaging in the Management of Takayasu Arteritis
2021 C.P. Uy, J.M. Tarkin, D. Gopalan, T.D. Barwick, E. Tombetti, T. Youngstein, J.C. Mason
Identification of susceptibility loci for Takayasu arteritis through a large multi-ancestral genome-wide association study
2021 L. Ortiz-Fernández, G. Saruhan-Direskeneli, F. Alibaz-Oner, S. Kaymaz-Tahra, P. Coit, X. Kong, A.P. Kiprianos, R.T. Maughan, S.Z. Aydin, K. Aksu, G. Keser, S. Kamali, M. Inanc, J. Springer, S. Akar, F. Onen, N. Akkoc, N.A. Khalidi, C. Koening, O. Karadag, S. Kiraz, L. Forbess, C.A. Langford, C.A. Mcalear, Z. Ozbalkan, S. Yavuz, G.Y. Çetin, N. Alpay-Kanitez, S. Chung, A. Ates, Y. Karaaslan, K. McKinnon-Maksimowicz, P.A. Monach, H.T.E. Ozer, E. Seyahi, I. Fresko, A. Cefle, P. Seo, K.J. Warrington, M.A. Ozturk, S.R. Ytterberg, V. Cobankara, A.M. Onat, N. Duzgun, M. Bıcakcıgil, S.P. Yentür, L. Lally, A.A. Manfredi, E. Baldissera, E. Erken, A. Yazici, B. Kısacık, T. Kaşifoğlu, E. Dalkilic, D. Cuthbertson, C. Pagnoux, A. Sreih, G. Reales, C. Wallace, J.D. Wren, D.S. Cunninghame-Graham, T.J. Vyse, Y. Sun, H. Chen, P.C. Grayson, E. Tombetti, L. Jiang, J.C. Mason, P.A. Merkel, H. Direskeneli, A.H. Sawalha
Management of acute and recurrent pericarditis in pregnancy
2021 L. Serati, C. Carnovale, S. Maestroni, M. Brenna, A. Smeriglia, A. Massafra, E. Bizzi, C. Picchi, E. Tombetti, A. Brucato
UV-C irradiation is highly effective in inactivating SARS-CoV-2 replication
2021 M. Biasin, A. Bianco, G. Pareschi, A. Cavalleri, C. Cavatorta, C. Fenizia, P. Galli, L. Lessio, M. Lualdi, E. Tombetti, A. Ambrosi, E.M.A. Redaelli, I. Saulle, D. Trabattoni, A. Zanutta, M. Clerici
What is the normal composition of pericardial fluid?
2021 S. Buoro, E. Tombetti, F. Ceriotti, C. Simon, D. Cugola, M. Seghezzi, F. Innocente, S. Maestroni, M. Del Carmen Baigorria Vaca, V. Moioli, G. Previtali, B. Manenti, Y. Adler, M. Imazio, A. Brucato
Inflammasome Targeted Therapy in Pregnancy: New Insights From an Analysis of Real-World Data From the FAERS Database and a Systematic Review
2021 C. Carnovale, E. Tombetti, V. Battini, F. Mazhar, S. Radice, M. Nivuori, E. Negro, S. Tamanini, A. Brucato
Three-month mortality in permanently bedridden medical non-oncologic patients. The BECLAP study (permanently BEdridden, creatinine CLearance, albumin, previous hospital admissions study)
2020 A. Brucato, A. Ferrari, M. Tiraboschi, A. Zucchi, C. Cogliati, D. Torzillo, F. Dentali, L. Tavecchia, V. Gessi, A. Squizzato, S. Moretti, E.T. Permunian, A. Carobbio, L. Pasina, F. De Stefano, E. Tombetti, D. Cumetti, G. Tognoni, T. Barbui
A New ERAP2/Iso3 Isoform Expression Is Triggered by Different Microbial Stimuli in Human Cells. Could It Play a Role in the Modulation of SARS-CoV-2 Infection?
2020 I. Saulle, C. Vanetti, S. Goglia, C. Vicentini, E. Tombetti, M. Garziano, M.S. Clerici, M. Biasin
Biologic therapy in supra-aortic Takayasu arteritis can improve symptoms of cerebral ischaemia without surgical intervention
2020 A. Porter, T. Youngstein, E. Tombetti, J.C. Mason
Novel Pharmacotherapies for Recurrent Pericarditis : Current Options in 2020
2020 E. Tombetti, A. Mule, S. Tamanini, L. Matteucci, E. Negro, A. Brucato, C. Carnovale
Lysyl-oxidase in systemic sclerosis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension: a future still to be written
2019 E. Tombetti, A.M. Marra
Management of idiopathic recurrent pericarditis during pregnancy
2019 A. Brucato, N. Pluymaekers, E. Tombetti, S. Rampello, S. Maestroni, M. Lucianetti, A. Valenti, Y. Adler, M. Imazio
Macrophages Guard Endothelial Lineage by Hindering Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition : Implications for the Pathogenesis of Systemic Sclerosis
2019 P.A. Nicolosi, E. Tombetti, A. Giovenzana, E. Donè, E. Pulcinelli, R. Meneveri, M. Tirone, N. Maugeri, P. Rovere-Querini, A.A. Manfredi, S. Brunelli