Characterization of cosmetic pigments found in shells from Iron Age graves (SE Arabia)
2024 C.A. Lombardi, V. Comite, L. Trombino, M. degli Esposti, A. Zerboni, P. Fermo
Elemental analysis of black crusts using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for the determination of pollutant sources
2024 A. Bergomi, V. Comite, C. Della Pina, P.M. Carmona-Quiroga, L. Maestro-Guijarro, M. Oujja, A. Crespo, C.A. Lombardi, M. Borelli, M. Castillejo, P. Fermo
Experimental study on the catalytic action of heavy metals in the sulphation process and formation of black crusts by accelerated ageing tests
2024 V. Comite, A. Bergomi, M. Formenti, C.A. Lombardi, M. Borelli, D. Morale, S. Ugolini, P. Fermo, C. Cavaterra, C. Castellano, C. DELLA PINA
Disclosing Colors and Pigments on Archaeological Objects from the Aga Khan Necropolis (West Aswan Egypt) through On-Site Analytical Methods: Preliminary Results
2024 P. Fermo, C.A. Lombardi, A. D'Amato, V. Guglielmi, B. Giudici, A. Tomaino, M. Pozzi, V. Comite, A. Bergomi, L. Guardiano, P. Piacentini
2023 V. Guglielmi, P. Piacentini, A. D’Amato, C.A. Lombardi, V. Comite, A. Bergomi, M. Borelli, A. Tomaino, P. Fermo
The Identification of Pigments through Non-Invasive Spectroscopic Analyses: the Bernardino Luini Frescoes of Santuario della Beata Vergine dei Miracoli in Saronno (Italy) as a Case Study
2023 V. Guglielmi, V. Comite, G. Fiocco, M. Albano, C. Merlo, T. Rovetta, C. Lee, F. Volpi, A. Bergomi, C.A. Pini, C.A. Lombardi, C. Mariani, M. Malagodi, P. Fermo
Valutazione preliminare dell’efficacia di un biofiltro botanico nell’abbattimento di particolato atmosferico (PM) e composti organici volatili (COV)
2023 A. Bergomi, M. Borelli, V. Comite, C.A. Lombardi, L. Sassi, A. Marini, L. Tassi, P. Fermo
The synergy of indoor air quality assessment and artwork materials characterisation: The santuario della Beata Vergine in Saronno as a case study
2023 V. Guglielmi, A. Bergomi, C.A. Lombardi, V. Comite, M. Borelli, M. Ricciardi, A. Proto, P. Fermo
Experiments in accelerated ageing chambers to understand the sulphation process
2023 V. Comite, A. Bergomi, P. Fermo, C. Castellano, M. Borelli, C.A. Lombardi, M. Formenti, C. Cavaterra, C. Della Pina
Set-up of a protocol for the assessment of indoor air quality towards the protection of works of art.
2023 V. Guglielmi, A. Bergomi, C.A. Lombardi, V. Comite, M. Borelli, P. Fermo
The characterisation of the materials from a Madonna with Child, Saint Catherine of Siena and a Carthusian Prior polychrome earthenware bas-relief attributed to Giovanni Antonio Amadeo: a multi-analytical approach
2023 V. Guglielmi, C.A. Lombardi, G. Fiocco, V. Comite, L. Santagostini, A. Bergomi, M. Borelli, M.A. Marco Malagodi, M. Colella, P. Fermo
Preliminary tests to evaluate the performance of a botanical biofilter in removing indoor air pollutants
2023 A. Bergomi, M. Borelli, V. Comite, C.A. Lombardi, L. Sassi, A. Marini, M. Iriti, L. Tassi, A. Battaglia, P. Fermo
Characterization of black crusts from the Monumental Cemetery (Milan) using a combined LIBS and Raman approach
2023 A. Bergomi, V. Comite, C. Della Pina, P.M. Carmona-Quiroga, L. Maestro-Guijarro, M. Oujja, A. Crespo, C.A. Lombardi, M. Borelli, M. Castillejo, P. Fermo
Stratigraphy of metals in heritage pollution crusts by LIBS
2023 V. Comite, C. Della Pina, P.M. Carmona-Quiroga, L. Maestro-Guijarro, M. Oujja, A. Crespo, A. Bergomi, C.A. Lombardi, M. Borelli, M. Castillejo, P. Fermo
Preliminary air quality and microclimatic conditions study in the Santuario della Beata Vergine dei Miracoli in Saronno (VA)
2023 A. Bergomi, V. Comite, V. Guglielmi, M. Borelli, C.A. Lombardi, R. Bonomi, C. Pironti, M. Ricciardi, A. Proto, C. Mariani, P. Fermo
Isotopic analysis of black crust samples from the Monza Cathedral (Italy): a preliminary study
2023 M. Ricciardi, V. Comite, A. Bergomi, C.A. Lombardi, P. Fermo, A. Faggiano, A. Fiorentino, C. Pironti, L. Bontempo, F. Camin, O. Motta, A. Proto
Multi-Analytical Investigation on a Renaissance Polychrome Earthenware Attributed to Giovanni Antonio Amadeo
2023 V. Guglielmi, C.A. Lombardi, G. Fiocco, V. Comite, A. Bergomi, M. Borelli, M. Azzarone, M. Malagodi, M. Colella, P. Fermo
Preliminary analyses on the characterisation of pigments from cosmetic shells from SE Arabia
2023 C.A. Lombardi, V. Comite, M. Degli Esposti, A. Zerboni, P. Fermo
Living Sensors based on Sansevieria Cylindrica for Microclimate Monitoring in the Santuario della Beata Vergine dei Miracoli
2023 C.A. Lombardi, M. Borelli, A. Bergomi, P. Fermo, V. Comite, A. Maria Gueli, C. Trigona
Preliminary results on archaeological materials from Miaswan Project (Mummies Investigations Anthropological and Scientific West Aswan Necropolis)
2023 C.A. Lombardi, V. Comite, V. Guglielmi, A. D’Amato, A. Tomaino, P. Piacentini, P. Fermo