Dipartimento di Chimica
Elemental analysis of black crusts using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for the determination of pollutant sources
2024 A. Bergomi, V. Comite, C. Della Pina, P.M. Carmona-Quiroga, L. Maestro-Guijarro, M. Oujja, A. Crespo, C.A. Lombardi, M. Borelli, M. Castillejo, P. Fermo
Experimental study on the catalytic action of heavy metals in the sulphation process and formation of black crusts by accelerated ageing tests
2024 V. Comite, A. Bergomi, M. Formenti, C.A. Lombardi, M. Borelli, D. Morale, S. Ugolini, P. Fermo, C. Cavaterra, C. Castellano, C. DELLA PINA
Characterization of Soluble Salts on the Frescoes by Saturnino Gatti in the Church of San Panfilo in Villagrande di Tornimparte (L’Aquila)
2023 V. Comite, A. Bergomi, C.A. Lombardi, M. Borelli, P. Fermo
Non-invasive diagnostic techniques for studying the Coronation of the Virgin altarpiece by Michele di Matteo
2023 C.A. Lombardi, V. Comite, A. Bergomi, M. Borelli, G. Carabelli, V. Verzoni, M. Colella, P. Fermo
Multi-Analytical Investigation on a Renaissance Polychrome Earthenware Attributed to Giovanni Antonio Amadeo
2023 V. Guglielmi, C.A. Lombardi, G. Fiocco, V. Comite, A. Bergomi, M. Borelli, M. Azzarone, M. Malagodi, M. Colella, P. Fermo
Protecting Art and People: Environmental Monitoring of Beata Vergine dei Miracoli Sanctuary for Health and Heritage Conservation
2023 A. Spagnuolo, A. Bergomi, C. Vetromile, A. Masiello, N. Mantile, M. Borelli, C.A. Lombardi, V. Comite, P. Fermo, C. Lubritto
Development of a New Analytical Method for the Characterization and Quantification of the Organic and Inorganic Carbonaceous Fractions in Snow Samples Using TOC and TOT Analysis
2023 M. Borelli, A. Bergomi, V. Comite, V. Guglielmi, C.A. Lombardi, S. Gilardoni, B. Di Mauro, M. Lasagni, P. Fermo
Cultural heritage safeguard through multi-parameter air quality monitoring
2023 M. Borelli, A. Bergomi, V. Comite, V. Guglielmi, C.A. Lombardi, M.G. Perrone, P. Fermo
Preliminary results obtained by multi-spectral imaging (MSI) on a sheet with dedication and drawing by Giorgio de Chirico
2023 P. Fermo, P. Baldacci, D. Manzini, V. Comite, C.A. Lombardi, A. Bergomi, M. Borelli, V. Guglielmi
Valutazione preliminare dell’efficacia di un biofiltro botanico nell’abbattimento di particolato atmosferico (PM) e composti organici volatili (COV)
2023 A. Bergomi, M. Borelli, V. Comite, C.A. Lombardi, L. Sassi, A. Marini, L. Tassi, P. Fermo
Set-up of a protocol for the assessment of indoor air quality towards the protection of works of art.
2023 V. Guglielmi, A. Bergomi, C.A. Lombardi, V. Comite, M. Borelli, P. Fermo
The synergy of indoor air quality assessment and artwork materials characterisation: The santuario della Beata Vergine in Saronno as a case study
2023 V. Guglielmi, A. Bergomi, C.A. Lombardi, V. Comite, M. Borelli, M. Ricciardi, A. Proto, P. Fermo
Indoor and outdoor comparison of particulate matter monitoring systems aimed at the safeguard of cultural heritage
2023 A. Bergomi, M. Borelli, D. Sofia, V. Comite, A. Proto, P. Fermo
2023 V. Guglielmi, P. Piacentini, A. D’Amato, C.A. Lombardi, V. Comite, A. Bergomi, M. Borelli, A. Tomaino, P. Fermo
Study of the catalytic action of heavy metals to understand the phenomenon of sulphation and the formation of black crusts
2023 V. Comite, A. Bergomi, P. Fermo, C. Castellano, M. Borelli, C.A. Lombardi, M. Formenti, C. C Cavaterra, C. Della Pina
Living Sensors based on Sansevieria Cylindrica for Microclimate Monitoring in the Santuario della Beata Vergine dei Miracoli
2023 C.A. Lombardi, M. Borelli, A. Bergomi, P. Fermo, V. Comite, A. Maria Gueli, C. Trigona
In situ micro- and non-invasive analyses for the study of cartonnages from the necropolis of Aswan (Egypt)
2023 C.A. Lombardi, V. Comite, V. Guglielmi, A. D’Amato, M. Borelli, A. Bergomi, P. Piacentini, A. Tomaino, P. Fermo
Preliminary tests to evaluate the performance of a botanical biofilter in removing indoor air pollutants
2023 A. Bergomi, M. Borelli, V. Comite, C.A. Lombardi, L. Sassi, A. Marini, M. Iriti, L. Tassi, A. Battaglia, P. Fermo
Characterization of black crusts from the Monumental Cemetery (Milan) using a combined LIBS and Raman approach
2023 A. Bergomi, V. Comite, C. Della Pina, P.M. Carmona-Quiroga, L. Maestro-Guijarro, M. Oujja, A. Crespo, C.A. Lombardi, M. Borelli, M. Castillejo, P. Fermo
Preliminary air quality and microclimatic conditions study in the Santuario della Beata Vergine dei Miracoli in Saronno (VA)
2023 A. Bergomi, V. Comite, V. Guglielmi, M. Borelli, C.A. Lombardi, R. Bonomi, C. Pironti, M. Ricciardi, A. Proto, C. Mariani, P. Fermo